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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. I'm sure you noticed then that Westwood Sports has closed their Bloomington store location...that sure says a lot about the changing demographics of hockey. The Lakevilles and Eden Prairies have over-run the Richfields, Kennedys, and Jeffersons of the metro area.

    You forgot Hat Trick Hockey on 66th st. in Richfield.
  2. To be fair, if you're counting the whole MSP metro you should really include the FM area in your Grand Forks metro count. I used to live in Stillwater, considered in the metro, and it was an hour drive to campus. Live in Fargo now and it takes about the same time to get to REA.

    Stillwater is part of the Minneapolis MSA (metropolitan statistical area) and Fargo is not a part of the GF MSA.
  3. Excellent query,

    The short answer is this; This team doesn't f_ck up.

    While I have always been a strong supporter of more offensive prowess with respect to many of our past Sioux teams( just check my history on this forum to see how I feel about the value of dynamic offense), the number one thing I pay attention to when watching and re-watching Sioux games is who screws things up. I could go back to pretty much any team since Hak has been at the helm and point to more than one player on each team that perpetually mucked up possession. Of course this was and is my perception and my opinion but I do recall it was others as well.

    I don't want to go through the last 8 years and throw players under the bus because that is not nice to some very passionate members of Sioux hockey alumni. I am although going to pick one guy out because I need him to make my point. Chay Genoway. (its ok he's currently making a half million a year). Now this guy was probably the best skating defensemen I have ever seen and he bled Sioux green. I really was a fan of his for that. But he had a weakness. He would get toasted by a good forward and give-up plays which allowed opponents offense in vulnerable situations. Every team has had Genoways over the last several seasons.

    Tell me I am wrong when I say that we as Sioux fans have seen team after team dominate play against opponents but yet lose games when the other team gets odd man rushes once or twice a game and scores on them. You know what I'm talking about. The, "wow we have been kicking their ass! They can't even get the puck out of our end" Then they get a two-on-one breakaway or two during the course of the game and now we are losing. Shots 35-15, but we lost.

    This years team is starting to look different in that they are not allowing the odd man rushes. Even when the opponent gets past our defense we catch them and shut them down. Why is this?

    Because we have 7 awesome defensemen.

    I was at the Denver series and Friday night was a sight to behold. (Sat was the standard Colorado high altitude/bought refs game I have seen for 12 years here but Friday was impressive). I focused on our blue-liners looking for weakness in their game. Every one of them was dominant. Simpson and Schmaltz go from 99% solid to Hobey caliber play throughout the game. They are complete. Shooting eye, skating, passing, decision making, calm under pressure, defensive control, outlet passes, jumping into the play both to keep possession on the boards and up the middle to score. All of it. Top notch All American level play.

    Now the other 5 guys and I'm not talking burgers and fries. Here is the best way to say how I see them; in a comparison with our top two I struggle to find any significant reduction in the level they are at when I break down their game. I watch Ladue and Stecher pinch and I am in awe. They are so effective. They never get burned. They should get burned! They are frick'n freshmen??

    If you took these four guys off our team and had to look to Mattson, Ausmus and Thompson as your guys. Well Asmus is pretty solid-Very few and little F_ck ups. Mattson, now that he is skating with the puck, is starting to look like a bit like Chorney and finally Thompson, Hmmmm? leads the team +/- and scores in critical situations. (BTW Hakstol screwed up not switching the lineup for Sat in Denver. Poor respect for altitude. I appreciate him wanting to go with the highly successful group from Friday's annihilation but ya gotta respect high altitude fatigue.)

    Ok so there you go. I obviously am pretty high on our blue liners right? But is that enough to justify my claims of great potential? Maybe not. So I will add a little mustard. Two more reasons why this team can be great:

    1. I think Hak is a great coach. I have some issues with his what I would call 'lack of focus on offensive creativity'. Just my take on him. Having said that I think he is destined to excel the most with a team that's strength is at the blue line. Given my assertion above then this may be his most appropriately skilled team to coach to a championship.

    2. I haven't said anything about the forwards? Well about the forwards. In the course of this season we have all seen the offensive zone game plan; Gain the zone and move the puck to the point and cycle between a winger and the two defensemen until a shot is there, shoot and get bodies to the net.

