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Posts posted by niouxsiouxfan

  1. Absolutely, it's frustrating. The expectations for football and men's basketball are a definite problem. More of the revenue generated by men's hockey needs to be distributed to men's basketball and football, and not pumped unnecessarily back into men's hockey.

    Agree 100% that the expectations should have been higher, and should be.  Football has changed for the better, I believe.  Now basketball has to be elevated.  I dont know how much revenue is generated from the hockey program; but if you can be successful in basketball, plenty of money is there to be made.  Football and MBB can be revenue generating sports on there own.  However, I don't know if the admin knows how to do it.  (again another conversation-look at the fan fest last year as an example, and they should be pushing for UND/NDSU at REA)  Sorry for the drift, but I think it all leads back to administration.  (Jones getting extension?) 

  2. Funny how you keep mentioning academics.  Guessing this is a pretty big part of the deal and reason why I am going to wait for next fall to see the roster.


    But the three true freshman coming in are going to SAVE THE PROGRAM!!!!    :silly:  

    I mentioned multiple factors.  I am probably in the minority on this, but I think most freshman should redshirt!  Especially at the mid/low major level. Give them the best chance academically to succeed.  As  most kids are going to need their degree to continue being successful in life.

  3. Your factors are all correct, but they didn't apply in Brian Jones' mindset when deciding to burn the redshirt of Cashman and Shields, who played few minutes.

    Also, to say the play of guards such as de Rouen and Antwi prevented the play of Crandall is quite telling. It tells me Crandall is a freshman athlete in a common scenario in that he needs time to develop. Fans should not expect too much of Crandall in his RSFr. season.

    I didn't understand playing Shields either. You either give him minutes and let him grow or keep his redshirt on. I think it was a disservice to the young man.  Cashman, I can understand that.  Needed size and had minutes for him as the other bigs weren't impressive.  And, Shanks wasn't available until the break.

    Sorry to go around in a circle, but...(And I agree with you regarding the play of de Rouen)...Yes, Crandall probably needed to gain weight. I think Antwi should have gotten more shot attempts, but that may have been a problem of the offense.. (which is a legitimate discussion to have regarding coaching)

  4. Expecting too much out of Crandall. For those banking on his "big-time" contributions next season, then why wasn't he on the court this season? Especially when Shields -- who played very few minutes -- got his shirt pulled.

    With de Rouen and Tyler departing, UND will heavily rely on Hooker and Seales next season, along with Shanks and Cashman. I don't see an above 0.500 season next year, unfortunately. The attrition of this year's roster, along with the 3 upper classmen last season who occupied roster spots but not minutes on the floor, are the unfortunate results of relying on transfers and not developing high school players. Jones needs to get much better at this, or else UND needs a new MBB leader who can recruit and develop.

    Factors for redshirt: Academics, Age, Size, Playing Time.  In no particular order. The fact they had so many guards on the roster already, probably played a role in him not playing.  Crandall probably could have played, but why waste a year when the season was going to be bad anyway? Age/ Size was a concern, when he came here he was young and needed to get into weight room.  Again, might as well use the down season to train and get bigger and better.  Academically, I don't know the situation, but maybe it was easier to let him focus on being a student-athlete :)  and get acclimated to college without worrying about playing. I know what he did in High School was impressive, and his game should translate well to the college level

  5. So when you boil it all down, Jones' future is essentially dependent upon Hooker and a bunch of freshmen and sophomores who haven't proven themselves yet being roughly as good as a team next year as Huff, et al. were as juniors and seniors? Or maybe to be a bit more accurate, they don't necessarily have to be quite as good in terms of conference record (.600), but roughly as good in terms of overall record (.500)? And assuming .500 is good enough to save his job for another year (which I do not concede), does Jones get an extension if he approaches that, or would Faison simply let him come back for the final year of his contract and then reevaluate?

    I've said before, this team gets to the BSC tournament and makes a run. If not, then Faison needs to do his job, which, again, I'm not sure he gets MBB.

  6. Too tired from enjoying the weekend of hockey in Fargo so can Art or hoopster please list the myriad of excuses as to why this current dumpster fire known as UND MBB is acceptable in its current state.

    I'll need a good chuckle before heading to work tomorrow.............

    I'll bite...

    First tho, congrats on being able to attend the game(s).  I'm sure it was a blast to be in that environment, enjoying the wins. Not a fan of hockey myself, but enjoyed watching the games with my father, especially the hits.  Love the physical play of UND.

    Onto MBB in its current state...

    This season is over so...It's a new season!  With new players; that are explosive, energetic, and work extremely hard. As well as a few that are "winners."

