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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. When I got to UND I was told (by my brother) that underage drinking at Judy's was immune from prosecution. My brother, (who is an attorney) just verified that the immunity is still in place. As long as you don't drink and drive, get in fights, or break the long pool cues (when you should be using the short one by the north wall) these charges won't hold up in court.

    Well there you go nothing news worthy in this thread at all :):)

  2. My daughter went thru this over a yr ago (at 20) was in a Bar & the cops came in & cuffed her & took her away & it was $600 to bail her out (parents have some cash on hand your going to need it cause they don't take checks or CC) thats why we finally got called (none of her "friends" had the cash) - & in court it cost her around $300

    PCM must be out cause he has the whole story on Robbie now (in a PM)

    Robbie does not deserve to have his name (& Exceptional) year, tarnished one bit :)

  3. Say what?

    From the So Sioux Me Dept.: There's nothing wrong with a little good-natured ribbing of the opposing goalie after he allows a goal, right? With that in mind, INCH's double-secret Mariucci Cam caught North Dakota athletic director Tom Buning directing the traditional "sieve" chant (complete with Bob Dole-esque, right-handed, pen-gripping, pointing gesture) at a Minnesota netminder. Memo to Gophers and Sioux fans: We're just the messenger. Now talk amongst yourselves.


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