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Posts posted by Siouxphan27

  1. UND   34

    ISU     24

    Same story offensively as last week, except we end a few more drives with touchdowns, and zero balls thrown into quintuple coverage.

    Defense lets a few big pass plays get by them.    Besides a kick in the head, what did I win for picking the closest to correct score last week?        

  2. It is totally insipid - we are asking our warriors to go to battle for UND and the beauty of the sky on a cold winter day.  I don't give a damn what Shakespeare had to say about sundogs it doesn't come close to Jon Casey spraying the front of his jersey with a water bottle and explaining that the warrior was fighting just as hard as anyone and needed a drink of water too.  That is what a nickname and logo should inspire - not a desire to stand in admiration of the beauty of an ice rainbow.

    I think you're totally underestimating Sparkle Power!   Let's all get behind Sundogs.  gfhockey and I will volunteer to be the two sundog mascots, each of us wearing rainbow colored bodysuits. 

  3. I attach Teddy to Rough Riders because it's part of the name's appeal to me. I understand some are leaning towards the more ambiguous someone who breaks horses definition.I prefer the military history. 

    I believe Roosevelt to have a more deep and meaningful connection to the state than some, notably Siouxphan27. I believe this to be philosophical, as we are discussing things that happened back in 1883 (Teddy's first time, a buffalo hunt,in North Dakota, which happens to coincide with the University's inception). I don't think Roosevelt would have possessed the skills necessary to be a successful commander in Cuba without his time in North Dakota, in fact, I would be highly critical of suggestion otherwise. North Dakota transformed him from a "young dude" to the barrel chested bastion of manliness many associate him with today. I don't think without the skills acquired in the badlands he would have or could have swayed McKinley to allow him to raise the regiment.

    In addition to Roosevelt, there are others in the unit who spent time in North Dakota, notably Jesse Langdon. North Dakota was 9 years old as a state in 1898. Of course there wasn't going to be a ton of native North Dakotans in the unit. There weren't many to begin at all (the vast majority we can't use as a nickname). Some of the Roughriders Roosevelt had met ranching or hunting Dakota, while they never had a residence there. Siouxphan is correct in mentioning it was largely Southwesterners, as was McKinley's mandate was something like 2/3rds or 3/4th's of the volunteers were to be from the Southwestern territories.

    To wax philosophic for a second here, as well, though I wish there was more representation from North Dakota for nickname purposes, I think there can be positive parallels drawn from the diversity of the group. Look at our recruiting maps (hockey's is somewhat of an exception lately). Look at how many different areas are colored in. The Roughriders had cow punchers and sheriffs from the untamed West; it had aristocratic born Ivy league-rs and athletes; it had Native Americans. It did a lot its fighting with the  10th Cavalry, an African American unit (Buffalo soldiers). It was diverse group coming to together to fight underneath one flag (largely the same as the state of North Dakota's) to push American to the forefront of the global community.  It is a hell of an example for our teams to follow, in my opinion.

    The Roughriders weren't around long, no, and Theodore Roosevelt wasn't around very long in North Dakota either. That time spent, however short, had deep, meaningful impacts. A lot of the friends, and student athletes I met at UND, weren't in the state for any longer than their 4/5 years required, but the vast majority of them became better men and women for their time here. The imprint left on them, doesn't fade away, as it didn't for a 28 year old (ish) Roosevelt when he moved back to his original home. Many of the great things he did, are a direct result of abilities learned or honed in North Dakota. That might not be a bad aim for a university there in and of itself.

    nice post Eric.  I don't dispute any of the connections Roosevelt had to North Dakota.  That isn't and never has been my point.   None of his time spent in the state changes the fact his Roughriders were never here.  The muster in and muster out rolls I've seen show Jesse Langdon as the only one calling north Dakota home.   He was the son of the head Vet at NDSU.   What a great connection, eh?   I was hoping there would be a nickname choice that we didn't have to "wax philosophical" over to make the connection to our state.    I've seen people post in recent days (not you) about how their ancestors were "roughriders".   that just makes me laugh.  They were homesteaders, pioneers, settlers yes, but roughriders, no. 

