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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. 38 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Attempted 5. Completed 3.
    Actually 4, since WIU caught one as well.

    I'm sorry (not really), but we have to put that team away this year.  We seem to have the far superior offense.  Sounds like we just need to hold their ground game in check.  here's to 40 minutes of TOP!

  2. USD offense seems quite inconsistent: Only scored 3 against SDSU (among the best in FCS), but put up 38 against Cal-Poly (among the worst), and average 16 points/game.  They give up 26 points/game on average, which matches UND's offensive output pretty closely.  I think the biggest question will be their offense vs. our defense.  Will USD exceed their season average (16) against a defense that allows nearly double that (30)?  I think UND's offense can outscore them, no matter, and I expect a win.  By how much is the question.

  3. So what do we know about the Yotes?  Better than their record?  Or are they a doormat ready to be stepped on as we play in the friendly confines of the Alerus Center?  All I know is that we need this win.  And preferred 2+ score win, at that.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:

    UND offense got on a roll and made them one dimensional.  Helped with pass rush.

    Interesting to think about.  Wasn't/Isn't the pass defense a susceptible area?  But maybe since they knew the opponent was in pass mode, it made it easier to defend.  I do think this is the recipe for winning moving forward - offense scores regularly and forces opponents into a one dimensional offense.

  5. 2 minutes ago, AJS said:

    Is a dominant performance going to give the defense confidence?

    I didn't get to watch the game, only saw highlights, so did the defense actually look legit, or was it because of the ineptitude of the opponent?  Or maybe a little of both?  I do hope, too, that a game where it all comes together might be just what it takes for the lights to come on.

  6. 5 minutes ago, UND Football Fan said:

    I had to look back when Tommy first signed. It was interesting hearing comments on his potential of being a good QB, while some saying he is D2 kid or there maybe something wrong if he was Michigan player of the year and no D1 offers. 


    I’ve been in Tommy’s corner the whole time, but there’s no doubt he’s elevated his game this season over previous. I never really thought his criticisms were warranted, but I must say it’s been so nice this year no one is questioning who the starting quarterback should be. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Mama Sue said:

    Any word or feedback about the 82 possible recruits who attended the SDSU game? I hope the UND integrity, as compared to the targeting call, attracted quality students.

    Awesome point. 

  8. 4 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    I like what I'm seeing out of him. Hope they can keep getting him the ball more and more. Would be nice to have the reliable deep ball heading towards the playoffs.

    Might be able to sneak up on a team with him since there isn't much footage out there.  Only 5 catches on the season.  Maybe a coming out party in Fargo???

  9. 2 hours ago, sioux24/7 said:

    Looks they are averaging 124 yards/game on the ground and giving up almost 179. Hopefully a big day for Hoosman, Smith (hold onto the ball) and Ziebarth. 

    Hopefully our o-line can open the holes against their d-line. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, siouxvblove said:

    Ward played well, and has been all season. Why call for better hitters, we all want the team to be as good as possible and have amazing players but why not give the ladies more credit and appreciate that we did get grad transfers who contribute and play well. Along with a young roster who will continue to grow. This team will just get better with time and and settling in throughout the years but we should be grateful for our current roster’s talent level and record. We aren’t going to go from last to first in a single year. Try to be positive about the players (especially Carney) 

    I think you're misinterpreting (or reading more into) what I'm trying to say.  In my last paragraph, I'm talking about the future.  I'm not talking about replacing Stockman and Ward NOW, I mean after they graduate.   As for "why not give the ladies a little more credit", I just gave them LOADS of credit for how much improvement has been made in just one season.  And when did I not "appreciate we did get grad transfers who contribute and play well" or "be grateful for current roster's talent level and record"? Not sure how I am coming across, but it must not be the right way.

    And again, with Carney, I was just commenting on what my wife and I were noticing.  Not trying to be negative on her or any other player.

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