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Posts posted by gundy1124


    As I sit here drinking my coffee and reading the blog, I am truly astonished at what I am reading.

    Unless the Cornerback Teacher is a 59 year male named Andre Blast was fortunate enough to retire and relocate to Minnesota from Alexandria Virginia a little over 3 year ago because his wife was transferred, we are not the same person!  I became a UND fan because of my neighbors. One attended North Dakota State and the other the University of North Dakota.  I picked UND because they were the underdogs and I like pulling for the underdog.   


    I find it really unfortunate that because I agree with someone that we have to be one in the same person or “have an axe to grind because of a special relationship with a kid that's not seen much playing time”. I agree with AFMSGT that there seems to emotion here but it’s not from me at least with regards to who plays or not. I don’t think that there are any standouts on team with the exception of the Kicker (who seems to nail it every time).


     I have read this board for a while without bothering to sign up or chime in but the one time I do, it appears to be an issue (guess because I didn’t chime in prior my post are not creditable). I have read you guys go back and forth about which QB should play or which WR should get time, who should be in what position and how bad the secondary looked in the Idaho game but I guess because I’m new posting here, there has to be a motive behind my opinion REPREHENSIBLE!  I’m wondering at this point is there an ax to grind on that end? While I’m on my rant I think that if Reyes isn’t back, Flowers should get a chance as it appears that the Safety’s didn’t do too well in last game according to the statements posted. Having said that, don’t worry about me saying anything else since a difference of opinion is not excepted unless you’re a long time blogger.  Hope the rest of season pans out. I will still be watching the bad feed of the game and I’ll still root for you SILENTLY!



    I would have liked to see Flowers in, too.  Swede was a step slow with some bad angles, Johnson is more of a run support Safety, also had some terrible angles to the ball, and what I hear about Flowers is he has good ball skills.

    To chime in about C. Carter, he is really a thick and strong kid, great effort all the time.  I think the concern is his speed could be a liability with 1 on 1 matchups.  Seems like maybe at outside backer or safety could be an option.......or maybe a nickel/dime package but with teams not huddling they force you to stay in your base package.

    Thanks for following UND football.




  2. Its time to turn the page, no matter how hard it is

    Will Cole and Clive be back this week?  Will Keaton be good to go?

    Weber went into Wa-Griz and won, they will be a confident bunch.  Need to get this one before the schedule ramps up. 

    Early report -

    Cole and Clive - good chance, yes

    Studsy - No, Let the Bartles vs. Molberg analysis begin for the week!!

  3. I would like to see a yard after catch stat.  I didn't have the biggest problem with playing off as I figured they would have a hard time driving the length of the field but they would throw a 5 yard out and we would miss the tackle and give up another ten yards. 

    Yes, you could see a gap in athleticism with ISU WRs getting open, then getting yards after catch.  Harris lost confidence as the game went on, to the trained eye.

  4. I agree that with the lead we had and being at home that we should have been able to grind that game out with our running game regardless of who was at QB. 


    I also agree greed about the qb. Playing our version of the prevent all game didn't work out clearly. They obviously couldn't run on us, no one can, but it never works to sit back and "cover". It's too easy for a qb to sit back and not worry about a rush.

    I will try to explain the softness and strategy.  ISU often runs a run blocking scheme up front, but their o-line will stay within 3 yards of the line of scrimmage.  The receivers run their routes for a pass play in combination with the modified run blocking and therefore, every play the QB can give it to the RB or can pass.  We decided to stop the run and play coverage, and this was effective for over half the game and was probably unexpected for ISU.  Our inside backers seemed sucked in a lot when they threw the ball, in no man's land.  I feel ISU adjusted, or threw to their stud WR whenever they needed something and UND failed to counter adjust.  With ISU leading the nation in turnovers........we thought they would make enough mistakes making them grind out drives.  

    Also, it was obvious in a game like this our skill players have a ways to go......  If we had a shut down corner like Portland St., we win the game, no doubt.  

  5. With ISU's hurry up offense, with stops comes more offensive possessions for UND, which we convert to points.  I think Anderson starts while Reyes and Clive are out, but not for long, watch out Weber.  We score 42, they score 20. 

  6. I think more night games (except when the hockey team is town) would be helpful.  It might not help with the students, who may not want to "waste" a Saturday night on a football game, but it would certainly help with adults.  Lots of adults have kid activities, and other responsibilities, on Saturdays. It may not always be practical to start tailgating at 10:00 a.m. and not get home until 5:00.   I could not get away with that 5 or 6 times a fall.

    But it appears UND likes the 1:00 start.  Maybe UND perceives it as an advantage in the Big Sky where opponents are in the mountain and pacific time zones.  

    Right on!  Soccer in the morning, followed by hockey, barely caught the stream of Portland St game.  

  7. Time for a statement. There has been nothing but close wins thus far, and although a win is a win, a big homecoming win by 14 to 21 points would be great. Idaho State is 1-4 and has lost handily on the road to teams like UNLV and Cal Poly. Heck, even Portland State - who UND just defeated - went into Pocatello and beat up on Idaho State and won by 20 points. 

    This is a must win. UND must do that, but if they get the chance, they also need to make a statement and win convincingly. Run the ball for 300+ yards on these guys, control the time of possession, and come away with touchdowns, not field goals. Defense needs to just hang in there; make the offense nickel and dime it - they will eventually make a mistake. That mindset requires solid safety play though......

