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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. Much to gain. They have the past 3+ years.
  2. CNN. Jack trapper slipped up. He mentioned several times filtered through Trump's eyes. Later said unfiltered. Loops, media could filter direct comments. 4. Days of unfiltering media corruption.. Trump will garner 20+ of black vote and roll to victory.
  3. Hayduke and undlaw80. Are in a minority according to this poll. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trump-pops-to-52-best-job-approval-rating-on-record-up-with-blacks-even-democrats
  4. MPLS businesses can't board up windows or install security to protest their businesses ordinance since 2004. This is local control but must be Trumps fault. https://www.startribune.com/mpls-business-owners-wanting-to-protect-their-windows-after-riots-face-obstacle/572206032/
  5. On another issue. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/abbotts-fast-5-15-minute-easy-to-use-covid-19-antigen-test-receives-fda-emergency-use-authorization-mobile-app-displays-test-results-to-help-our-return-to-daily-life-ramping-production-to-50-million-tests-a-month-301119289.html
  6. Hayduke and undlawless. Will say this is a one off. November shock for them.
  7. Trump is going to get MN. https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/government-and-politics/6633345-Minnesota-mayor-speaks-at-Republican-National-Convention
  8. It would nice if the Dems realized that. They always play race card just for power.
  9. Sen. Scott. Best line of describing America, Cotton to Congress. America is a great country. Not a racist country.
  10. Only thing missing in this quote is hayduke and UNDlaw80 as prime examples.
  11. The ones you mention are has been rino. They are liberal and are not living off the gov't teet since they are outcasts of the Rep party.
  12. how about 2 congressman switching from Dem to Rep. Jones and the other from NJ.
  13. Here is a map of 2016 election by county. Look at NY state. Do you really think NYC will vote like 2016 with the mayor and Gov screwing everything up. NY is in play. http://metrocosm.com/election-2016-map-3d/
  14. Well damn his prediction in 2016 was Trump 9 months before the election. His model predicted every election since 1912 correctly except two. 1960 and 2000. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/professor-doubles-down-on-prediction-model-showing-trump-having-91-percent-chance-of-winning-election-despite-polls
  15. Damn forget his cocaine son Hunter rec'd over $1 billion contract for Hunter's company.
  16. Biden never an original thought. https://thepostmillennial.com/joe-biden-accused-of-plargiarizing-late-canadian-politician-jack-layton-in-dnc-speech
  17. I think this young man will do well at UND.
  18. Two more weeks for sure. Just keep 2 more until Nov. This is unbelievable.
  19. Presidential race in MN is tight. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k75e8WjQL01TXmzE3aVSBqrHo5CucbD-/view
  20. The difference between Trump and Biden. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2020/08/19/video-trump-rally-features-minneapolis-firefighter-whose-sports-bar-was-burned-down-by-rioters-n2574527
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