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Posts posted by niouxsiouxfan

  1. So did you piss and moan when UND hosted the Bison in 1992 and 1993? Every excuse GT used to not sign a home and home made him look bad, Bubba was a bigger man and got it done so when UND upsets the Bison at the Alerus Center South you will hear Bison fans cry to buyout the 2019 game and avoid UND by all means.

    This would be epic!  But I'll just expect a good game, and be happy. Then look forward to a meeting in the playoffs before another game at Fargo.

  2. The Betty is a great gym. Perfect size. Just needs a scoreboard. That's it. Fill it up and would be great environment. Would be nice to have students interested as well. Just win baby!!



    As long as UND averages 1,500-1,800 fans per game, there is no need for additional seating.  With winning will bring more fans.  Need to win first then worry about additional seats.  New scoreboards are a must now though.  I have not liked the current setup since day 1. 



    Quite honestly, I don't believe The Betty was ever developed with the idea of being the end all, be all home of UND Basketball.  In fact in the early years basketball was playing many games in The Ralph.   That just didn't make a lot of sense...and thus The Betty is the full time home, which is nice.  That's not to say that I don't see quite of few issues with it.  One thing that does stand out, is that its serves as an outstanding practice venue.  Plenty of hoops and court space to work on shooting...although both our men and women were less than stellar in perimeter shooting this past season.  Contrary to what others say, there isn't a lot of practice court space where the teams have easy and quick access to on campus.  Now, you want to talk about a school that has a ton a of practice courts...Northern Iowa, will blow a persons mind.   The Betty is almost the perfect venue for Volleyball.  Where it is not, is Basketball,  I believe they should have dug it down just like the hockey arena at the Ralph so people could walk around a main concourse and walk down to their seats, but that is not what we got.  The reality is that it also not a UND Athletics Facility as it is an REA facility.  If REA, deems that has the desire and ability  to make improvements  then they will.  Until then, win- put more bodies in the seats, and go from there.

    There has been a great job done in getting recruits to come here in the last couple years.  I would put money down that the winning will start to happen this year.  Say it does, and it continues getting better next year, and we get some more highly prized recruits to come here.  Then does the argument become;  we don't need upgrades, we are doing fine without.  Because you will eventually lose recruits and players.  If it hasn't been addressed yet, I am worried of staying status quo. I hope I am right with the winning part, and wrong on no upgrades needed end.  Recruits like to see flashy new things.  You can only sell "building something" for so long.

  3. After visiting other threads that are receiving heavy traffic, something glaring arises.

    If Faison can find more money to payHak (presuming there was a biddng war, which seems likely), when is he going to explain himself?

    (How can the money be used elsewhere, and when is he going to give other programs the attention they need?  I just want him to do more than promote hockey)

    Then when is some of that extra money going to get diverted to help other programs?  Not just MBB!

  4. If true, one would have to guess it was around $700,000 per year based on other NHL head coaches (this is a really conservative amount).  I really hope it's not true, for the sake of other UND athletics programs.



    My thoughts exactly.


    If it is true BF has some explaining to do

    You are under the assumption BF is aware that the other programs on campus matter.  Or cares about them as much as hockey.  

  5. Three finalists?




    North Stars


    I threw North Stars in there as I think you could do some fun stuff with design.  I don't want flickertails either, and certainly nothing related to weather. Just looking at what has number of votes, and what might be something easily accepted. Other people's guesses and reasoning? Maybe we can have some indirect influence on process.

  6. I see Bombers is on the list, and frankly, I could really dig that one.

    "Bombs away!"  No way it makes it. I like it, and would have no problem with it.  Even with it meeting most criteria, there is no chance it makes it out of committee. (most know multiple reasons why, unfortunately)

  7. I have no problem with an alternate jersey. Not a Notre Dame fan at all but their "green jersey" was always pretty cool. Same thing with the Miami Hurricanes with the green jersey and orange jersey (along with the road whites). Florida has the orange jersey - Georgia had the black one year or two. My issue is with schools like Oregon, whose brand is so diluted with what seems like 300 possible combinations of helmet/jersey/pants.

    Fortunately we don't have to worry about becoming like Nike U.  (But I agree with you)  I would love to see UND in an all black scheme with green highlights!  I think that would look great!

  8. This please. No "combat anthracite" or "post-apocalypse black" jerseys and no chrome helmets or stripes on the facemask because RECRUITZ WILL THINK THEY'RE KOOLZ!

    NO NO NO!