    I have noticed a change in the offensive zone puck movement the last few weeks in two areas; A) The defensemen are moving the puck to the wingers of the circles and the forwards are looking for shots and feeds through the middle depending on how aggressive the defense is toward the top of the zone. Our forwards are doing very well at this. Rodwell, Parks, O'donnell, chyzyk, Grimaldi, St.Clair and others are preforming with a lot of hustle and smarts in this role. I.e. they are not f_cking up. This is a second dimension as compared to before X-mas. B) The defensemen (mostly Simpson and Schmaltz) are moving deep into the zone with a frequency that I have never seen before in the Hak era. I think this is not only indicative of how talented our defensemen are but also I think it speaks to my first point. We don't f_uck up!

    That's my spiel..

    For extra credit I say this,

    Rodwell is starting to remind me of Porter.

    St.Clair's penalty kill is starting to remind me of Travis Zajac.

    and a couple times a game O'Donnell kind of reminds me of Stafford.

    how about a healthy McMillan? a cross between trupp and Oshie? maybe Panzer??

    com'on who's with me?

    Try Genoway is making around 70K not 550K. That is what he would make in the NHL and not the AHL.
  4. I can answer this one for you with their same, tired old argument. There is nothing else to do in North Dakota. There are a "bajillion" more things to do in the Twin Cities Metro area, thus, the difference in attendance. (They don't ever include that their metro area is 4 million or so, and GF's is 100,000 or so)

    What is there that is more to do that the locals partake in?
  5. Well, it could have been worse. She could have been raped or even killed by a cop impersonator, which the latter occurred on the UMTC recently. I see these charges getting thrown or greatly reduced. This story is not funny, nor ironic. Those who think so are mentally and socially unstable.

    They won't get thrown out because it is his word against her and her credibility is ling of low now. It will plead down as all things are. Then is still does not hurt who your parents are.
  6. Well, it could have been worse. She could have been raped or even killed by a cop impersonator, which the latter occurred on the UMTC recently. I see these charges getting thrown or greatly reduced. This story is not funny, nor ironic. Those who think so are mentally and socially unstable.

    Sure it is. If you can't see that open your eyes.
  7. I have never ever mentioned Simpson's dad or any other player parents in any post anywhere on this site ever. Talk about just throwing a charge out there. You pretend to know a lot about journalism - I'll await the retraction of your statement.

    I did not say that you did. I asked if you or anyone here had? Since many have my ending statement is fact.
  8. Here is the story within the story - it appears the GF Herald has pulled the story - at least from the online paper. Isn't this thread a reflection of people enjoying when someone who was raised with a silver spoon in their mouth makes a mistake? Who doesn't enjoy it when Paris Hilton does something stupid. Young adults make mistakes - if they have grown up in a spotight it makes the news. You just have to hope the mistakes aren't so big they can't overcome them. I do think this situtation, while not funny, is a great example of irony. Wonder if it will make the AP - that might be why the Herald pulled it (which since I can't find it on their website I am assuming happened) - to prevent further publicity.

    Okay this is a little dark humor but I'm thinking Grandma Marilyn is not going to invite her on the Eat Beat anytime soon or perhaps she will start referring to her as DG, for drunk granddaughter in her columns.

    They have not pulled the story. You have to go to the bottom of the news page and keep clicking older.
  9. I had no idea who her parents and grandparents are until you pointed it out. Did the Herald make it a point to mention Danny Kristo's or Matt Frattin's parents when details of their encounters with campus police made headlines? Nope. You made it a point and did some research yourself...why? To sensationalize the story further?

    Have you and many others here made a point to mention Simpson's dad? Tabellini's dad? Luke Johnson's pedigree? Aaron Ness's dad? Now tell me the difference?
  10. If the Sioux played the following teams in a six weekend period home and away series how do you think they would do?

    Quinnipiac, Union, Northeastern, Providence, U Mass Lowell, Ferris State.

    I would say we would go 8-1-1. That would be our record against a field comprised of 60% of the current top ten teams in the Nation!

    I would add that I think it would be likely that we go 10-0.

    Omaha would probably go 6-4 against them and they are not even ranked!

    I think 6-4 or 7-3 would be more likely.
  11. There's a difference between journalism and muckraking. She's a 19 year old girl for God's sake. Get a life.

    A 19 year old girl in the public eye. A 19 year old girl that has been saying something totally different than who she is. A 19 year old girl who is the daughter of prominent North Dakotans. The 19 year old granddaughter of two public figures. Why are you not questioning the Herald for running the story? They found it newsworthy, as it is for the reasons I have stated, to print. Printed even though her grandmother writes for the Herald. Her grandfather was the editor of the Herald. Are you going to call Tom Dennis tomorrow and complain?
  12. Nice straw-man. The poster said they don't understand why it's posted here and you attack their journalistic integrity? The poster never said they had an issue with an article being written just you posting it here. That has nothing to do with being an objective journalist and everything about you just trying to pick a fight, as usual.

