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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I heard that acronym several weeks ago and kind of laughed it off. Now it seems to be gaining more steam. I honeslty think the students voted this name in solely due to that acronym. Somewhat shocking actually. Show you the maturity level of college students. However, I may have done the same I guess.
  2. My comment was actually referring to most things in life, not simply hockey or sports. It was kind of a joke, but but somewhat applies to most things. As for your comment, you are correct you can't only look at numbers. However, I too track stats a lot. Actually from what I have found, many players who put up solid numbers at one level typically find close to similar success at the next level at some point in time. Now obviously players' stats will most likely decline moving up from level to level until eventually they cannot move up any longer (they are forced to retire or are in the NHL ). On the flip side, there are always those outliers. Many on this forum constantly bring up Johnny Brodzinski as an outlier, which is correct. However, where I disagree with you is that looking at stat progression is meaningless, because it is not.
  3. I guess I'll have to take you word on that. A wise man once told me "you're only as good as you are on paper" and that seems to work for most things in life :). All kidding aside, I hope you are right because even low level grinders playing for some less recognizable schools put up very good numbers in that league. Here's to a state correction coming soon.
  4. I wonder why Bulldogs or Huskies never materialized?
  5. Wow what a terrible choice. Sad day. How did such a bland name make it this far? I would have been somewhat disappointed with RR but it could have lived with it. Several months ago I never saw this one materializing.
  6. Bowen does have a decent amount of skill however, I actually thought he would be putting up better numbers. The fact Easton Brodzinski is finding success while Bowen is struggling is shocking to me. I watched several Blaine games last year and never thought Easton was outstanding, simply a pretty good high school player. Bowen was dominant. Now I fully understand the BCHL is much different league than single A MN high school hockey however I was expecting a better start out of Bowen. Especially given the team he's on. Here's hoping to him picking it up; I think it would be very wise of him to spend another year up there or in Fargo. For confidence reasons.
  7. Agreed. It's a good league with some high end players however it's not a deep league so those high end players put up video game numbers. If you aren't at a pt/game pace in the BCHL the next level could be tough on you. From what I've heard the NA is pretty close to the BCHL. I noticed Luke Voltin is actually putting up a few points too.
  8. I am extremely conservative in my views....and still find this thread pretty borderline. I get it, but it's still kind of sickening.
  9. Did UNO have 3 different goalies play a few years back? Blais seems to rotate his goalies every so often.
  10. how the heck do we get caught with simo's line out their against their only good line at the end of the game at home. I'll put a little bit of that on the coaches
  11. This is the thinnest I have seen Miami's team in some time. They don't have a lot of depth whatsoever. Several high enders obviously; that's most likely why they have had trouble scoring goals this year.
  12. They're dominating tonight too. That's how hockey goes I guess.
  13. Bingo, that's all I was trying to say earlier.
  14. What's up with Joel J? Got his first college pt last night and played well I thought. Didn't he have a concussion earlier? I wonder if something is lingering
  15. It looked close on the replay I saw. I watched it like 10 times this morning because some people on Twitter were calling it offsides. Also, I am agreeing with you it wasn't offsides.
  16. I thought the boys looked good last night. Tons of puck movement and both the forwards and D were really aggressive when Miami had the puck, it gave them no space to make anything happen. I noted this last night but our D core is so good, it really masks the inexperience of some of our younger forwards. The first pass out of the zone has been incredible. Hopefully Ladue isn't too dinged up. One player I have been really impressed with is Rhett G., he is a really good 4th liner. I was one who initially thought he could use another year playing in the USHL but I was wrong, he definitely has played a pretty important role so far. My one knock so far is our PK %, boy is it sketchy. I can't remember if they were weaker goals but the boys need to shore that up. Miami only had 2-3 decent scoring chances last night (Kuraly break away/Melnick up close) and they ended up with 2 goals. I'm guessing it will be a close game tonight.
  17. It was pretty close. But the right call was made.
  18. boys should be jacked playing a ranked team (finally). If we get average goaltending I'm going with a Sioux sweep.
  19. I think we stack up favorably this weekend. Miami lost a ton of fire power so the only thing they can do is play solid D. We should be able to wear them down over 3 periods. Hopefully our goalie plays well and theirs doesn't
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