    I say it's a must win, too.  We can't lose to a team that got smoked 80-8 to UNLV, and UNLV could of scored 100.  If we finish drives with touchdowns we'll be OK.  If we are kicking FG's, then it's a toss-up.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I'm not saying it has to be one of those but can we find something and stick with it?  I compare football to hockey (I generally try not to), I won't miss a Friday night hockey entrance.  I get goosebumps everytime.  After game one for football the last few seasons, I make zero effort to get to my seats prior to kickoff.  Its boring.  And judging by the lines we'll see trying to get up the escalators on Saturday at 1:02, most fans feel the same way.  

    We are missing a 'coolness' factor for football that hockey has, no doubt. (and it's probably not even cool to say 'coolness')  I don't have a good answer except everyone likes a winner and a program they can be proud of.

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  9. Anyone surprised Olivera isnt getting more carries?  He has shown some pretty good strength on oçcasion.  I like Smith's speed, but wonder how well a 17 year old kid is going to hold up.  Really wish he would have red shirted this year.  If he is out with injuries after just three games, is a medical red shirt an option?


    I am a little surprised, Olivera looks good with the ball.  Arrington and Smith, not so much.  If everyone is healthy I would scratch Arrington for the year and try Smith at Wide out.  With Olivera getting some carries why not have Santiago available for a jet sweep or two.  We seem to like Norberg in for pass protection but makes me wonder when the Portland St announcers are calling out our pass plays when he is in.  

    • Upvote 1
  10. It is a fact that certain posters on this forum defend certain players from certain towns all the time, whether it is warranted or not.

    I am not going to judge.  Everyone wants what is best for the program, and visions differ.  We are 4-1, so let's rally the troops and make some noise Saturday.  Hopefully a lot of guys from the '95 team make an appearance for their 20 year honor.

    • Upvote 4
  11. Just stating facts. Facts that a lot of people on here don't seem to have the guts to state.

    we are 4-1, that is a fact.  All the other stuff was your opinion.  FYI

    • Upvote 2
  12. Reyes is out a couple weeks???

    Just guessing Reyes sprained something, hopefully nothing more.  Just guessing Taj blew something, ACL likely, the way he was carried off.  We are experts, right??  So I don't know for sure, just speculating a little, awaiting word and hoping for the best.

  13. Thanks for allowing me to join the forum.


    some secondary expertise......?  Welcome.  With Reyes out a few weeks, what's the plan?  We are all experts here, ha ha.

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  14. Heck, this team could use a bye week now. Yesterday really beat up this team. Looks like RB Iwarri Smith, LG Brandon Anderson, LB Taj Rich, LB Dayo Idowu, and S Cole Reyes all got banged up. With Idaho State and their pass happy offense coming to town, the availability of Reyes is likely the most critical. Unfortunately, though, all five of those players are key contributors. 

    Let's hope for a positive week of healing! 

    It has been quiet with Reyes, haven't heard anything.  I think Taj is done the way he was carried off.  Fingers are crossed........

  15. While I don't believe Studsrud is the best quarterback on the team, I think he has done well with limited skills. Meaning I don't think he is the best passer, and it isn't even close, but he has definitely contributed nicely to the run game.

    I do expect him to improve his passing game throughout the year. If he can't progress over the next few games, I have bigger concerns. We need to remember, he is young, and didn't have much experience from last year. He is very much a game manager type quarterback, and will probably never dominate the game, but his role is still important and he needs to step up when needed. He did have a few passes today, where I thought, "If he could only do that consistently!". That being said, even a competent passing game (just a mild threat) would open up our offense (and our run game) so much. 

    Regardless, we are 4-1 and coming home to Idaho St. Now I don't care who we are playing, we need to keep our foot on the gas and take care of business. Playoffs are a legitimate conversation right now, but only if we keep playing UND football. Great time, and fun to watch. Go Sioux!

    Game managers don't rush for over 100 yards.  I agree Studsrud needs to be more consistent with his throws, and needs to deliver balls that receivers can catch in stride.  He seems to throw better rolling out than sitting in the pocket.


    Should have been a 14-17 point victory.  UND definitely seemed to be the better team by a long shot.

    For sure!!  If other measurements counted, in addition to the score, this game wasn't that close.

  17. Honest question:   Do we win this game with a different QB? I don't think we do.

    Other than the interception I would say Studsrud did very well.

    interesting question.  We have made the decision to go with Studsrud because we need his athleticism as a main offensive weapon.  We are willing to live with some poor throws and in this game, a really bad decision.   We simply don't have the athletes at WR and RBs or the pass protection go with a Molberg or Bartles, guys with big, accurate arms, but are not a running threat.  In the short passing game a QB should complete 65-70% of throws.....but Studsy sure looks good running into the end zone and on the naked boot, and on QB scrambles.  So given what we have player wise and what's in the playbook, hard to make a case we win with anyone other than Studsy.

    • Upvote 4
  18. Well Studrud just threw it into quadruple coverage. And an injured UND player as a result. Questionable play call by Rudolph and horrible decision by Studsrud. 

    it was quintuple coverage.  I was watching with the Cogswell Cannon.  As bad as the play call was, and it was bad given the success we were having just pounding it, it was a worse decision by Studsrud.  The Cannon said Hedberg always reminded him when calling plays like that, saying if it's not there don't force it.  Our staff must have told Studsrud that 20 times this week, and he will hear it all this next week, too.

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  19. If Smith can't protect himself he needs to be a wr. Teach him the stuff arm or somthing.

    excellent point.  I called his running too hesitant.  If a guy is a strait up and down, not making any cuts or showing an ability to slip hits.......well, you are going to get 'jacked up'.  Smith doesn't appear RB or jet sweep ready.

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  20. Labat missed a huge opportunity when PSU's QB dropped the snap. Unfortunately Labat didn't see what was going on! 

    I saw that, and when our backers split out they seemed to lose awareness of the ball and/or play.

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