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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. I don't really mind if other teams do well & are ranked above us

    & the rodents are a very good 1st half team this yr

    & I do believe they have a few guys who can even play better

    We have had our problems (everyone knows what they are)

    But I do feel we are on a up swing & will be better

    I just hope it can all come together this weekend

    seems like a make it or break it point in our season

    Can this team all have a good game at the same time ? ? ?

    Can a few of our stars really shine at the same time ? ? ?

  2. Doesn't the Alerus have both Beer Distributers ?

    & last game the lines were long at the beer stand & only two people working it & they were chatting & visiting with everyone & taking way too long to serve - I'm getting where I hate to even go down there - This is one thing Nice about the Excell Center (at least evening games) their day crew is a little suspect ???

  3. AMEN the Crowds at the Ralph have been great... when we play good - I'm sick of the whiners that want to stand & block the view of others - We actually watch the Game- Don't like it go to some school where they stand & Yell instead of Watch the Games :D Only thing more Obnoxious is when a Gopher Fan stands in front of you & does his M I N N O thing while play has resumed :lol:

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