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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. who can play with toews ?

    to make him a scoring threat (or assist threat) for us ? Have all the line possibilities been tried ?

    I still say this is a different team & should (at times) slow it down more & control the puck & get better scoring opportunities - instead of, just go faster than the other team & hope it goes in , or hope thay can control it good enough to get a shot (let alone a quality shot) or have someome ready to put in a rebound.

    I'm so tired of every team we play - their goalie plays like they are a NHL Goalie of the yr :silly: - either we are not getting quality shots or enough shots or were the unluckiest team the Sioux have ever had ? ? ?

    we seem to be finally playing better in the 2nd period - which has kept us in the game or at least within a goal of tieing or winning

    So were playing better ---But I'm afraid so are most other wcha teams ....especially the goofers :D:huh: & How about SCSU :D

  2. Kim Holmes on the Mac show was just talking about this

    Why only one Beer Distributer ?

    Why the same food ?

    & the same commercials on the Big Screen drives me nutz :lol:

    It was Good at 1st - But could have been better & now it's all getting kinda same ol same ol .....?

  3. I watched some of the Blackhawks game the other night & he could easily play there now & he is not close to being a Mature Man & as big or as fully developed as he has potential to be

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