    As much as we "traditionalists", and/or "old people" like clean, regular jerseys, there will be something in the works to catch the recruits eyes. I hope Bubba is able to have full control of this, but I would guess Adidas will have a say in it.  As long as its decent looking, we are going to have to accept some sort of new design style as one of the sets.   Hopefully thats a year or two away yet though.

  9. Don't you have some corn to plant or some sheep to round up (see what I did there.)

    Cows to tip...


    This has been a great diversion from the norm. Please continue...

  10. But, let's not make it too easy for kids to transfer because it will essentially turn into free agency.....in a way. These are adults, signing a contract, and it should be difficult to drop school A and play for school B. Do we want more guidance from the NCAA on this, or should players expect to honor a commitment or face pretty harsh consequences in some instances. Just a thought -

    For UND, Neverman situation sucks and so does Troy Hanson and his decision. I assume Troy is done with his college eligibility??

    If they played at least their year, as scholarships are renewed every year, and schools can drop the players scholarship, then they should be free to move if things aren't what they thought. If they transfer, then yes they should sit a year in those FBS>FBS transfers, but don't lose year of eligibility. But in cases of FBS>FCS or graduate and transfer to another school, their definitely should be no restrictions. And this is where the NCAA fails the "student-athlete" again.
  11. Personal opinion - I would prefer both games in the Betty and a loud, sold out crowd over what would likely be a half-full REA. Also no clue on if dates would even work. I get the draw in playing in the REA but I just think a full BESC is a better atmosphere. I could be swayed if they really felt they could draw a huge crowd but I just don't see it.

    I see your point as well. I don't think filling the Ralph would be that difficult if they packaged tickets for families and really promoted it, but I haven't seen anything from the AD that make me believe they could do anything like that. So, I will stop hoping, and side with you, let's pack the Betty. Make it a great atmosphere for the new, and hopefully much improved team, and enjoy the games.

  12. Confirmed that UNI will be playing in Grand Forks the coming season. NDSU will also be on the home schedule.

    Couple of pretty decent away games including Bradley and Florida Gulf Coast (Dunk City). Was a few other higher profile ones as well but can't remember off the top of my head.

    So is UNI big enough to get a game at the Ralph? I still think you should put NDSU there. Maybe double with WBB.

  13. So throwing money at a sound system to try and appease fans, or show that they are doing something to the place?  Though, we all know there are bigger needs, not just the board.  But for arguments sake...  Hell, if you don't have the cash, find a sponsor (or two) and lease the video board!  It helps the most in fan experience, and helping recruit.  And, you can sell more advertising and make money with it!  I am still wondering what the Athletics Department and Marketing division are doing?  I know its a big price, $250k +, but if you are trying to play with the big boys, this is something that should have been on the radar, and someone should have figured out how to make it happen.

    • Upvote 2
  14. Big time get. Wheeler is a proven guy at the NCAA level and a big name in the Twin Cities. Our backcourt in 2 seasons will have 4 guys that are all conference type talents in Hooker, Crandall, Seales, and Baker. Going to be fun watching the young guys develop next year and hopefully position themselves nicely for 16-17 which should be the most talent UND has ever had on the BBall court on paper.

    No, they'll be on the court :p

  15. How competive should we expect this group to be next season?

    Wheeler won't be eligible.  I've said in the 2015-16 thread I believe they should be contending for one of top three spots in conference and make a run in the conference tournament.  As in semis, or better yet finals.  I think Hooker, Crandall, and Seales could create so many matchup problems.  I think the bigs will be much better as well. Considering the talent on the bench, that is an upgrade, that is vastly improved as well.  I know they will be very young, but extremely talented!  Paired with the winning that these guys are used to, it is expected that the work ethic they needed to be successful in their youth will transfer over to the college level.  (It is rare that kids just stop working hard to achieve their goals)  That being said, I think a few of these kids have lofty goals.  So the question is...Does the Coach allow the guards to control the game, or make the game go through the bigs?  Obviously, some mix of both is best.  But, the game has become guard oriented, and you can't always force the issue with the bigs.  Lets hope the guys time overseas pays off!

  16. Aka shay is gone



    Sources haven't told me anything yet

    I'll ask today tho

    Every time I let this board no my inside info I get railed and it's usually right information


    Where are your sources on this?

    they bit late...

  17. More theme music for when gfhockey breaks stories here on the board.  If it isn't playing in your head when reading his posts...well, it should be.  It makes it much more enjoyable for the reader.  


    funny...I hear muppets newsflash.  Sometimes SNL weekend update.  

    (didnt post video, couldnt find isolated intros)


    I can picture gfhockey behind the desk on muppets tho!!! :)

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