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Posts posted by ArtVandalay

  1. Regarding a big sky coach who schedules d2 teams not making much money - how much money is the und basketball team making this season the way things are?

    Having a slight understanding of that market. A decent guess on money games probably brought in 350k.

  2. Imagine this conversation taking place in a room. Live. In person. Repeating the same things over and over and over. We would look at each other like we were nuts. Some of this may be some kind of weird therapy. At least for those that are real fans anyway. It's almost similar to Road Rage. A bizarre Fan Forum Rage (FFR).

    Unless you have something different and compelling to say, give it a rest. Move it to the game thread during games maybe with some observations of the game. Many of us who rant in here, never post in game thread. That would be something new. Show you are a fan. Give yourself a little FFR cred if you will.

  3. as any intelligent person knows ...Physical strength,jumping ability, position, speed/quick and random movement of the ball off the rim/backboard have a lot to do with rebounding. UND really tall with hooker, terrel, estan in the starting 5 ya think these guys are 6'5"? ....3 of the top 4 rebounders in the Big Sky go 6'4" ,6'4" and 6'6" yup they are some really tall college basketball players dominating the boards on the Big Sky. Facts over fiction

    For sure. It's a skill/knack. Strength can make a poor rebounder an average rebounder. But if you don't have the knack for it. Doesn't matter how tall or strong you are. You will just be an average rebounder.

  4. That was not my intent.

    The basis of my comment was that the stats didnt lie. UND was out rebounded and turned it over more than the opposing team. Both are fundamental and ultimately led to UND losing the game, since both UND and Montana shot similar FT% and field goal %.

    UND has lacked the ability to successfully out-rebound now for awhile. To say that is not somewhat attributed to something, is well, interesting. In my opinion, it's commonsense to at least keep in mind basics such as rebounding and turnovers before supporting the coaching.

    Rebounding and turnovers were basically even. Height similar to Montana as Shanks played very little in 2nd half. We lost because turnovers led to easy buckets and easy to guard offense.

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  5. You're really quite amusing, but I'll play along.

    Anyone who understands collegiate coaching knows the premise: you win or else. It's a performance-based occupation, just like the IRS representative working your taxes or the mechanic repairing your vehicle. If they don't "get the job done", they will not have the opportunity to perform that job any longer. As an alumnus and financial supporter of UND athletics, I have a right to at least have an opinion on men's basketball and the coaching. I feel that the tenure of Brian Jones has been inadequate compared to the likes of NDSU and SDSU, and unless his upcoming performances prove otherwise, I feel the position should be reevaluated by the athletic department and perhaps opened for a new coach in a year or two. That's not a personal attack, but rather an opinion that I feel this site allows me to voice and debate.

    That's fine. Then truly own it and stick your name on it.

  6. Predictable personal attack. The reason I keep my sources somewhat anonymous is because of people like you; rather than discuss the dynamics of UND basketball, you just attack posters on this site. It's rather foolish and really looks like you have no proper defense for Jones' tenure as UND head basketball coach.

    Didn't mean to hurt your feelings. So let me ask you this? Would you call a thread by a bunch of folks anonymously calling for a coaches head a personal attack?

  7. Insert Darrell comment about only caring about the basketball program. The rest of us accept mediocrity. He will accept nothing but superiority. Again, he only cares about the program. Don't forget Carl Gerbschmidt voice.

  8. NDSU goes to the dance (Orange), UND goes to the CIT (Apple). NDSU beats ranked opponents (Orange) UND loses to teams like TX-PA, Omaha, and Cal Poly (Apple). Orange killed the apple by 30 points this season. #keepJones, #buttCIT

    Darrell, for you this is very clever. Impressed. #gerbschmidt

  9. One thing I would agree with is that the talent on this year's team, along with incoming recruits for next year, is very good for the Big Sky Conference; however, that's more of a result of the University and it's facilities rather than the coaching. Jones has shown he can gather DI talent, but the handling of that DI talent in game situations is questionable in my opinion. I think there are many DII coaches and DI assistants out there, with an even lesser salary than Jones, that could get more out of the players currently on the team. Jones has too many blow out losses during his tenure, including conference games (Weber State) and rival games (the last 3 road games vs. NDSU). It's admirable that UND has done well in conference the past two years, but that's despite of the coaching and much more of a result of the poor conference competition in the Big Sky Conference. When talking to people who have direct college basketball experience, I'm always told Jones is not an impressive coach by any means. UND deserves better, because yes UND is a hockey school first and football school second, but superb coaching is the one thing that could get UND men's basketball dancing.

    Tick. Tick. Tick. Waiting on these sources.

  10. One thing I would agree with is that the talent on this year's team, along with incoming recruits for next year, is very good for the Big Sky Conference; however, that's more of a result of the University and it's facilities rather than the coaching. Jones has shown he can gather DI talent, but the handling of that DI talent in game situations is questionable in my opinion. I think there are many DII coaches and DI assistants out there, with an even lesser salary than Jones, that could get more out of the players currently on the team. Jones has too many blow out losses during his tenure, including conference games (Weber State) and rival games (the last 3 road games vs. NDSU). It's admirable that UND has done well in conference the past two years, but that's despite of the coaching and much more of a result of the poor conference competition in the Big Sky Conference. When talking to people who have direct college basketball experience, I'm always told Jones is not an impressive coach by any means. UND deserves better, because yes UND is a hockey school first and football school second, but superb coaching is the one thing that could get UND men's basketball dancing.

    Who are these people you speak with? Bad enough we are all anonymous on this board at the least we should credential our sources. Can't wait to hear.

  11. It's brutal for many, and less so for others. I don't think there's any way to predict how a given program is going to fare. 20 years ago, who in their right mind would have guessed that perennial NCC middle-of-the-pack programs like UNC and NDSU would have made it to the NCAA tournament early on in division I?

    No question. Exception. Not the rule however.

  12. In the interest of full disclosure, Nagy had a track record of nine years, four NCC titles and a .781 winning percentage at the time SDSU started their transition. I don't pretend to know exactly why they struggled so badly for awhile there, but he clearly had earned a fair amount of slack given that pre-transition record.

    Sure. Just goes to show how difficult that transition can be.

  13. I've said it before and I will say it again. Facts don't lie. Scott Nagy's first 6 years in D1 he was 60-119. Brian Jones first 6 years he was 93-98. This IS an apples to apples comparison. Scott Nagy is now widely regarded as a top low/mid major coach. In the final analysis - this is the type of measurement that should be used. NDSU transition may have been better but before you drag this program through the mud - understand the perspective.

  14. Doesn't the recruiting/athlete talent level adjust accordingly, though?

    Eventually but recruiting difficult at first. Team not eligible for ncaa tournament first 4 years. Tough to compete for recruits with similar schools who are not in probation phase.

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