    When you mention the flags; nearly every battalion fought under the Great Seal of the United States, so they had similar flags.  Later, North Dakota decided to copy the Seal with a few minor changes as its state flag.

    I respect the opinion of everyone who likes the name roughriders.  it just so happens your opinions are wrong.  :D:D   carry on!

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    I guess I have no problem with taking the name Rough Riders when North Dakota is the reason that name is even a part of history. 

    that's fine.  You're entitled.   My opinion is the committee blew it, and we're left grasping at straws to make connections between these name choices and our university.

  5. I don't believe i'm on record supporting Abe Vigoda as the new UND Nickname.   I believe I put that on here during a discussion awhile back about the name North Dakota Nokotas with Abe Vigoda as part of the mascot.  Catchy.    But, if Abe led a bunch of badass cowboys from New Mexico into war in Cuba that i'm unaware of, I guess he would qualify as a nickname choice.

    as I've said several times, if everyone is in love with Teddy Roosevelt to the point we would rather honor him than honor something homegrown about our state, then choose a nickname that links teddy to north Dakota.  

    to me, the name roughriders screams of the old north Dakota nice attitude.   UND roughriders motto:  "We're too shy/modest to pump up our own heritage, so we stole yours instead.  Bully!"   Or, my second motto choice:  There's an award. 

    so there you have it, Casper. 


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  6. Why does Roughriders have to be tied to TR?  

    I have no idea.  That's more of a question for the roughrider supporters who insist on revisionist history of the state of north Dakota, and attempt to include teddy roosevelt's roughriders as part of our heritage.

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  7. I just watched a PBS special titled: "Theodore Roosevelt: A Cowboy's Ride to the White House," and how much he really loved North Dakota.

    His love of the outdoors, how after his mom and wife died on the same day, he returned to North Dakota to find solitude.

    How his speech in Dickinson preludes his presidential speak.

    How Teddy Roosevelt wanted UND to be the RoughRiders as just before he died he was asked, how he wanted to be remembered:

    "A man of the West, A man of the Dakotas."


    Lol lol lol.  Yes, and you forgot the part about as he lay dying, his last words were. "In 2015 when the nickname vote occurs at UND because our country has been overrun by political correctness, be sure to vote for roughriders even though they were a group of men from the desert southwest and had nothing to do with North Dakota."

    -and then he breathed his last...

    well done Cratter, well done.  Lol

  8. I am not so sure. It sounds like a guy that might be in the early stages of dementia. This doesn't make sense. 

    this is exactly what I was going to post until I read all the other replies and saw you had already said it. 

    does this guy have any family around looking after him?    his bizarre antics definitely sound like dementia to me.  or maybe it's just the ndsu degree talking.

  9. I've said this before and I'll say it again:  The locals in SW North Dakota laugh at the myth of the Nokota horse.  It's about as true as grabbing a bunch of rabbits or prairie dogs out of Theodore Roosevelt National Park and claiming they are descendants of Native American pets.    

    Yup.  but then again, accuracy hasn't been important during this nickname process.  If we went with a guy on a Nokota horse as the mascot for Roughriders, we would have a mythical North Dakotan riding a mythical horse.   Seems fitting, in a total cluster kind of way.

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  10. The Rough Riders were a diverse bunch of men consisting of cowboys, gold or mining prospectors, hunters, gamblers, Native Americans and college boys.

    They were not all white guys. ;)

    very true!  My comment was more in regard to what the mascot Would be- which would most likely be white guy teddy Roosevelt since he's the only shirttail relation that group of diverse men from the desert southwest have to North Dakota.  :-)


    that hawk with the headdress logo is too obvious and doesn't really look like a bird, but I think something could be done that resembles more of a hawk's natural look with feathers, that still reminds/resembles the shape and coloring of the old logo without the PCers crying "fowl".

    I don't think white guys toting guns on horseback will pass the PC test. 

