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Posts posted by Siouxphan27

  1. thanks for that link.  looks like they have a lot of question marks, a lot of inexperienced starters, and are thin at some positions. 

    and, Bohl keeps getting pudgier every year.  

    play a disciplined game and hopefully we're in this at the end and can pull off the upset.  

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  2. That may be so, but do you really think that these 5 are the best we can do?  If they would have axed North Dakota right away instead of handling it the way they did, the sentiment would be a lot different IMO. As A No-nickname supporter, i feel deceived. They kept dangling the carrot when they really had no intention of letting it on the ballot. If I knew from the get go that ND was not an option, I would have felt different. The committee and Kelley has created the divide in the way this was handled. They want people to rally behind a nickname?  That's not the way to do it. People are ticked and they can look in the mirror for that. I love my University and I we need a new nickname. I don't feel any of these 5 are worthy.

    In his statement, I assumed Roberto would've included something  pertaining to these sanctions we heard about from an email that the NCAA might, could, possibly, maybe impose.  

    If Roberto would've spent the last month communicating with the NCAA and told us as a result of those talks, we have to leave no name off the ballot, this would've gone over much better.    Myself and probably 95% of the no name supporters would just say alright fine, let's choose one of the 5.

    but instead, Kelleys ineptitude shines thru once again.

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  3. When first taking nickname submissions, the committe came up with some attributes that they would evaluate each name on.  These attributes were:

    • Be unique, recognizable, inspiring, and distinctly UND’s;
    • Promote a sense of pride, strength, fierceness, and passion;
    • Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions and heritage of the past but also looks to the future; and
    • Be a unifying and rallying symbol.

    The committe deffinitely should be applauded for doing at least this right.  These are the attributes that I think all of us can agree should be represeted by UNd's new nickname.  Everyone has a right to their own opinion and those fortunate enough will get a vote.  I only ask that when figuring out the name you are going to vote for, take these attributes into consideration.

    Sometimes it's a good idea to use a Roughrider in a passionate situation.  But other than that, all the choices pretty much fail those four bullet points miserably. 



  4. Exactly.  For all the things they botched in this process, I think they nailed the voting protocol.  They eliminated the average ND citizen who doesn't have a personal tie to UND (including vindictive NDSU fans).  And when it comes to those of us with fan ties but not academic ties, they get more donations from people that care enough to want a vote.  I'd be surprised if UND doesn't see an uptick in donations in the next 3 days.

    There may be a number of Fargo residents that feel a $3 donation is worth it to vote for the choice they deem the worst.  IMO they should've said as of last Friday, if you've donated, you're eligible.

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  5. Until there is an official announcement that the NCAA will not approve of it without threat of sanctions, no name is the best choice.

    hawks-  sure

    north stars- fine

    nodaks- whatevs

    sundogs-  uffda.... Ok I guess.

    roughriders-  serenity now!

  6. Fearmongering?  Really?  Question for you.  If UND were to keep the Fighting Sioux name (without approval laid out in the settlement) would they be able to host an NCAA playoff game?  Was that fear mongering as well?  Hobe bout another non-UND related example.  Did the NCAA allow post season games/tournaments/etc in the state of South Carolina when they had the confederate flag flwon at the capitol and in other locations within the state?  These are real actual actions that the NCAA can and will enforce.  Why?  Because they have every rightto do so.  Threats of sanctions are real and should be taken weriously.

    three words for you and a few of your friends:

    Lighten up, Francis.

  7. You just compared the selection of the U.S. President to UND picking a frickin nickname.  Totally the same thing and importance (sadly to the Sioux Forever crowd it is that important).

    Why do you need to try and persuade everybody with 30-person rallies.  Why not let them pick your option on their own if it is so outstanding? 

    um, no.... I just attempted to inject a little lighthearted humor.

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  8. So what do you suggest?  Everone to come to University park, stand under a banner of the nickname they support, and have everyone get in a big shouting match saying why they feel their name is better?  I am going to vote for Roughriders.  Do I need to come on here every day and tell people to support it?  I have made a couple posts with my reasons why I support it and why others should as well.  Is it productive to shove it down everyones throats every day (like the no nickname crowd is trying to do?)  No.  We all have our favorite and we will get to vote for that choice soon.  

    If you are offende by snide remarks, you should probably stay off every message board!!

    lol.   the irony in your post makes me literally laugh out loud.   have a good day my friend. 

