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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. You should fix the title of this post to the name of the tournament. :). Anyways . I just punched in 4 seats to the tournament and they tack on a $78 convenience fee!!! Are your flipping kidding me. Like $19 per ticket extra which is simply disgusting.

    $19.63 to be exact. Common as could be these days.
  2. One thing I did notice with Loney is that when he went down one of his skates got caught on top of ones of Ausmus' skates and he wasn't able to get control of himself before he went into the boards. He obviously then proceeded to act like he broke every bone in his body.

    You're right. Loney was going down the same way no matter what. Is he up for an Oscar for Best Actor this year? He was on his butt and slammed into the boards with his back only. He did not even hit that hard.
  3. Would guess they'll have to blame the weather this afternoon for the meaningless third place game; isn't even on FSN. Hope for both NCHC teams to win today.

    Would it had been shown if St. Cloud had won last night and the rodents were playing in it? I doubt it since the championship would have been switched to the afternoon and third played at night.
  4. What do you mean Hmmm? I am the alpha dog at my house and there's no Hammer Down at the Goon's house. :)

    Goon from your picture I would say your real boss is the darling little blond girl you are holding. She has daddy wrapped around her finger, as it should be. :)
  5. I think we're at the point where if a guy is going to lay on the ice for 3 minutes after a hit that draws a penalty and requires assistance in getting back to the bench, that medical protocol requires he not be allowed back onto the ice for the ensuing power play. It can be called the Rau Rule.

    What the rule should be is this. If you are so hurt rolling on the ice you can not return to the game without a doctor's clearance in writing to the refs.
  6. Yep. Typing "fire idalski" into the search function and hitting multi-quote is a real time killer. Though you do make a point, probably missed a few since I spelled it correctly and didn't bother to try to find any other ones.

    What happened on Maury and Judge Judy today? :)
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