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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. Well that's just as close to gf as western nd. And a higher population would be affected potentially by that.

    I get what you are saying but I feel our state is selling out for $. Sure the oil is a natural resource, but this isn't what North Dakota is about. Why disrupt the land, water, and air North Dakota is known for? So the state can build a surplus?

    Is it worth it? My kids or their kids will never be able to enjoy the outdoors in this state like my parents and their parents did.

    3 cheers for RED!
  2. OK. We stop drilling in western ND to preserve that.

    But we still need electricity and energy.

    So let's generate that in already blighted areas.

    So, ... let's build a nuclear reactor in north Minneapolis.


    I know where they could pollute the water, store chemicals, burn coal, build a nuc plant. In your backyard. But then it would be a different story now wouldn't it?
  3. I'm assuming they card everyone so they can look at the back and see if they're are any restrictions. My mom is over 60 and got carded at TGI Fridays but the server immediatley looked at the back of the card and clearly wasn't checking the age.

    Restrictions for what?
  4. :huh:

    You're right it isn't about the money...it's about one's responsiblity to his/her obligation to make the transaction right with MM without MM having to "try" to get his paymnet. Oh and the shaming part...really? Easy to see which way of the social/economic spectrum you swing from!

    And who would Jesus want to hang out with? Me or you?
  5. Is UND recruiting Ryan Norman (SSM)? I have heard a ton on him however I can't find any link verifiyng commitment other than a Goofer website noting he is a recruit (which I am guessing means he's verbally accepted). I didn't know his pops played in GF.

    Is he Todd's kid?
  6. Very kind of you...but bottom line is you put in tons of works not to mention putting up the money for full payment. I guess I wouldn't be as willing or patient to be strung along.

    Oxbow, It is not that much money and MM can take heart that he has done a good thing here. Lots of happy people who will enjoy their hats for a long time would be payment enough for me. The money isn't always the be all.
  7. I'm trying to cut folks a little slack given the holidays and the fact that I did tell everyone to be patient until the bill arrived in my mailbox from Coaches Choice and I had a few days to calculate everyone's total including the S&H breakdown...could be a simple case of much bigger things going on at the moment...hopefully will be resolved in a few days. Hopefully...

    MM, You did figure though that you would never get paid by everyone didn't you? They probably will pay in good time if everyone shames them into it. Even if they don't take heart in the fact that you did a real good thing here and those that bought hats are really happy.
  8. They never sell out unless the Sioux are there. The last Sioux game there I had a 70?? Year old guy in front of me get carded for buying a beer! Then my turn and I asked if he thought he needed to card that old guy, he said "we are suppose to card everyone" Where has common sense gone?

    Go to Tennessee and watch how they card people. Everyone is carded and people have their ids ready. It is strange to see an old lady with a walker get carded.
  9. The good student portion of that is the key part since DIII schools don't offer athletic scholarships, as I'm guessing you know by your specific inclusion. Aren't athletic teams at other schools allowed to give out academic scholarships to supplement? I believe there are very specific guidelines to it, but it can be done. Not sure on the exact details though.

    You would think DIII schools would use academic money as an enticement along with need based money. It would be dang interesting to know how well a lot of the private school DIII hockey programs in Minnesota do. A lot of those schools have really high academic standards to get in. I know I have read that they give the general student body a lot of funds. With tutition being lower at UND than any of the Minnesota schools I wonder who really does better?
  10. There are 18 scholarships. However, the school can choose to divide the scholarship money we have up however they choose. Very few players are on a 100% scholarship. You can probably figure out who is on a complete full scholarship. We also have recruited walk ons. So the amount of scholarship money for each player varies every year.

    I know this and have for many years. That is why I thought what I did. Recruit a good player you know will come and not have to use any scholarship money on them. That is why a good student playing DIII hockey can easily get more scholarship money than a UND hockey player can get. This also makes me wonder if they used any of Tabeleavis money on anyone else for the spring semester. Did they cut it up amongst different players for the semester?
  11. I tend to go against the grain on certain topics now and then and I have not been kicked off this site....yet :) It's probably the things you say. Like making a snide comment about the Simonson's family wealth even though you later claim to be friends with them. Many of your posts seem to be coherant and with thought (ex. Rocco), then you go off the deep end with some super odd thought (that his religion has something to do with his talent). You must get your jollies off from making people mad. I have seen all your comments and I typically choose not to respond to the crazy ones knowing you are simply looking to stir the pot (except the Simonson comment). I have also resonded to numerous posts of yours that are coherant....even if I don't agree with them. It is pretty easy to tell which of your posts are real and which you simply want to piss people off.

    None are meant to piss anyone off. People use religion to explain away things and use it to justify things. So I simply took the step to wondering if Rocco's lack of scoring had been turned over to god's will or if he was trying something else. As for Simonson I was simply thinking that if there are only 18 scholarships can they recruit someone and ask them to pay themselves. I never once made a snide comment about Simonson's wealth. I just like to look at all the options and angles of things. Not my fault that peole can not follow along. Instead of asking for clarification the attacks start instead. I am by nature a very curious person and like to check out all the angles.
  12. IIts said to say but majority of the library traffic is lower income people. They dont have the money to donate to it.

    Like the new hockey aenas. Business are jumping tons of money in to that...cuz more higher end income earners will use that and have higher discretionary income to splurge at the busieness that donate dot the hockey arena

    Sports do seem to have a priority over education.
  13. The guys that own Rhombus Guys recently purchased the Opera House building in Downtown GF. I know they have some nice apartments in the upper level but I believe the main floor is still open. Not sure what they have in mind for it but perhaps a museum could be housed there. In looking at the website, the plans show a restaurant being in there, which currently isn't.


    It seems from the diagrams that the apartments are on all three floors leaving only the main floor in the front as open space.
  14. The guys that own Rhombus Guys recently purchased the Opera House building in Downtown GF. I know they have some nice apartments in the upper level but I believe the main floor is still open. Not sure what they have in mind for it but perhaps a museum could be housed there. In looking at the website, the plans show a restaurant being in there, which currently isn't.


    Have they closed on it yet? A little too small for an art museum.
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