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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. On 2/18/2023 at 8:09 PM, SWSiouxMN said:

    there is a HUGE difference between 2 and 3 seed.

    Because the #2 seed's opponent plays the day before?  Is there also a potential for #2 to play #10, or in the event #10 beats #7, does #10 play #1?  Any other reasons that I'm not thinking of?

  2. 35 minutes ago, Kab said:


    People on here were calling for his head this season


    I was one of the ones that thought a an off-season change at DC was the right move. Then I retreated a bit when I realized how much the defensive personnel changed from ‘21 to ‘22.  But now we have an opportunity to upgrade our DC. Hopefully we do. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, forksandspoons said:

    UND has had pretty good luck with transfers lately, IMO. Last year, contributions from guys like Hoosman, McNaboe, Red, Seth Anderson, Bryant, Devon K, Buckner, Cooper, Ogbu, Hembry. Lots of them were in their first year in the program as well. 

    Agreed that our staff seems to be "picking their spots" when it comes to transfers - bringing in a few to fill holes, but not trying to turnover a large portion of the roster (thankfully, because that would mean major recruiting problems). 

  4. On 1/20/2023 at 8:50 AM, The Sicatoka said:

    NDSU showed weakness and its fan base is questioning everything. 
    SDSU will have a new head coach and has lost other staff.
    Both will have to figure it out anew. 

    2023 is the year set up perfectly for the Fighting Hawks to emerge. 

    Now do it. 

    If defensive improvements have been made through recruiting and the transfer portal, and offensive production does not drop off, this is a real possibility.  

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