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OT: Some big news about me


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I wasnt sure which forum to put this in, so mods please move it if need be:

So, as of about 3 weeks ago, I was planning on joining the Navy. Well, that has changed. Basically, to make a long story short, the Navy kinda dropped the ball. That is all I will say, as I dont want to tick anyone off :sad:

As a result, I went and talked with the Army, and after going through the full MEPS (medical screening) process, as of about a week ago, I am sworn into the United States Army, pending completion of Basic Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Technically, I am in the Delayed Entry Program, or as the call it, DEP. My MOS will be 15U CH-47 Chinook Helicopter Repairer. So the old CH-47 will be my bird for the next 3 years and 30 weeks minimum. I will know the thing inside and out. Not sure if I will work towards becoming a WO and fly eventually, we will see how things go. But for now, I am fine with working on helos.

I will back to the MEPS office in Raleigh to do my final medical processing, sometime in January, I will ship off to the first portion of BCT, called the Reception phase. There I get issued all of my military gear, including all uniforms, ruck sacks, etc. I will get all my shots, do some more paperwork, and do LOTS and LOTS of just sitting around. That is the first week.

After Reception, I then move on to the real 9 weeks of BCT. Not sure exactly what will happen here, other than the obvious. I have heard some stories, but I think I will let it play out as it will. It is Basic Training. Plain and simple. It is NOT going to be easy. It will not be a lot of fun. BUT it will have fun components, and will be a rich learning environment. I am excited to get going on this road.

After BCT is over and I have graduated, I then head to my AIT school. I will be there for about 4 months, learning everything there is to know about the Chinook and its systems. At some point early in AIT I will find out where I get stationed when I am done.

Once I graduate from AIT, I move on to my station. From there, who knows.

I am very excited for this opportunity, especially for it to come up so quickly. Two and a half weeks ago I first talked with the Army recruiter. Now I am in the Army DEP, waiting about 2 weeks for Basic. This is a huge change for me and my family, but at 22, I am ready to get moving in life, and the military was the best choice for me.

Any input is welcome.

Also, unless not already obvious, I will not be on here for quite a while. When I am in AIT, I will give updates on how things are going, most likely in this thread. But once I am at my station, I will be back on here regularly.

It sucks, cause I will miss almost the whole last half of the regular season while I am at BCT. I may have my wife write me and update me on how we are doing. Lets hope they go on a huge run (again), make it to the postseason, and actually WIN this time around.

So yeah that is that......

oh and for any of you wanting to see what the Chinook is, check out this SWEET video of it doing a flight demo


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Where are you going for bct and ait??

I'm in the Army DEP also!!! It'll be awsome serving. Minus a few minor details. Like, missing the Final 5 & Frozen 4 :sad: I leave on the the 20th to ft. jackson than onto ait at ft. sill. My MOS is 13 foxtrot: Fire Support Specialist aka Artillery Observer.

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Good luck to you in your Military career. The Army taught me a lot of life lessons. Also a plus being a veteran helps when you go to apply for a federal job. I will never forget watching the Chinooks flown by the First Cav flew into our EPW camp during desert storm and they started unloading Iraqi EPWs those things could really kick up the dust as they landed. Incidentally my brigade in desert storm 800th MP BDE that my unit was attached was the Brigade that got in trouble at abu grab.

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Where are you going for bct and ait??

I'm in the Army DEP also!!! It'll be awsome serving. Minus a few minor details. Like, missing the Final 5 & Frozen 4 :sad: I leave on the the 20th to ft. jackson than onto ait at ft. sill. My MOS is 13 foxtrot: Fire Support Specialist aka Artillery Observer.

Good luck to you too.

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Most hoo-ah! :lol: I spent nearly six years in "the Machine" before I attended UND and it was the best thing I could have done, even though I had dual MOSs as an 11B, and a 31V. I learned how to use a variety of weapons and commo systems, jumped out of planes, deployed to "interesting" places, and spent a good chunk of time in Europe drinking and carousing. Good luck to you learning to keep those "Sh**hooks" flying, and let us know how it goes. :huh:

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Most hoo-ah! :lol: I spent nearly six years in "the Machine" before I attended UND and it was the best thing I could have done, even though I had dual MOSs as an 11B, and a 31V. I learned how to use a variety of weapons and commo systems, jumped out of planes, deployed to "interesting" places, and spent a good chunk of time in Europe drinking and carousing. Good luck to you learning to keep those "Sh**hooks" flying, and let us know how it goes. :huh:

31V is communications specialist right? Yikes I have a personal rule of never jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well ya'll, I am leaving tomorrow to start everything for Basic. I am excited, scared, apprehensive, excited......excited lol. I am looking forward to checking back at the end of march and seeing the Sioux right in the mix, ready for the final 5, and pushing for the frozen 4 lol. Take it easy you guys.

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Well ya'll, I am leaving tomorrow to start everything for Basic. I am excited, scared, apprehensive, excited......excited lol. I am looking forward to checking back at the end of march and seeing the Sioux right in the mix, ready for the final 5, and pushing for the frozen 4 lol. Take it easy you guys.

You take care of yourself. See you back on here soon.

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