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Posts posted by Fetch

  1. I'm not a big stat watcher - but when Vandy just got his first I was surprised - He is supposed to be a scorer - I do think he has worked extremely hard in games & has became a better wcha player, as the year went on (skating at least)

    Vande has kinda had a pass on criticism

  2. A. Will Lammy stand on his head ?

    B. Team D will save us ?

    C. Offense will shine ?

    D. All of the above ?

    Have we played our best Hockey ?

    I'm still mad I did not get to see the Friday game at st clown - sounded like it was a good one

    To use a NFL Superbowl analogy - Usually the best game of the year is not the last (But during the season or playoffs)

    & who is going to surprise everyone ? - I say Lee Finley Chorney & Bina are going to score more pts than any of us could of imagined

  3. Ive been to a few - but last time was a couple yrs ago & we used to stay across the street at the Holiday Inn (I didn't like the rooms but sure was convenient - but not near the best bars/food etc.)

    Anyone ever bought tickets from the scalpers out front ?

    Are they real expensive ?

    Hard to get 4 together ?

    I bet at this late date they have better seats (lower bowl) than thru normal sources ?

    Any suggestions on best place to stay (that still has rooms) Nearest the Excel or within reasonable taxi ride ?

  4. What a difference a week makes - Keep this up & we should do well

    Congrats to Duncan for winning the leagues scoring

    Watched the Goofer chokers last night - they sure seem Big & play position hockey well - But they sure are S L O W ...No real hustle at all - tech played hard - beerchug.gif

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