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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. from the article. As of Tuesday, the dashboard listed 348 available inpatient beds and 152 ICU beds, which are figures for licensed beds, not necessarily staffed beds. question, Do you actually staff beds that are not in use. Just a hit piece from the Heraldo.
  2. Tell me that on Nov 4th. After Trump carries FL, AZ and NM because of the Latino vote
  3. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/spanish-speaking-telemundo-viewers-favor-trumps-debate-performance-margin
  4. Dems schorted earth treatment of Rep appointments. Goes back to Bork. ACB will be the best justice.
  5. This. Bush would have pulled Kavanaugh in a NY minute.
  6. No the establishment Rep would not have picked Judges like he has. Too many of the Establishment are spineless.
  7. He was elected primarily to pick judges and justices, and get the gov't regulations off the backs of small businesses so this country could prosper. He accomplished that. 3 justices on SC. awesome. unleashing energy to create jobs. I would say Biden is the conman. Hunter's money and the rest of the Biden family gaining riches off Daddy's name.
  8. It's a casedemic at this point. Get on with life. Check out the graphs in the link below. This analysis would suggest a scenario that is in almost diametric opposition to that which we're hearing on the mainstream media and from many governments, such as the UK's. Let's also not forget that while there's been a view portrayed that the pandemic has hit most of the world, especially countries in northern temperate latitudes, hard. let's not forget that the pandemic had little or no impact on all-cause mortality in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Austria and all the Eastern European countries. Based on concerns of a second wave in Britain, Boris Johnson's government yesterday banned public gatherings of more than 6 people, making protests a bit harder to organise - or at least expensive if you don't mind maying the £100 fine for the first offence (fines rise to £3200 for successive offences). For those planning to get married - that's still OK. But only if you observe the new guidance. Be warned, though. You'll need to wear a mask, you can't kiss your new spouse, you can have a disco but you're not allowed to dance - and everyone must stay 2 metres apart. Sounds like a heap of fun (not!). And maybe completely unnecessary. If we could follow the Swedes - and be given the right to exercise our freedoms to meet, dance or marry as we choose, we might be a whole lot better off - and out the other side of the pandemic a whole lot quicker. Just maybe. Let's keep a sharp eye on those data in the coming days and weeks and we'll see ◉_◉. https://www.anhinternational.org/news/is-there-a-waning-pandemic-behind-the-casedemic/
  9. Biden will lose the election and the state of PA. “Bless it, they need the jobs here,” said Ron Richardson, a 58-year-old lifelong Democrat who plans to vote for Trump. Richardson is not impressed by Biden’s support for the plant and his vows not to ban fracking. “Why did Biden all of a sudden start saying he likes it and everything?” Richardson said of fracking. “He did nothing but talk bad about it...Now, all of the sudden it’s getting closer to the deadline, his attitude on a lot of things has changed. And I am a Democrat.” The Trump campaign and his allies are working tirelessly to seed such skepticism. "Don’t forget, I am not the candidate … that said, 'We are not going to have fracking, we are going to ban fracking,'" Trump said at a rally outside Pittsburgh on Tuesday night, alluding to a gaffe Biden made during a primary debate that he later walked back. "Then all of a sudden, he said, 'Maybe I will have some fracking.' And you know that won't last because the radical left won't let them get away with it. I am all for fracking." https://news.yahoo.com/joe-bidens-pennsylvania-hurdle-voters-182430466.html
  10. Taking about amending the constitution. Mike 100% popular vote in the big state don't amend the constitution
  11. You can have a 100% of citizens of NY, CA and other east and west coast. means nothing. You need a majority in 38 states.
  12. Of course they would. Many of their businesses have been burning down by Antifa and BLM.
  13. The Generals Are Hardly Objective, Unbiased Observers Needless to say, this view of the generals veers far from the reality. Moreover, the generals may now be morally and ideologically compromised by their deep ties to weapons manufacturers and the corporate boards on which many generals serve. In a blistering article published at the American Conservative last week, Hunter Derensis explains how the image of American generals as selfless public servants is long past its expiration date:
  14. Oh no. This is not good news for Biden. #ChisWallace que up the questions. https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/23/hunter-biden-took-3-5-million-from-ex-moscow-mayors-wife/#.X2t5AFJpf2A.twitter
  15. I should have remembered that she never married.
  16. Sweden covid update. https://en.as.com/en/2020/09/21/latest_news/1600687944_934325.html
  17. Don't know if its true. But o'Reilly is gone. Wonder what happened to Freddo at CNN
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