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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. Maybe the third conference is the Big Ten. Ooops. just baiting the hook.
  2. I believe this will be a close game. we can't dig a hole with penalties or TO's or it maybe tough to get back in the game. The Bobcats have more interceptions than we do. They also play 2 QB's. it is possible both may be in the game at the same time. Just more to keep an eye on.
  3. Nodak78

    Bozeman up next

    I may as well cancel my room and forget about buying a ticket. Bobcats are going to blows us out.
  4. 2 points. At halftime while in the mens room I over heard a fan on the phone who said to give him 5 minutes and he would meet whoever outdoors, obviously leaving the game. I hope he enjoyed the game on the radio or on TV. But it was way more fun watching the comeback live. just saying. For a fact USD burned 2 early timeouts on 3rd and long because of crowd noise. One in each half. Also at least 2 or 3 false starts. I did notice a bunch of noise starting on 1st down either toward the end of the 4th qtr or in the OT. I am sure the players and coaches saw that were pleased.
  5. yes I sent Bubba a couple emails. one last year and one this past week. He answer very prompt. I was not expecting a reply. Bubba has impressed in many ways. I would like them to sing it to the fans as well. Students for sure. I believe that would build more pride.
  6. Nodak78

    Bozeman up next

    I booked a hotel room months ago. I will know today if work interrupts my plans. I sure hope to be there.
  7. Another bright spot was there but punting unit. We must have pinned them inside the 5 or 10 yard line. Nice punt and coverage. We didn't expect that in the beginning of the season. I think tyus should have worked on the pass breakup rather than interception. I don't think he saw the field again after that. We do have good CB's and only going to get better.
  8. I saw a good omen driving to GF. A hawk sitting on a bale. It looked like he has his eye on a mangy coyote.
  9. Hold that thought until after the game.
  10. Stop by and have a Blue Moon and whatever I will have on the grill. We will be friendly. This game will be lucky thirteen. That is 13 straight losses for the Yotes in GF.
  11. I found this post interesting. Damn near cancelled my room in GF for sat and give my tickets away. then I read the last sentence and felt like I can change the trip to GF for the game. Sep 13, 2016 at 9:06pm Quote Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top Post by Yotes on Sep 13, 2016 at 9:06pm Comparing common opponents from 2015 and this 2016 Weber State team paints a favorable picture for USD: USD 52 vs Drake 0 - UND 21 vs Drake 18 USD 24 at NDSU 21 - UND 9 at NDSU 34 (a game in which UND had 4 yards of rushing and 57 yards passing) USD 27 at UC Davis 17 - UND 31 vs UC Davis 24 USD 52 vs Weber State 49 - UND 24 at Weber State 25 While the transitive property doesn't exactly apply to football it's hard to ignore how much better USD has fared against these recent common opponents. Not sure how much value this holds as we transcend eras, but UND has won 12 straight games against USD in Grand Forks. Last time USD won there was in 1985. We also are a couple coaches removed from our last game with UND as the last matchup was in 2011 during Meierkort's last season. So yeah, it's been a little while since these teams have faced each other. Read more: http://usdcoyotesports.proboards.com/thread/1782/weber-state#ixzz4KMA4RD9S
  12. http://espn991.com/south-dakota-preview-coyotes-at-north-dakota/
  13. That is Delusional Even the all world QB from MSU couldn't score 45 on us last year. lol
  14. Weber was leading 42-21 going into the 4th qtr. If weber had taken the air out of the ball they win. Weber QB threw a ball early in the 4th qtr he had no business throwing other than out of Bounds.
  15. So are you saying Bowling Green should have looked better against Ohio State.
  16. You might be right Geaux. But after watching the Weber game, I think Steveler ends up with minus yards. Weber didn't really pressure the QB and terrible at tackling in space. I will say Steveler used his block quite well. I hope I'm right but I could be way off.
  17. USD offense rushing is ranked 16th in the nat'l 246yds/game UND defense rushing is ranked 14th in the nat'l 76yds/game So will USD offense rushing be closer to 76 yds or 246yds. I would guess no more than 100yds rushing.
  18. After watching the Weber vs USD game and MSU vs Idaho game. I'm quite confident we win both games.
  19. Thanks for sharing. Luke played a nice game.
  20. I agree. Better OL play and Keaton has shaken the rust. Big game for him as well.
  21. Keaton hasn't thrown an interception in either game. He also hit some big throws to move the chains. The OL looked much better in the 2nd half. The defense is a shut down defense. I don't have the concerns about the CB's after this game. We gave up 2 throws over the top and that will be corrected. The front 7 are absolute studs. More like the front 20 because of the depth.
  22. I just finished watching the Weber vs UDS game on espn. You can watch it if you have a Roku. Weber was leading 42-21 starting the 4th qtr. Weber threw 2 interceptions. one with about 2 minutes to play. Garrett for Weber had 141 yds rushing. Bouma had 150 rushing and Steveler had 125 yds rushing for USD. Will our defense give up a 100 yds rushing to either? A QB with 125 yds. rushing? Steveler's mother will wisely say please don't run with the ball son. I prediction both John and Brady will have 100 yds rushing. and UDS will be held under 100 yds rushing as a team. UND 37 - USD 13
  23. I'm bringing 8 from Williston and meeting to from GF. Tailgating and looking to stomp the coyotes. This will be fun to watch. The Fighting Hawks will soar.
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