  12. Not an expert by any stretch of one's imagination, but... Wasn't this the knock on Brock Jensen at NDSU his first couple of years? The Bison won in spite of him? Seems that he (and the team around him, led by a stout defense) was able to win games and learn as he was doing. Not saying Studsrud will develop the same way, but that it seems like he is on that type of track. The last two wins have not been pretty by some measures, but NDSU won their share of games ugly in Jensen's early years too.


    if Mollberg and Bartels are not healthy, it seems that it would not be a smart move to put them in to games that rely on qb runs as much as Rudolph's play calling does. Not that it is an exciting game plan, but it does require the qb be able to gain yards on the ground. Is this a result of Studsrud's ability or is it the predetermined mind-set of the head coach and offensive coordinator?

    sorry- only experts allowed here.  You'll have to post somewhere else.

    lol lol lol

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  13. 58 yards passing is not good in a game like this - I believe that a good part of our running difficulty is that teams have absolutely no respect for our passing game.  Studsrud is not ready to make the reads and deliver the ball on time.  There is a fine line between giving someone a chance to prove himself and being stubborn about a decision and I think our coaches have stepped over it.  The other two guys must figure that they will never get a chance to win the job back.  

    I think everyone's rightfully a little concerned with the passing game.  But I recall last year, before Studsrud got in there, we had more turnovers than Hometown Bakery..  He's not making costly mistakes and is a threat to run.  

    We haven't lost a game yet due to quarterback play; hard to bench a QB while winning every game except the one against the defending champion.

  14. alright, I know you've all been waiting to hear from the voice of reason; so here I am.   :lol:

    first, 3 choices that are out:

    1.  Sundogs- I don't have a problem with it, (yes i'm aware of B.R.I.D.G.E.S.) it's unique and a lot of things could be done logo-wise. But, there's a lot of people adamantly opposed to it, it will not get unified support if chosen, so it will not get my vote.

    2.  North Stars- Nice name, but makes no sense given our neighbors to the east.  so it's out.

    3.  Rough Riders-  Nice faux history story for 30 second ND Tourism ads, but a poor nickname choice.  To think this process started with the idea of possibly honoring/recognizing something great about North Dakota, its pioneers, its industries, its flagship U....heck ANYTHING "north Dakota".... and yet the only choice left that attempts to accomplish this is not even historically accurate, as its assembled members never even set foot in north Dakota.  Too many degrees of separation to an entirely different time in Teddy Roosevelt's life to choose this as a name.   It would be like remembering when Bill Clinton was president and visited north Dakota a couple of times, and recalling he said he liked it here, so because he liked us, we decided to go with the name UND Saxophones.  No Thanks.

    2 names I'd be ok with:

    1st choice-  fighting hawks-  keeps the word fighting in our name. Hawks are everywhere in rural north Dakota.  they are fun to watch, fearless birds of prey.  Yes, there are a lot of other schools with the nickname hawks.  there's a reason for that-apparently it works.  "Fighting", and our new logo, will be our differentiation.  

    2nd choice-  Nodaks-   if it caught on and someone came up with a good logo relating to something uniquely north Dakota to market it, I could definitely get behind it. 

    remember to vote early, and vote often!




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  15. UND has lawyers on staff they don't have to hire lawyers to defend the logo. If you like this logo you better buy it now as it will be going away soon - another test of infringement is when you are obviously trying to link yourself to an organization to sell your goods. Siouxpride.com got a letter because one of the designs was a little too linked to hockey - which has nothing to do with native american clothing - that design is now a collectors item. 

    Personally I don't see that design as a way to respectfully preserve the name or the logo. 

    yes I would imagine the lawyers on staff would handle it, but sure seems ridiculous if it ever got to that point.  just a product of the screwed up world we live in I guess.

    I think it looks horrible.  sticking a tongue out, really??   why anyone would want to buy a defaced/disgraceful version of the logo is beyond me. 

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    Scoring almost 10 more points per game than last year, and allowing 139 less rushing yards per game than last year is better. Some stats are still ugly like turnovers caused by defense and our passing defense, but some things are showing a couple beeps on the heart monitor. The big improvement....2-1 including an FBS win going into conference play.

    I didn't mean to put down the defense; but the way I wrote it did accidentally.      the defense is improved and going to keep us in games.  what I meant to say was the combo of one of the worst offenses in FCS and no defensive points or short fields created for the offense, is not going to result in much overall improvement.   hopefully this weekend tells a different story on the offense than what we have seen lately.

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