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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. I know this team & Hakstol, likes speed ("Speed Kills") & if they were scoring thats Great ! But maybe the speed thing is actually not working (at times Killing us)?

    Their shots & passes are not clicking - Many great opportunities have been missed because they seem in too big of a hurry & can't finish ? ? ? & as many say, those that sit around me, GO TO THE NET ! with the shots ASAP - seems we always go to the corner or there is always a hesitation before a shot by the D men (How many of our shots have been into a opposing player & a opportunity lost ? (LOTS)

    Opposing teams always shoot every chance they get & slop in alot of their goals

    I know the cycling thing in the corners, does eventually work (proven the past couple of yrs) - Or did they just start going to the net more ? - But it (Cycling the puck) can sure drive us (the Spectators/ Fans NUTS) & so far this yr it is not overly working :silly:

    Maybe this team is suited towards another style of play ?

  2. I know this team & Haksto,l likes speed (Speed Kills) & if they were scoring thats Great ! But maybe the speed thing is actually not working (at times Killing us)?

    Their shots & passes are not clicking - Many great opportunities have been missed because they seem in too big of a hurry & can't finish ? ? ? & as many say, those that sit around me, GO TO THE NET ! with the shots ASAP - seems we always go to the corner or there is always a hesitation before a shot by the D men (How many of our shots have been into a opposing player & a opportunity lost ? (LOTS)

    Opposing teams always shoot every chance they get & slop in alot of their goals

    I know the cycling thing in the corners, does eventually work - But it can sure drive us (the Spectators/ Fans NUTS) & so far this yr it is not overly working :silly:

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