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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. While that point is valid to me (I too think it's too bad that RR is a final option as Red River has that name), there is a pretty large resentment towards anything Hawks. So much so that many people I know are going from Nodaks to RR. Probably not enough though, too many students.
  2. You know, there are a lot of GF folks that are now voting RR. Pretty much everyone I have spoken too excluding current students (which truly doesn't reflect the folks that have always lived there). That last comment appears rather unintelligent.
  3. Both are so bad and/or uninspiring. I guess RR may have my vote. Better be a damn good logo.
  4. I agree. He seems to get shaky early in games. That's not what you want against a high end team. He did settle down well but when he's off he's really off.
  5. I get it. There simply seemed to be an implication that while his 6 SHO's were impressive we should remember the opponents records. And I was just noting that the same can be said with our tendy, except the fact that our's isn't highly heralded. My point being that I believe Tomek and/or Johnson (more so Tomek obviously) should get a game in when healthy. Regardless of Hrynkew's (sp?) current numbers, these other two boy's earned the chance to play some games. Obviously Hrynkew doesn't simply vanish into thin air given his numbers, but we should see Tomek/Johnson get games in when healthy to see what they have. As those boys were supposed to help in the long term. Now if Tomek and/or Johnson falter obviously that has to be taken into consideration as well.
  6. Still phenomenal. That same argument can be said for our goaltender (as far as his numbers being so good). Except that Demko is a nice NHL prospect.
  7. http://theahl.com/ahlotb-tambellini-p200217 Kid makes it sound like college hockey was a tad too easy for him. Sioux fans know the truth (4 pts, 16 games).
  8. Yup, pretty nuts. He's been playing light's out so far.
  9. terrible outcome, I don't think ill vote
  10. what? I may not be understanding you correctly (or missing sarcasm) but why would a #3 still be alive?
  11. agreed. The boys need to forget about this series. Hopefully next weekend they play a bit better. But this team is young so let downs should be expected every now and then. I thought the schmaltz pass was a beauty. The tendy gave up some pretty juicy rebounds but did his job, the goal wasn't his fault (it was on Simo). Look forward to next weekend and getting Poolman back. I would like to see Tomek get a game next weekend if healthy and caught up to speed.
  12. Love the Sioux lines tonight. Hopefully those click early.
  13. Boys played uninspired hockey last night for 90% of the game. You can't do that at this level of play, even against a bottom feeder. 50% sure but not 90%. All three goals were full blown defensive breakdowns, none were on the tendy. Whats odd was those were the only chances Wisco had. Hopefully the boys do some damage tonight.
  14. I was just saying, everyone knows how bad wisco has been, why the heck did Schloss need to write that piece. Karma sucks.
  15. the op wasn't referring to the term "trap" as far as a hockey strategy but rather the fact we were playing a bad team and we could overlook them.
  16. way to stir the pot. Trolling
  17. Wilkie looks terrible, he needs to pick it up.
  18. boys better pick it up, this has been ugly.
  19. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/first-nations-chief-supports-blackhawks-logo-redesign-of-black-hawk-210325573.html
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