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Everything posted by SiouxVolley
A blog from Scientific American that says it's way to early to support 5G when 4G does t even have answers. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/we-have-no-reason-to-believe-5g-is-safe/
Doctors are shocked I am still living, but of course I'm the dumb one.
Switzerland and Slovenia banned more rollout of 5G months ago until more is know about the environmental health effects. 5G energy can more directly effect cells because it is more narrowly focused . https://www.totaltele.com/504909/Switzerland-pauses-5G-over-health-fears
Some Briton's are torching 5G towers. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/4/4/21207927/5g-towers-burning-uk-coronavirus-conspiracy-theory-link
In my alternative health group, radiation and EMF exposure are considered major risks. Before the USA went under quarantine, I had mentioned to a practitioner that 5G was a major investment idea. He stated that the world's health would go down sharply then. They give a special homeopathic solution to cut down the absorbed energy. Know this is considered quackery by medical people, but they have cured people that doctors said we're a lost cause. Corona virus existed before Wuhan, but EMF poisoning makes people more susceptible to sickness.
April 23 or 24th might be the date . https://m.startribune.com/ncaa-meeting-to-consider-st-thomas-request-to-move-to-division-i-still-scheduled-for-april/569263832/
It hasn't been warm enough for the deep ground frost to lift yet. Most drainage tiles are still in the permafrost yet. My parents had to install sump pumps in GF because water was seeping in last fall They have turned those sumps back on, but it's mostly ice yet.
Brussels just outlawed further installation of 5G until more is know about the radiation effects. https://www.brusselstimes.com/brussels/55052/radiation-concerns-halt-brussels-5g-for-now/
Germany has had a very low death rate. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/04/04/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-rate.amp.html. But it's 5G rollout has been very slow this year.
Earlier have said prophecies have said the corona virus will disappear without a trace. A rumor is now that the implementation of 5G is causing people to get sick from radiowave sickness, which causes your body to emit their related toxins from the nose and mouth. The corona virus just happens to be related by it's spread. Wuhan was one of the first Chinese cities to have 5G. Italy and Spain are two countries that have implemented 5G too. 5G is ten times more powerful than 4G. Other epidemics have happened when a new radiowave was introduced with satellite services, like the Hong Kong flu Elderly people are more susceptible because their bodies can't take much more radiowave toxicity. This rumor has been stated by Vodaphone's former President and most countries want to hide it and proceed with 5G. Radiowave sickness is poorly studied and barely understood. Am aware of sick people that have to limit their radiowave exposure - like living in a shell of metal that forms a chicken coop. Some new environmental change could be effecting our world and 5G is just starting. UK is trying to fight these rumors. https://fullfact.org/online/coronavirus-5G/ South Korea had fully implemented 5G in it's country so they could have done something to stop it (lowering the power).
Here's predictions when each state will peak and when the nation does. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/490856-when-will-coronaviruses-cases-peak-in-your-state%3famp
It will take a couple of seasons before the UST game would count for DI.
If the two medications are approved above, deaths would go vastly down. The first one manages the whole corona cycle and the second CytoDyn on greatly reduces deaths.
Hydroxychloroquine and arizothromicin approved in France after 78 out of 80 people improved. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/france-sanctions-chloroquine-after-78-of-80-patients-completely-recover-from-covid-19-within-five-days/
The NCAA needs to issue a rule change and the Summit needs to vote UST in. Both should happen.
A Seattle based company will probably get FDA approval for it's a corona drug. The same drug is in late approval stages for HIV and metastatic cancers . The company is CytoDyn (CYDY) and it's compound seems to supercharge immune systems. They have safety data on nearly 1000 patients so the FDA wants it approved. Compared to HIV and cancers which it actually cures, corona is primary school work. https://www.google.com/amp/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4334730-cytodyn-may-be-one-of-first-biotechs-to-drug-helps-against-covidminus-19
It's so obvious that you are blatantly illiterate in the word Jubilee and other spiritual things. Everything is based on Jesus, including the need for the clean spiritual kosher food. Jubilee is all about returning to what was made for us at creation These two authors know more about Jubilee than you could possibly imagine. The Lord had plans laid out, and people like Mark Twain and Donald Trump were part of them at the beginning
Due to cancellation of the dance, the NCAA reduces their payout by $375 mill. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaab/2020/03/26/coronavirus-issues-cause-ncaa-slash-payouts-member-schools/2916805001/
The big news was to announce a game vs DII Albany St in Miami Gardens called the Orange Blossom Classic game to attract more fans. https://famuathletics.com/splash.aspx?id=splash_4&path=football
Florida A&M has a major announcement Thursday. Speculation is a conference move like the ASUn, Big South like Hampton and NCA&T, the SWAC or the OVC. A&M tried FBS before with the Sunbelt, but didn't have the $"s. My bet is the ASun and try FBS again.
Here's a sermon from Rodney Howard-Browne, who had a famous laughing ministry of the Holy Spirit. The congregants used to laugh so much that healings occurred. Howard loves America so much as he's an immigrant evangelizer from South Africa. Used to think he was so off until I went to one of his services, and I found it so refreshing and with so much truth. It's almost like he read my mind through the Holy Spirit. Now he has a church in Tampa Bay and many affiliates churches in the country. But here he states another group is using the corona virus for their own evil deeds of world government, the Rockfeller Foundation, which has planned it for years. Their attempts to elect Hilary, impeach Trump and use Global Warming to scare people didn't work, so they used the Corona virus. Howard-Browne's ministry is a major backer of Trump's policies and has prayed several times in the White House. https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/rodney-howard-browne-coronavirus-pandemic-is-a-globalist-plot-to-kill-people-with-vaccines/ This isn't the YouTube sermon, which seems to be gone now.
One part of me says your so illiterate in spiritual understanding that's there's no hope for you. But the Lord gives everyone an escape route. Here Steve prophecies that the Lord will deliver the Corona virus from us April 8th to the 14th. The National Day of Prayer was delayed for a divine reason. In ND, most people pray before meals. Sins are eliminated by prayer.
Here's a piece from 60 Minutes Australia that talks about the origins of corona virus:. Asian Wild animal food markets. That practice is a direct violation of Old Testament laws and practices. Also from Australia, is one of the best pastors IMHO. Steve is multiethnic knows America has a key to the future.
China, bats, and Chinese communists disinformation is to blame: https://thefederalist.com/2020/03/22/no-cnn-humanity-is-not-responsible-for-wuhan-virus-china-is/
There seems to be a truck driver shortage on the East Coast. One person explained to me that Pennsylvania is the cause as many of their truck rest areas have been closed, but the shelves here locally are not being replenished. Walmart is moving up it's closing seeming continually, as they were 24 hr stores, then closed at 11, then at 10, now it's up to 8:30. Went there yesterday, and the store was full of restockers at 8pm. The other major chains in the area are doing the same and the shelves still aren't full. Corona is still rare here in E Tenn, less than ND's, but is affecting everything. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jennysplitter/2020/03/18/covid-19-and-truck-driver-shortage-may-threaten-food-supply-chain/amp/