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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Well, they host every single Final Five. They also get regionals and final tourneys quite frequently. What other team do you know of that has this option? I know it is out of convenience...which I am fine with. However, I am just saying they get an advantage...that's all.
  2. Well the fact that the goalie pads are so much bigger is the obvious answer....this is already proven. However, I also think defensive schemes have become much better, no longer do guys walk through everyone and deke the goalie for a goal, more often than not, the goal is a garbage goal scored from a rebound off a screened shot. I have no problem watching a 3-1 game. If you want every game to be 7-5, than you truly don't enjoy watching the defensive side of the game, nor have any sympathy for the man who has to play goalie.
  3. Haha, you are a riot. And if you think the NHL will be getting cages....you're crazy. Why don't you just quit watching the game then if a little blood makes you feel so uneasy.
  4. OK, you pretty much wrote exactly what I was thinking. The location is great....being in Minneapolis, however, I think many UND fans portay this similar to their Final Five weekends in St. Paul (at the X). Downtown Minny is much different and is not as welcoming as downtown St. Paul. The crime is terrible downtown Minny. I still think this is not a great place to have this event, but again, I also have no idea where else they could have it.
  5. Pretty sure you understand exactly what I mean. No other team in college hockey (not even Boston teams) get more of a home field advantage than the Gophers...no team...not ever.
  6. Sorry guys....by location I meant venue. The Target Center is an absolute dump. I was at the final five there before they moved it to the Xcel and it wasn't that great. Again, sorry for the confusion....yes the location is great (especially since I live here :o)
  7. Yeah, saw that a few day Yeah, I read that a few days ago on uscho.com. The Target center is a terrible venue.....but I don't know where else they could have it. The Ralph would be sweet....but only the Goofs get that type of advantage.
  8. I think I'm having deja vu.
  9. Agreed with the net dislodging. I also think the amount of scoring in college hockey is just fine....this isn't basketball.
  10. Elimination of hand passing in college hockey = a joke. This is terrible, all this is going to do is slow down the game. I don;t get why college hockey is swaying further away from the rules of the NHL....just doesn't make sense to me. There is no way this promotes more goal scoring.
  11. What I have realized is that not many people truly understand hockey on this site. The fan who know's nothing about hockey would obviously say that everyone should wear a full cage. It's funny how every other junior league, CHL and pro leagues do not wear full cages and 83% of the players would also like to get rid of the full cages.
  12. I'm calling a Devils win tonight. 3-2. It will go to game 7 where the Devils will lose in OT. NHL hockey has been great this year.
  13. It really doesn't matter though. There was no way in hell the Marlies were going to win a series against Norfolk. No way.
  14. haha I like it. I'm pretty sure many of these guys never played a hockey game past pewee C's but even the players would like the option to use half shields (83% I believe voted that way).
  15. Nice long arguement....but you are incorrect on almost everything you just posted. Except, I guess, the drunken motorcycle thing. You have had to have played the game I guess. Wasn't Chay Genoway a spokesman for trying to get the 3/4 shields implemented after his consussion? http://ndgoon.blogsp... (Goon's World)
  16. I guess we'll agree to disagree.
  17. You must not have played hockey....with regards to not wearing helmets, maybe. As for full face shields it is so you can react faster and have more visability. Yes, kids wear face masks through high school....but what happens in high school and after. Players get bigger, stronger and faster; you must be able to watch your back at all times or you can get blown up and possibly cause some brain damage.
  18. Agreed, you play with cages until high school; after that you wear half shields for 2+ years and then have to go to a college setting where the game has become much faster than when you were in high school. It's not only faster but you are being hit much harder.
  19. Cuts are apart of the game...yes they may cause scars but any hockey player will take that risk. Both full shields and cages not only block a portion of vision, it has been proven players react slower with these full face masks thus not being able to see oncoming hits. Also, from my own experience, when everyone has on full shields, players are more likely to follow through high on their hits. With half shields there seems to be an understanding and respect to keep your hands lower. I am fine with the little scar I have, but I have a buddy who has concussion effects to this day and he blames it on the hits he took in college. You are simply missing your peripheral vision.
  20. Yeah, I read that earlier today. I had a shoulder injury in high school my senior year, I attempted to play through it but just couldn't. I can't believe some guys can simply will themselves through it, especially in hockey where your shoulders are so important. Tough guy.
  21. I agree. Not too sure about neck guards....I feel they should be optional.
  22. Anyone else notice this during the game....I was wondering who that chick was behind the devils bench. If you were watching the game they showed her like 3 times. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/taylor-stevens-porn-star-talks-her-heaving-cleavage-163133543.html
  23. Well that I was unaware of, I stand corrected. Which other tribes disapprove? Was it the Standing Rock tribe that wouldn't let their own people speak up on this topic? I'm guessing there is something corrupt going on there.
  24. There is one huge difference, those deadlines you just listed have to do with money owed to another party. Money makes the world go round....people/businesses need it to operate. The deadline we are talking about is more of a moral topic, what is right/what is wrong and who is offended or not offended. This isn't your typical payment deadline, the other party isn't out soemthing of value (assets) because it is late. You have to look at the NCAA's reasoning for initially bringing this topic up in the first place....because they felt the name and logo disgraced a group of people. But obviously it does not! You keep bringing up the deadline issue, that is a moot point to me. It is like if you put a deadline as to when a convicted murdered has time to appeal his own crime with factual evidence....when the DNA results come back and prove he is innocent (no matter when that is) the guy is free. End of story.
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