  9. No.  A true vote will determine the new name.  Not fake rallies.  

    So you're pro- snide remarks, and anti- rally for the purpose of drumming up support?  :)


    I wish the Presidential candidates shared your views on campaigning and rallies.  It would save us from all the political ads, and we'd just go vote on election day.

    • Upvote 2
  10. I think that most of that are in favor of UND picking a new nickname are putting a lot of faith that when it comes to a public vote, Sundogs will get very low support and that Kelley would never pick a name that finished dead last in stakeholder voting.  SO unless Kelley picks Sundogs, there is no reason to freak out

    The problem with the no nickname debate is that a new name has not been selected.  So the no nickname crowd comes off as complaining and not wanting to move on, etc.  Now when a name does get selected and announced, then you at least have something to debate about.  Either people will like the new name selected or not.  If the no nickname crowd held a rally supporting just being North Dakota instead of say Sundogs, then you might have something that people could support.

    We do not know for sure who will be eligible to vote.  if it's open to everyone statewide, I would expect lots of Sundog support from the Fargo area.  The fact of the matter is we just don't know. 

    As to your second paragraph, myself and many others do not need to hear what the actual pick is; all 5 choices range from mediocre to atrocious.   So why wait until after the fact and the name is selected and announced, to voice concerns.  It would do no good at that point. 


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  11. Ummmm......the other 6 choices currently are on te ballot.  So why would there be a rally to support that?  


    If you equally support all 5 names, I would agree with you.   But it appears most that post on here have a favorite.   So that is why I posed the question; where's the excitement, passion, etc., to support one of these "great" finalists?   Wouldn't a rally be more constructive and productive than all the snide remarks (i'm not talking to you directly here) made at the expense of folks with a different point of view?


  12. The first "no nickname" rally happened after the committee cut it.

    Why rally for something that's not an issue yet?

    As many on here have stated, the final ballot will most likely not include 5 names.  

    If there was any passion in support of one of the five finalists, one would think those supporters would be out and about campaigning and rallying to make sure their choice made the final ballot.


  13. saying calm down as a response to my post makes absolutely no sense.

    Regarding your bold highlights, I can only infer what you mean by that.  My guess is that you are suggesting I am indeed calling people names in the same breath as a say I am not.  Of course I most certainly am not and my guess is that is why you chose the vague method of doing nothing more than highlighting text.

    I'm uninclined to go through an language lession when you have not specifically made any sort of assertion about those words and phrases you lighted.

    I will say two things,;  I loved my asimilie and the "get over it" as a label for those who have perpetually said "get over it" is nothing short of completely appropriate (their words).  you know come to think of it the name for the other side of the fence is of course we all know,  the "name at all costs" crowd.  what's really super funny about that is that label(labels are not name calling) was created by the "get over it" crowd.  

    So effectivly the get over crowd created both labels.  Funny!  ...yet you highlight my words and attempt to make me the guy who calls names by highlighting apropos labels.


    it just doesn't stop.  absolutely relentless rhetoric. relentless. keep saying it, keep highlighting the words. someday it will be true that I have called names. I guess I just need to accept that.

    sorry I didn't clean up this post, I used text to voice on my phone. too lazy to clean up. you all are wearing me down. ha,  pretty soon I'll end up getting frustrated and I'll have to call someone a name.

    ...ahhh now I get it....

    Nice post. 

    I'll add that the hypocrisy of some in the name at all costs crowd is particularly amusing.   While admonishing those of us in favor of no nickname, I have seen comments from at least three of the half dozen name-at-all-costs diehard posters about how adamant they are against Sundogs and they call it unacceptable.   Like it or not, it's still a finalist and there's a real possibility Sundogs could be chosen.  So, pick a side people....pick a side.

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  14. When is the rally to help ensure ----(insert one of the five choices)-----gets on the ballot?

    is there a park in grand forks large enough to accommodate the crowd that would attend?

  15. If the turnout for a rally held outside during a thunderstorm warning is the true barometer of support for a cause, I have to ask how well attended have the sundogs, fighting hawks, roughriders, north stars, and nodaks rallies been?

    What's that?  There haven't been any rallies organized in support of those names?  Even though there is no guarantee that all of those names will be on the ballot for the public vote?   Huh, interesting.


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