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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. I really admire & like to watch him play

    He is better than most scouts must know - He deserves to be drafted & I'd say he could play pro hockey - even could be a STAR in the NHL someday

    Sure playing with Oshie & Toews makes him look good - But I think he would do pretty good on any line

    A team full of Duncans & Binas would kick Butt

  2. I do think Lee is trying to play with some fire

    They need to bring in some tough defensemen to teach him how to play the game with grit & fire

    I was proud of him dropping the gloves - but if yer going to do it ....go full bezerk & make it worth while :huh:

    & it is good to see him following Binas lead & trying to step up in the play & score

    He needs to throw caution to the wind & just play hard & tough & take some chances & get some confidence & do it with more regularity

    Hey no one would criticise him if he screws up while being all he can be - but to do it with tenitiveness only makes him seem wimpy :lol:

  3. people that seriously use it should be shunned

    Yeah thats typical - I just felt some of this needed to be said - to many of those that don't drink were feeling like Hockey Idols were getting special treatment. :lol:

    But keep looking over your shoulder - in case the monkey gets too heavy - you know the old denile thang :D

    Plus it's helped take the focus from a few to many :ohmy:

  4. Hockey games (& especially now that the Ralph has alcohol) makes it easier for many of us

    I was just thinking of the bigger issue (that many here must not see or wish to ignore)

    It just seems that it is either it's OK or it's not - I say Not for under 21 but then look at the example many of us set & then wonder why it is such a problem for those under 21

    I think this even has examples of why can you die for your country but not have a Beer ?

    Does our Society say one thing & do another - Does Canada have more or less problems with allowing 18 yr olds to drink ?

    Just asking questions ? Instead of ignoring it - & I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it (if it does not hurt anyone) But it obviously is ???

  5. Binge drinking will no doubt become a bigger issue - it has been building momentum even before this

    I admire Hak for bringing in the Chief of Police in to talk to the team

    GF is not as Big a town as some think - In fact it is kinda inbetween being small town & Bigger City

    Binge drinking is a Big Deal up here (& maybe everywhere) Is it a problem ? if done without driving ?

    Bars have sure changed .......or have they ?

    People drinking at home more (so as not to have to drive) why so many go to the Lake on weekends in the summer (so as not to drink & drive)

    What % of SS.com members are binge drinkers ? What % of GF residents ?

    What do you call a binge drinker ?

    I don't see alcohol going away again ??? & I'm not wanting to hear from those that think it can

    Can a community still drink (& binge drink) & be safe & a more Fun place ? It seems there are only those against it & want tighter enforcement /stricter laws & wish that will change things .....Are there things that can be done to make it OK, but see that those especially under 21 don't abuse it ? ? ? While at the same time make it safer & less a problem for those over 21 ? ? ?

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