    Yes I did call his journalist integrity into it. Follow along now. He states he is a writer for the DS. The DS prints stories that might offend someone because the story is about their friend. He will write and print it because he is a newspaper writer and it is his job. By complaining when someone posts here about their friend on a community thread his journalist integrity can be questioned. I can overlook it from him though. He is a young kid who just found out someone that he respects has faults like all of us. Right now you are not trying to pick a fight with me?
  13. I had no idea who her parents and grandparents are until you pointed it out. Did the Herald make it a point to mention Danny Kristo's or Matt Frattin's parents when details of their encounters with campus police made headlines? Nope. You made it a point and did some research yourself...why? To sensationalize the story further?

    Actually I remembered who she was right away. Her grandmother has been including her in her reviews for at least 15 years. You do not find it ironic that a daughter of a District Judge and a Supreme Court Justice daughter gets arrested? Can you honestly say if someone else had started this thread you would have reacted the same way? You also have not been reading the GF Herald for 40 years either. Or the DS for 30 years.
  14. Dakota Student writer here. I have to question what this blog is meant for. I for one am disappointed to be seeing this issue on here, and hope to see this deleted from the sports page. It is one thing to disagree with the actions of a person you looked up to, but it is another to bring it onto a page with no relation to the subject.

    It is even more funny now. http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/carrie-sandstrom-help-students-decide-have-fun-and-stay-safe

    This is called the community thread which means you talk about the community. It is not a sports page. Different community issues are discussed along with happenings at UND. If you have such an issue with it I suggest a new career path. It is news and sometimes news hits close to home. If you can not be objective and see that you are not a journalist. You are a writer. Answer me this then. Is the Herald being objective running this story when you consider that her grandmother writes for the Herald and has for years. Or that her grandfather was the editor of the Herald for years. Do you not think that they did not give Marilyn a heads up that they were going to run this story and she would have said do it. Do you not think that her grandfather would have said the same thing? Ask a professor this tomorrow and show them this site and see what they say. I bet they will agree with me and not you.

    I also, as I said before, do not think she should have resigned. It has nothing to do with her job. In fact she could have done a great story on her actions and the consequences.

  15. Dakota Student writer here. I have to question what this blog is meant for. I for one am disappointed to be seeing this issue on here, and hope to see this deleted from the sports page. It is one thing to disagree with the actions of a person you looked up to, but it is another to bring it onto a page with no relation to the subject.

    http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/carrie-sandstrom-help-students-decide-have-fun-and-stay-safe. Oops. This is called the community page for a reason on a website dedicated to the University of North Dakota. Since you seem to have an issue I suggest you rethink journalism since one day you might have to write a story about a friend. You are not being an objective journalist. Ask a professor tomorrow about this and see what they say. Your professor will agree with me. Answer this for me then. Why did the Herald run the story? Her grand mother writes for the Herald and has for years. Her grandfather was the editor of the Herald for years. Why? Because they were being objective journalists. As I said before she should not have resigned. I see no relationship between her indiscretions and her job. She could have written a great wake-up story for other kids. She could have made something good come of this. I still find it funny.
  16. Why would we sell weapons to Iran? Are we moving away from this administration's policy of giving them away to drug cartels in Mexico?

    If our own government doesn't care why four Americans were killed a year ago in Libya, why is this poor college girl's mistake making headline news? Because it's more fun to laugh at the troubles of people in 'high places'? Why not a post about Anthony Weiner's latest sex-capade or Eliot Spitzer meeting the parents of his 20-something girlfriend? Your post alerting everyone here of your 'breaking news' was pure trash.

    If you are going to try and be funny get your facts straight. Guns were not given to any drug cartels.
  17. Why would we sell weapons to Iran? Are we moving away from this administration's policy of giving them away to drug cartels in Mexico?

    If our own government doesn't care why four Americans were killed a year ago in Libya, why is this poor college girl's mistake making headline news?

    Don't forget they started selling the guns under the Bush Admin and not Obama's. Why doesn't the right care about this http://www.warcriminalswatch.org/index.php/news/40-recent-news/243-2-11-09-complete-bush-appointee-resignation-scorecard. Or even more so this? http://www.policymic.com/articles/40811/13-benghazis-happened-under-president-bush-and-fox-news-said-nothing. Or the 247 Marines that died in Beirut because of lack of security under Reagan. Kind of overshadows Benghazi a CIA outpost.
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