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  1. Worked with WMU with 17 shots
  2. Just enough effort for 12 shots and 3 to 4 goals
  3. He must have the vison of a Hawk because the video you couldn't tell
  4. If this team gave me confidence that Haks teams did I'd expect them to handle business. Well Berry's teams don't give me confidence unless they win the Penrose.
  5. It was close lol. I would have liked it to 16 shots 4 goals with the OT, but a win is a win.
  6. This doesn't look good who UND would get in round 1 of the NCHC tournament: Omaha, CC, or Denver.
  7. I think it’s head to head then points head to head or something like that
  8. Omaha beats Arizona State 4-2
  9. 4-2 Omaha
  10. Waved off 3-2
  11. When they were mediocre at football they acted like they were as good as Alabama back in the day with only 2 Rose Bowl games. Comical
  12. 3-3 but this will get reviewed
  13. ASU could finish 2nd and miss the NCAAs
  14. St. Cloud beats Denver 2-1 St. Cloud be sure to put Posch in bubble wrap when he’s not in net.
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