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Everything posted by teck14

  1. That is the ugliest POS logo I've ever seen! How embarrassing for UND......
  2. How nervous do we look??? Time to nut up and lets go.....
  4. Is there any question? Beer & Sioux hockey. Done & done.
  5. Sitting here at desk, work productivity at -3242%. Needs to get to 1pm in a hurry, so I can crack open an ice cold beer and watch the Sioux roll.......
  6. Freakin' pumped! Head may explode. Go Sioux! Yo Cam and D, can we get a clean sheet this afternoon?!
  7. teck14


    How's that Gemini Dazzle run? Is it a smaller XL or a bigger XL?
  8. Hak should have heat on him and rightfully so. Something is obviously lacking in his coaching style and tactics when it comes to single elimination hockey. I do enjoy being in the Frozen Four almost every year, but to be there 7 times and not end up with any hardware is EXTREMELY disappointing. What makes it worse is the talent this program cycles through every year. I hate to blame anyone for last night or for last year's semi-final loss, but what is up with McIntyre and giving up these soft ass goals?? Am I the only one who thought he didn't live up to the hype last night? Listen, I know the D in front of you plays a role in it, but last year's soft goal and a couple this year really raised my eyebrows about him. I know a couple of guys who thought he was in the Belfour/Geohring group, but listen those guys have Natty's. On a positive note.....Luke Johnson, Nicky Schmaltz and Troy Stetcher looked like BEASTS last night!
  9. Holy eff! Gameday finally! Head is about to explode, Hurry up 4pm need to get off work and drink copious amounts of beer.....and watch the SIOUX!
  10. Kansas City anyone? anyone? Beuller? Beuller?
  11. Please god no to the Roughriders
  12. WHY CANT THEY BE LARGES?! Guess I better go run a few miles.....
  13. teck14


    Gonna have to agree with fetch on this one. By rolling over you let the NCAA bully over a small school with a ton of tradition that's all tied into the Sioux nickname. In regards to the banner, put the Sioux Logo on every single one of those things...can't wait to hear the NCAA cry over that one...
  14. Kansas City, MO. Minsky's south plaza 51st & Main
  15. Fighting Sioux over BC in the title game (sweet revenge) Hopefully !@#!$ Minnesota can limp out of their regional, so we can kick their ass too on the way to #8 Oh and hoping SCSU can win their first game, so we can curb stomp them too....
  16. Anyone watching in the Kansas City area?
  17. S-T-U-P-I-D The name has too many syllables The color in the name is again redundant. Just look at the logo/jersey and you can tell we are green The name needs to have a "coolness" factor and I'm sorry, but just hearing "Let's go Meadowlarks" makes me want to go find a bully and get beat up.
  18. Regulator, someone who regulates reg·u·late (rĕg′yə-lāt′) tr.v. reg·u·lat·ed, reg·u·lat·ing, reg·u·lates 1. To control or direct according to rule, principle, or law. 2. To adjust to a particular specification or requirement: regulate temperature. 3. To adjust (a mechanism) for accurate and proper functioning. 4. To put or maintain in order: regulate one's eating habits. or you can use the Urban Dictionary definition of a "Regulator" 1) Any individuals who take care of problematic people through violence. They hit hard and fast either out in the open or covertly. 2) Can also be used as a verb to describe carrying out the action of a regulator.
  19. Listen I'm one for just going by North Dakota and not changing the nickname, but if we have to change the nickname, I'm just gonna throw this out there and see how bad this is gonna get butchered. Roughriders, not a fan Nodak, meh But how bout the University of North Dakota Regulators The name is unique, no other NCAA team has that for a nickname. Although it has nothing to do with North Dakota, I think its still better than Roughriders or Nodaks.
  20. teck14


    I've got a black replica reebok premier XL sioux jersey with the Ralph tags still attached. It's too big for me and I need to size down. Looking to trade for a large if anyone is out there who needs to size up. PM if you're interested.
  21. True that...don't tell the NCAA though. They might find that hostile and go after the high school. NCAA over stepping their power....never heard of that before.....
  22. How bout the University of North Dakota Fighting NCAA SUCKS. And our logo can be a giant NCAA logo with a red cross through it. Can throw the interlocking ND on the jersey for good measure.
  23. teck14


    Anyone have a large gemini sioux jersey they wanna get rid of?
  24. I've got a good one.....how bout...... FIGHTING SIOUX! This has got to be the dumbest debate ever.....NCAA sucks....these committees suck....
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