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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. On 11/13/2022 at 11:11 AM, Kab said:

    Funny  how ndac won’t mention the name UND on bozoville 


    What do you mean exactly?  They not talking about UND at all, or are they calling us by some other name?

  2. Someone with FB XX's and OO's experience tell me if I am seeing this right - UND ran the same play near the goal line 3 times throughout the game:  Schuster rolls to the right and passes (or intends to pass) to Belquist in/near the end zone.  This play was run at 2:28 of 2Q (interception in the end zone), 0:14 of 2Q (TD) (Ryan Kasowski even mentions it in his analysis that's is the same play), and 9:11 of Q3 (TD).  I hope we something else in mind for future similar scenarios, because that's looking a little too predictable.

  3. 1 minute ago, Sioux94 said:

    Yeah but if they come right back and score on their opening drive right away, that great momentum from the first drive is shot anyway.  I think I'd still probably defer to get the ball to start the second half, but I can certainly see both sides of it.   If they score on first drive though, but we come right back and score.....it's kind of deflating for the team that just scored. 

    Ordinarily I would be in favor of deferring.  But considering how our defense is compared to our offense this year, I see it like this:  take the ball, drive down the field and score.  Crowd is rockin'.  Defense gets pumped up to go out there and try to match the O's mojo.  Complimentary football.

  4. 2 minutes ago, homer said:

    Won and deferred. 

    And then we went on to give up a TD drive.  Getting the possession right out of the half after having that huge sequence right before halftime was a good deal, though.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Wildfan said:

    They can say it all they want. When UND beats NDSU it will sting them emotionally more than losing to any other team/game.

    I agree.  Despite all their success and championships, it still works for me to tell my die-hard Bison co-worker that UND has beaten them more times than they've beaten us.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 12 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    How many times have we scored a TD on our opening drive this year.  Seems like we've gotten a TD on like half of our opening drives this....kinda crazy....but keep it up! 

    That's why I think we should go on offense if we win the coin toss.  BTW, did we win or lose the coin toss today?

  7. 28 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    Time of possession again

    Total Yards 248 351
    Pass Yards 151 243
    Rushing Yards 97 108
    Penalty Yards 3-20 5-45
    1st Downs 16 21
    3rd Downs 8-12 5-10
    4th Downs 0-2 1-2
    TOP 23:30 36:30

    Some of our (usually) touchdown drives this year have been amazing in time consumption.  Anybody have the actual stats?  I'm thinking 12 minutes against ACU (no TD, but last possession of the game) and 10 minutes today against USD.

  8. I get the perception from this site that NDSU's offense is the worst it's been in many years.  But, if you look at their game scores, they are averaging 34 points/game, which is ahead of UND's offense (31 points/game).  Their defense is much more stout, too, giving up 17 while UND gives up 29.  Maybe their weaker SOS makes their wins in more dominating fashion?  The way I see us winning this game is to be absolutely prolific on offense.  I think we need 35+ to even have a chance.  Own the TOP.  10 minute drives resulting in TD is the formula.  If we can force their offense into playing a game they're not comfortable with, our defense will stiffen.  Do we sell out on their run?  Or will that make our secondary too easy of a target?  How likely are we to get QB  pressure?  Their O-line is still very good, is it not?  On Special Teams, I am not nearly as confident our guys will make a game changing play against them.  That would go a long ways, though.  This game will be a challenge.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 1 hour ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Did you say rival?
    There's some trolls that shop here that'll throw up a little / swallow when they read this.

    I’m ok with NDSU not thinking we are their rival, but there’s no doubt they are UND’s rival. They are the model we are trying to follow and are the chief thing standing in our way. 

  10. Just now, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    8-3 a week from now could get us a bye, that'd be sweet.

    Yes. Should be the objective, I would say. Just so happens that you get to beat your primary rival in the process. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, wheelsup said:

    ONce they became one dimensional and had to pass our pressure was solid.

    It is my belief that this is our path to success this year. That puts a lot of pressure on the offense to be “on” and put up points each time they have the ball, though. Stymie our offense, and you probably have no problem getting by our defense. 

  12. Just now, Sioux94 said:

    Agree, however I think their record might have been better with Bauman playing all year.  With him in the won their last two games and just beat SIU who went 'toe to toe' with the Bison.  Defense definitely still makes me very nervous and our offense will have to win most games.  But before the game I would have easily taken 19 points if somebody said that is all USD would get.  

    I agree. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Sioux94 said:

    they only scored 19....not bad.

    Yes, but the reality is this team has only won 3 games. The defense bent and broke about as much as most people expected. Not great. Not horrible. Move on and Try to get better.

  14. 2 minutes ago, homer said:

    7-3 vs one of the most difficult schedule me in the FCS with coaches who can’t coach and a roster of D2 players.   

    Unbelievable!  How does that even happen??!!

  15. 1 minute ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    miller sucks

    Saw him pull off a Tommy Schuster a bit ago. Extended a play and found an open receiver. Maybe that’s an exception?  Even if he does suck, you can go a long ways by just handing off the ball to solid running back with a massive O-line. That’s why we need to make him beat us with his arm. 

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