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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. That poll was concluded Oct 1. I see a crescendo on Nov 3rd.
  2. Simple solution. Hunter just deny they are your emails. Photo of Biden with Burisma head was on they web. Joe asked to have taken down. I don't have time to find.
  3. Check this fivethirtyeight poll. Nate Silver is a Dem. Check out the grow in Black and Hispanic group under 44 years old. Huge swing to Trump. Why is Obamer trying to save Joe. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump-is-losing-ground-with-white-voters-but-gaining-among-black-and-hispanic-americans/
  4. Bingo. This election is over. Trump with a huuuge win.
  5. So why do you think the black individuals polled in a 5 day period increase from 25 to 46% of saying they intended to vote for Trump. Sampling error? Or maybe Ice cube and fiddy cents. Or Biden past of locking up blacks.
  6. Not so fast Biden breathe. Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll · Oct 23 Morning Reader Data Points: National Daily Black Likely Voter Job Approval For @POTUS - October 19-23, 2020 Mon 10/19 - 25% Tue 10/20 - 24% Wed 10/21 - 31% Thu 10/22 - 37% Fri 10/23 - 46% what has happened to the Black vote in the last week.
  7. Some believe we can control the climate. Out to lunch Bunch.
  8. Biden the genius on how to kill the nation's economy. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/10/24/biden_ok_to_frack_for_natural_gasnot_ok_to_burn_it_144521.html This Green New Deal goal would never get congressional approval, but that may not matter. Biden promises to achieve his clean energy goals by fiat, issuing executive orders of “unprecedented reach that go well beyond the Obama-Biden Administration platform.” A Biden administration would move to achieve its goal of “carbon-free” electricity generation through an even more aggressive version of President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” regulations. This Clean Power Plan 2.0 would require utilities to idle, then dismantle, their natural gas power plants.
  9. Wisconsin will have 1000's available for coding jobs if Biden wins. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/10/23/carney-joe-bidens-energy-plan-would-eviscerate-wisconsin-sand-miners/ “Companies involved in Wisconsin’s sand mining industry employ thousands in family-supporting jobs and are making significant, multimillion-dollar investments in areas across Wisconsin, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in overall economic impact to the state and in local communities,” according to the Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association.
  10. https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/biden-son-brother-pitched-us-infrastructure-deals-chinese Hunter Biden reportedly met Ye in a Miami hotel in May 2017. In a May 15 email, James Biden listed a number of prospective contacts for joint ventures involving SinoHawk and CEFC. The roster of elite Democratic elected officials includes Biden's running mate Kamala Harris, as well as two other former 2020 presidential hopefuls, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand. The list of prospective New York Democratic contacts for CEFC includes Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Sen. Charles Schumer. The California list features Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whose husband's business dealings with the Chinese Communist Party have earned him millions over the last several decades. Feinstein enjoyed a long friendship with the late Chinese premier, Jiang Zemin.
  11. You got pretty close or a telescopic lens.
  12. Test everyone all the time until 100% positive cases. That is the only solution.
  13. How about dog trainer that be very collisional. Heavy investigation.
  14. The vote that counts is his vote for speaker. Could very well cost him his seat.
  15. Dave Catanese @davecatanese On Trump campaign call, Jason Miller says Joe Biden’s energy answer “put the nail in the coffin” in Pennsylvania. Campaign manager Bill Stepien says yesterday was their biggest online fundraising day ever — going back to 2016.
  16. I wonder where Pence will be campaigning. Dave Catanese @davecatanese Replying to @davecatanese Stepien back to pumping up MINNESOTA, says internal polling shows a “tightening race.” “The race is for real,” in MN, Stepien says. Trump campaign is boosting its ad buy there and Pence will visit Monday. I just found a update. Trump must be wasting his time and limited money in MN. https://www.fox9.com/news/vice-president-pence-to-visit-minnesota-on-monday
  17. long long wait to go. Still the cost of infrastructure makes too costly for residents.
  18. Stumbling and Bumbling Biden mixing figures, years etc. He lost PA last night. Biden margin on Black and Hispanic voters is shrinking. This debate really hurt Biden.
  19. Yes but we are not working out of fossil fuels. He is dreaming.
  20. As Biden said. We will work it out. No Fossil Fuels no pipelines. Get ready solyndra round two and more bankruptcy for taxpayers holding the bag.
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