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Everything posted by SiouxVolley
Blood type A seems to be most susceptible to bad corona disease. Both Wuhan and Italy have Blood Type A pluralities. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/claryestes/2020/03/20/what-the-relationship-between-blood-type-and-coronavirus-susceptibility-means-for-future-treatments/amp/
An example of an elderly women that recovered thanks to the drug duo: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marybethpfeiffer/2020/03/22/one-patient-dodges-a-covid-bullet-is-she-a-harbinger-or-outlier/#1fb085ed5b84
A voice of hope for we people of little faith: https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=23412
Italy is now ground zero for the west, especially Milan. This article sounds like the US: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/21/world/europe/italy-coronavirus-center-lessons.html?action=click&module=moreIn&pgtype=Article®ion=Footer
The Chinese government knew that thousands of Wuhan residents were escaping China by plane before the Wuhan virus was even reported on. Now the Chinese government is blaming the US military for unleashing that virus on the world. https://spectator.us/beijing-attempts-elude-blame-wuhan-virus-backfire/ . . ..
California and Seattle will have problems because all the homeless are vulnerable as they have a myriad health issues, sanitation, and addictions.
Am very thankful that Trump isn't afraid of those Pharisee journalists. They have needed to be challenged for more than a generation. Most got in to the business because they thought they were so pure morally.
The economic ramifications of this will be enormous as economic activity is projected to drop 25% in the 2nd quarter and the bounce back in the 3rd won't be nearly as large. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/analysts-slash-gdp-estimates-as-coronavirus-ripples-through-economy-11584735139 Have a brother with a renter in Colorado and he lost both his jobs the same day
Saw it on the Elijah List weeks ago. This reference above is only by a demonic voice. Here's a sampling what of what Christian prophets are saying now. https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=23383 Am familiar with most of their voices, as they appear frequently in Christian prophetic circles. Elijah will reappear soon and with the Holy Spirit that hasn't been manifested so strongly since biblical times. The MSM is mostly based on hellish and demonic leadings.
The Chinese communists are comparable to the Nazi's historically. There has been reports that minority people are executed to get their vital organs to sell for transplants. Much of Xinjiang is in reeducation camps and if they don't show progress, their organs get sold. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/china-harvesting-organs-of-uighur-muslims-china-tribunal-tells-un-2019-9%3famp Dont believe anything they say.
They both can true. I believe the Lord God wants miracles to announce his precense in the world and in believing people. People were called to pray and obey Him since the beginning. This is the last days (maybe a decade or more). Suddenly all the human kings are "dead", as Hollywood, music stars, sports stars, our idols, are all shut up very suddenly.
There are reports that China faked it's recovery and is much worse off. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2020/03/20/residents-whistleblowers-claim-chinas-recovery-is-all-fake-n2565356 Expelled American journalists https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2020/03/18/chinas-expulsion-of-journalists-shows-they-have-more-to-hide-n2565163
Skyworks Solutions (Irvine, CA), Ceragon (Israeli corp), and Aseego (San Diego) could be in both lists. A major stock market fall again in 10 years or so. Nvidia was the big 4G winner from San Diego and Qualcom, also San Diego, was a big winner in previous generations.
Have heard a Christian prophecy that says the corona virus will quickly die out then reappear in ten years.
The market will be driven sky high by 5G which is upcoming. People who sold in 2008 soon regretted it.
Gilead Science's drug candidate is moving to trial completion. Gilead has nearly eradicated Hepatitis C with it's drug for that and has most of the drugs for HIV. Gilead is probably the best virus drug company technically. https://medcitynews.com/2020/03/fda-chief-highlights-gilead-drugs-availability-under-compassionate-use-for-covid-19/
Since chloroquine already is approved, Doctor's can prescribe it off label as Dr's do for many drugs. Chloroquine has already had extensive safety checks before it was approved. Same holds for Gilead Science's anti viral drug.
The most obvious comment ever. But high majors have to wait a bit until there scholarship situation straightens out. Sather won't make progress with DII talent or less. Need someone that is more talented than Marlon and the other two seniors. As much as Danielson worked out, Sather can't fill a team with his level of talent.
Should be zilch if this is a true DI team.
The highest priority possible signees get signed first. There is no one currently higher than than the Kirkwood JC grad. Wtf.
Disappointed that so far Sather hasn't got a high major transfer such as Marlon was. Low DI JC transfers probably won't replenish talent to the extent this team needs
The MVC ranking varies every year by 4 spots or more. The Summit ranking varies by up to 15. The PAC12 was really bad this year for a P5, as SDiegoSU, Gonzaga, and Dayton stole their top spots. Saying the MVC is not a top 10 league because of one ranking point just goes to show how cowbrain your thinking is.
Think they would be lucky to get a D2 spot. Jones took a chance on all of them to get a gem.
P5 transfers. Most of freshman signees are off the board.
Not very bright, are you. The MVC has extensive tv contracts and the year that Loyola made the semifinals the MVC had like six shares that get averaged out. Any school that has an opportunity to move to a top 10 league will do it. Davidson is another example, going from the SoCon to the A10, which is a huge jump.