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Everything posted by Fetch

  1. So why is it they are not as aggressive at scoring ? Is this something you get coached to do ? Or just have a nose for ? Or is it the offense they are running ?
  2. Were any of the coaches real Scorers ? Like Hrkacs - Johnson - Joyce - Blake - Panzer- Zack P - Bochinski - How about a clinic on scoring ? ? ?
  3. I had posted this under the PCM's article about Drew. I think Drew has played well - But notice no one is ever in front of the net - seems very few are really intent on scoring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE (from Drew) about WJ team You have to have chemistry I'm hoping some Mad Scientist can make this happen for the SIOUX Soon too You just know it's there & keep waiting for it to burst out & what a FUN Team they would be to watch I have no Formulas to offer ...except maybe after this weekend (if the explosion does not happen) then mix the chemicals up & try to find what reacts with what ? ? ?
  4. I sure wish Midco would pick up all the away games. Like I have said before I'd pay more. (Especially the ones that are as important as this weekend) Has that Data Flix got any better ? - If not I'd rather just listen on the radio Will any Bars have it Sat. LIVE?
  5. Good article I'm hoping some Mad Scientist can make this happen for the SIOUX Soon too You just know it's there & keep waiting for it to burst out & what a FUN Team they would be to watch I have no Formulas to offer ...except maybe after this weekend (if the explosion does not happen) then mix the chemicals up & try to find what reacts with what ? ? ?
  6. Goalies
  7. Is at Purpur Arena tomorrow night UND Better be there & get busy scouting Marto !!!
  8. Fetch

    Mavs @ Sioux

    Hey !!! I won the Progressive Parking Pass for Friday Nights game Could not have happened on a better weekend
  9. That the Game tonight Canada & Russia Is not on Locally $200,000 & all the HYPE & what do we get
  10. I just Hope Kessel Fell In Love with the Ralph
  11. So what's the deal now are we out of Gold contention ? & why did espn2 quit showing USA games cause we lost one ? This tourney has been hard to follow & I'm more interested than most too bad there are not more tickets (at less cost or give aways) to fill the place Who is going to be for Russia
  12. USA lost to Belerus 5-3 But were still in it Looks like Canada will coast thru this unless we have yet another Miracle
  13. I've been a College Hockey fan (Sioux) for about 20 years. Never played the game But have really come to Love it & Respect it & even think I know what is Good or OK or Poor. I used to say why don't they make the nets a foot wider & higher & make it more of a scoring race like other sports ? But I have learned to appreciate the defensive side of the sport - But that said I like to see them be able to skate & pass & score Many used to say it was the last sport for medium sized guys - can excel at -- But to have the chance to see the really skilled players (No matter the size ) I could watch Hockey like the WJC every week Maybe there needs to be a REAL World Hockey League - to replace the NHL ? ? ? Have a World Junior League to be the feeder programs ---Maybe a World Senior League too So Gretzky could still be playing - (I'd pay to see him)
  14. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Hockey/Junior/20...799936-sun.html Some Winnipeg writers seem pretty full of themselves
  15. Stafford looked very good - He can take it to a different level when playing in these tournments. (You could see it in his eyes) Exciting Fast Hockey !!!
  16. Here is another Junior site with info http://www.tsn.ca/world_jrs/news_Story.asp?ID=108758
  17. Maybe I should have said... I have heard they (Gophers) are interested in Him Too ...But UND has not shown much interest
  18. AT UND or end up playing against UND ? Still Sad to see so many slip away I have heard one of the Best Local Talents is most interested in the Gophers
  19. B I G my wife & I noticed Brandt acting hurt - shouldn't he say something if he was ? I'd expect lamey is due to take over after this ? ? ? How did they dominate us so bad
  20. Who do you think is going to win this argument ? By using the logic about standing ? ? ? You think it is OK for almost 1/2 the Arena to have to stand to watch the game because of a few immature (Most likely drunken) idiots & I bet many above you cannot see the play along the boards, on that side, if they stand or not
  21. Hey Dave I'd do it from my Duckboat
  22. I agree with PCM - I'm over 50 & if you stood in front of me the whole game - I'd let you know about it (heck even part of the actual play of the game - cause if you give an inch they take a mile) There is a time to stand & a time to sit The crowd was great !!! (the 1st period sucked) but I just took it out on the refs Learn to get into the Game & Cheer & Not block the view of others (A little respect) is all it takes. I once in awhile find myself standing too long & then I realize it & say sorry & sit down & calm down But last yr I had seats in the top row so I could stand if I wanted too ( Maybe give the top row to those who can't respect others ? ? ? ) There is alot that can be missed by cheering too long - the game is too fast to allow that to happen Like I said & no one replied to it - Give the Bars to the Students that want to stand But somehow I think many(old enough Students) would complain about that too
  23. Take out both Bars in the Arena & make a real Bar (outside the Arena) with the Ultimate TV's & coverage of away games etc. (for those that like the bar atmosphere while at the game) Put seats in where the bars are & give the Sioux on Offense end, to the students (maybe standing room only bleachers) How many could be in that kind of section) ? ? ? & the Band - Use the organ with the Band ? ? ? other end to away team Fans & Family's of teams etc. & the public that wants to buy single game seats etc. This way the arena will be bigger ...right ? more seats so it could host Nationals or other tournaments, that require more seats (How many seats are wasted on these bars) ? ? ? Also I think this town can support a GOOD Junior Team - (On weekends when the Sioux are out of town) or during the week games Or: Like the Stanley Cup last time (when teams were away & the Fans went to their arenas & had a great time) - I think Sioux Fans would come to the Games if Live on the Big screen Scoreboard too. I Love me some Hockey
  24. One or two for my son call 701-746-4796 Thanks
  25. I always get ducks - I go to Devils Lake area every weekend & there are lots of ducks over there still - the easy pickins are about over & yes the migration is just starting - never gets really good until end of Oct & Nov. This just seems like a Big series, that is a must see - Missed them against Manitoba But normally (last 30 yrs the ducks came 1st) Could go chase chinese ditch chickens too - But I'm waiting until next weekend
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