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Emerald joker

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Everything posted by Emerald joker

  1. It feels like the refs are trying to make the Sioux travel For the first round of the playoffs
  2. A slashing call on Pogaskie, It look like the other guys hands wrapped around to Pogaskie stick
  3. Slashing on Pogaskie, Almost look like that guy’s hands wrapped around Pogaskie stick
  4. He was the same one the blew the whistle early last night to wasn’t he
  5. What irritated me Is the fact from what I saw the team looked good. But after they went down a man in OT. It just seem like they were, like I know they have to be cautious because it’s double OT, But it’s like they slow down a bit and for a second just really didn’t care.And it’s almost like you knew that the clowns we going to score
  6. So I think we’re going to assume the we’re going to be away for the playoffs, And hope they win the frozen Face off so we make the tournament. UGH
  7. Thanks Goon. I know you always want a sweep but considering the source, I win take a win and a tie right now
  8. Does any have what the Sioux need to win to get home ice for the playoffs??
  9. Just a few years of the A and then move on to Europe? Because I don’t really ever see him in the NHL unless someone is injured
  10. The way they’ve played some nights, this team could make the Sun Devils look good
  11. At this point in the season I’m just hoping for a 2 wins in the league playoffs at home or god for bid on road so we can get to the Frozen Faceoff, win the championship game and hopefully get an automatic birth into the west regional!
  12. I don’t know how much more of this I can watch, I have no dramamine
  13. Checking for off-sides on the second review, announcers thought it was offsides
  14. It’s either Shaw sucks as the PP coach or the guys aren’t quite good enough to pull off what he’s trying to do or a little of both. It feels like most of the year this team has been on the same step as everyone else and not a step a head like we’re used to seeing. And it hurts even more now that Jones isn’t playing. On the PP it feels like once we get the puck the opposing team is right on us, we need to be a step or 2 ahead of them and I havnt seen it.
  15. I’m thinking him milking the idea and Monty going with it because if he’s going down and staying down that easily, he shouldn’t even be playing. And from what I remember about Coles hit in the ralph, it didn’t seem like he hit him good enough In the right spot for Plant to be knocked out like that. Maybe if he wasn’t wearing a helmet. I just didn’t seem like there was enough contact
  16. Ugh, I wanted to finish watching that game just to see if he’d get hit and get “knocked out” again.
  17. It sounds like you’re talking about part of the pc crowd there that got the name changed, “40 year old “adults” who complain about everything that doesn’t make them happy”
  18. Wait........so let the school make a mascot then we can say we’re offended by it then it would have to go away right? Just as long as a couple people are offended by it. It’s funny how people still get on other people for being butthurt over the name change since that was the reason the Sioux name had to go away to begin with because all the liberals were BUTTHURT over it and they finally got their way and Sioux fans are supposed to accept it
  19. Soon we’re going to get a penalty for playing hockey
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