    Unfortunately, last year's team finished near the bottom, where the consensus picked them to finish. It was not a fun trip to the bottom, watching the team struggle with few positives to enjoy.  Considering the title of the thread, maybe its unfortunate Coach is back. But there was little chance of him being fired, for reasons already listed.  Fortunately, some kids are gone, and we get to see Hooker after another year of progression. Hopefully, find out if Crandall is everything they say, and watch Seales come in and contribute right away.  With the guys that are here and coming in, it should be a turnaround season. And it should be successful.  If not, then I would certainly understand, even expect a change. (However, I question this administration's desire to have a top MBB program, but that can be discussed in another thread.)  I hope this helps turn your sights to the upcoming season.

    If you are going to Boston, enjoy.  Either way, GO SIOUX!!!  or GO UND!!! whichever you prefer

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  7. Won't argue about about how good it is in BSC, again it is a nice facility.  "We" are not spoiled.  The athletes today are. There are upgrades needed tho!  Unfortunately that's the world we live in today.  I just wish they'd put some money into upgrading it and make it the best in the BSC and hopefully the upper midwest.( I know an easy solution, but the hockey people probably wouldn't like it.)

  8. Not sure what the Big 12 has to do with it.  You said 20 win seasons are rare in the Big Sky.  There have been at least two 20 win teams in 6 of the last 7 seasons.  7 different schools have hit 20 wins in the last 7 years. 


    UND hasn't won 20 games in over a decade.


    They don't give out trophies for getting 20 wins, but it is a nice round number that, for a low major would indicate a quality season.  Winning percentage is a far better measure of success over a long period of time in my opinion.  .455 over 9 years is pretty weak for any flagship program that has a high-end facility in one of the country's weakest DI basketball leagues.

    Where's the high-end facility?  The Betty is nice, but its not a "high-end" facility.  Go ahead and shoot me down now!

  9. Regarding NDSU game being held at REA.  The coaches would like to see it and it could help recruiting even more.  We as fans have to email the athletic department and even Coach Jones (to help him push for it), stating the fact that we would show up and support the team in large numbers at REA. I have emailed stating my interest in a game there and that I would buy a number of tickets.  If anyone has an inside line to Tom Miller, get him on it!  Need to post links to emails?


  10. I stand by what I said earlier. Been told deRouen and Coleman are gone. Even heard Shields is a maybe to be gone.

    What a mess.

    DeRouen should be gone. Would not be surprised if Coleman was gone, but think he could be useful if stayed (presuming no issues).  Would be surprised to see Shields go. Should have heard more on him  going by now, and where would he go?I would guess that he sees the talent coming and his athletic ability fits the needs of this team more next year, provided he can get better defensively.  I heard Tyler is done.  Again, will wait for him to verify and give explanation, as it is respectful and the right decision for him.

  11. Hooker, Crandall, Seales. Three main guards. McDermott can go right away then, and Benton can spell the three when needed. Possibly bring in a JUCO player, but I think you go get another guard from different school that may want to come here. The three guards will likely see close to 35min each. Probably start the three together and rotate off them during game so they end up playing together beginning and ends of halves in major stretches. Lots of problems created having three athletic guards that can get to the hoop, as well as being able to create for their teammates.

    Let Tyler's explanation/story come out.  Respect the young man for his decision.

  12. Hobaugh should get one. (Give this to another walk-on after his eligibility is done.) Likely a transfer, might get your 3-point specialist, but already well rounded, if he comes... Can't speak on it yet, but will if it solidifies

  13. If I was asked ...."do you like Rough Riders for the new nickname"....I would say no.


    If I was asked...."pick a nickname from these choices"


    1) Nodaks

    2) Reapers

    3) Roughriders


    Suddenly Ruffriders looks a lot better.

    There is already a theme song...

  14. Shanks and Cashman need to develop some consistency both mentally and physically this offseason. They both need to build some strength. Cashman and Shanks need to focus on their post moves, finishing strong, and rebound, rebound, rebound.

    More for Shanks than Cashman, work on that mid range shot.

    The development of these two, plus Shields, IMO will the main factor for any real contendership in the Sky. It helps to have the guards, and our guards will be very solid. But the pessimist in me says we will end up with this schedule.

    Weber x2

    EWU x2

    Montana x2

    Which means seeing Jois, Buening, and Bolumboy twice.

    I'm not saying they need to be dominating YET.... but they need to be able to handle their own more times than not. They did at times last year, but they need to do it a hell of a lot more next year.

    This is supposed to be positive! Seeing those teams twice is NOT POSITIVE! Maybe the powers that be will take into consideration this last year. But you are probably right. Let's play! What better way to see where we are at.

  15. I know Coach Walthall would be a great hire.  Kids like him and he plays a system they like to play in.  But I don't see the AD doing anything this year. It's possible Walthall gets a call this year from a D1 school (hopefully he is aware of whats happening up here and waits it out).  The links have been posted before. Email the AD, offer money to the program.  Even then, I don't think he will do anything.  The AD doesn't seem to understand what D1 basketball means.

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