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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. Oshie is gonna explod & get the goals he deserves

    the D seemed a little lost at times tonight - I wonder how they will do against other Good WCHA teams ?

    I like to see Lee get some penelties ;) It shows he is getting into the physical play

    & we need to start scoring on the PP - But this team is for REAL :silly:

  2. I know many of you still see Lee as .....well Good ? - Will he have a break out year like others ? this yr ? Next ? Senior yr ? If he does he will be gone to the Pros - But I' don't see him in the pros until he does :glare: I say this in GREAT HOPES a light comes ON & his confidence catches up to his skill/potential ASAP

  3. it's pretty Cool how so many can see the talent in just one game - (Like Oshie last year - You could just see it) - I voted for Hunter Bishop after just one look & so did many others - I'm looking forward to watching the lines develop

    I think Chris Vande Velde can be a force too, if he gets paired with the right players

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