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Everything posted by Wildfan

  1. you are correct, I was wrong. Still lower than Fargo,. Ill start to worry if they try to do it again within the next few years, if it stops at this for atleast the 15-20 years, then I'd say it be okay. People have been acting like it was going up 50% and going to skyrocket if it was voted yes.
  2. intersting that I found on the site that Fargo is 7.5%. Grand Forks will move up to 6.755 instead of 6.75. Yet now everyone will avoid Grand Forks because they raised taxes super high. I even heard arguments recently saying they will just go to Fargo where sales tax is lower, which is incorrect.
  3. Presale has already been going on for last week, today they opened remaining tickets back up to all NDCC members to buy unlimited tickets when previous days they were restricted. This presale date runs through the 10th. According to the NDCC website, public on-sale info follows:
  4. agreed by wording it should've been a 2 min tripping call.
  5. if they were the exact same play you can argue inconsistency. Here when they have the rules supporting them on both calls, hard to argue. The inconsistency that could be argued is that the was NO penalty called on UW, when he did commit the infraction, even if the puck is already gone. Even in USA Hockey this is ruling unless the defending player comes up with possession and control of the puck, which they did not, they just negated the penalty shot by taking away UND possession and control.
  6. It is small wording that make a big difference sometimes. Read the USA Rulebook casebook, that isn't consistently black and white, alot of gray.
  7. You can argue that it should've been atleast a 2min though as he still took his feet out. However, by rule I agree no Penalty shot, which is disappointing.
  8. The NCAA rulebook does say that for a penalty shot to be called the player must be in possession and control of the puck WHEN fouled. Unfortunately they knocked the puck away before taking his feet out. I think same thing can be argued on first goal, but it appeared he wrapped him up before touching the puck. Lot easier to watch both puck and infraction when they both happen on the ice, instead of one low and one high.
  9. I want a penalty shot to be called there, and think that they should've keep the UW one as just a 2min instead of the penalty shot that they awarded after convening; however, the rules book favor UW in these situations.
  10. From USA Hockey Rule Book: (a) A minor or major penalty shall be assessed under this rule for any of the actions described above. (Note) However, no penalty shall be assessed under this rule if, in the opinion of the Referee, the player was clearly hook-checking or poke-checking the puck for the purpose of gaining possession. You can argue the fact about purpose of gaining possssion, but at that point it then changes to where the player no longer had possession and control when the penalty occured, that can be argued to be a 2min penalty, but in USA Hockey that is not a penalty shot. Now in NCAA i'm sure there is similar wording somewhere, but it isn't right under tripping like it is on the USA Hockey rulebook site.
  11. Did they call Bowen for holding or tripping? That changes it, they can say hold happened before he played the puck.
  12. If he didn't get the puck first, its a penalty shot. Full speed I thought it should've been. Replay show he got the puck....sucks
  13. From TV coverage before going to that commercial, Wolanin looked to be getting up a little slow after being thrown over Thome by UW.
  14. Once he went behind the the attacker it was a "clear" breakaway, NCAA defines breakaway as no one between attacker and goaltender. There was none.
  15. Found this just now looking up rules on NCAA website. 25.6 Penalty Shot – A penalty shot is designed to restore a scoring opportunity which was lost as a result of a foul being committed by the offending team, based on the parameters set out in these rules. There are four (4) specific conditions that must be met in order for the Referee to award a penalty shot for a player being fouled from behind. They are: • The infraction must occur outside of the puck carrier’s defensive zone; • The infraction must have been committed from behind; • The player in possession and control (or, in the judgment of the Referee, clearly would have obtained possession and control of the puck) must have been denied a reasonable chance to score (the fact that he got a shot off does not automatically eliminate this play from the penalty shot consideration criteria. If the foul was from behind and he was denied a “more” reasonable scoring opportunity due to the foul, then the penalty shot should be awarded); • The player in possession and control (or, in the judgment of the Referee, clearly would have obtained possession and control of the puck) must have had no opposing player between himself and the goalkeeper. 25.7 Results - If the inf
  16. Just turned the game back on again and saw celebration and heard horn....I got tricked by replay both nights thinking UW scored right away in the period.
  17. It is one of those at full speed looks to be clear, also the side of the ice the official is on can change the call, he didn't make the call initially so he took opinions from others with different views. It could''ve went either way. If he doesn't try to hug him and would've took his feet out when he was right next to him it isn't a PS. I am not sure if the shot hit the net as it didn't appear to take away a scoring chance as a shot got off. Either way I can see it go either way. Was hoping the big Thome would've been able to cover post to post.
  18. We forgive them for saying Jost's first name is Tyler since they said Fighting Sioux alot tonight, right?
  19. We have no shutdown corner or DB. Team can pick what side they want to pass too. Last year they risked it anytime they threw at Deion Harris, and we had better coverage guys on the opposite side, however, our pass D wasn't great last year, the INTs made it looked good, but teams were able to run a post on us all day if they wanted. Most of the time our DB is not playing near their WR, give them way too much space. It is tough to watch not seeing many contested catches, while almost every one of ours are contested.
  20. Just watched the UND Insider highlights, so many chances that were so close, Schierhorn played excellent. Alot of chances that are hard to say that we made him look good, he stood on his head. Bast was within maybe a inch of putting his wrap around in to tie the game. Now we can't live on almosts, but if we play like we did last night we probably win 9 out of 10. So we need to go out tonight and make it 1 out of 2 for the weekend.
  21. His Play Action looked like a quality NCAA QB, better than I have seen from Studs, but I have seen 2 plays from him, didn't see his play earlier in the season.
  22. MidcoSN, Mediacom has it as well. Other providers were offered the broadcast, have not accepted per Midco
  23. There is a financial commitment here for the students. However there are quite a number of groups that leave after the 1st and 2nd period ends to go to parties. But it is alot easier for a student that has no money put into it to leave when it gets rough, or to attend their greek formals etc.
  24. If he plays that as a read, there is a huge hole to hand off to brady.
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