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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. Well, I didnt got too excited after last weeks teaser game vs EWU (unlike some unrealistic, delusional posters on this forum) and today to he team proved to me that I was right. This team is lost because the leaders, the coaches, are lost. With Mussman, this program is in over its head trying to compete in the Big Sky. Can't produce when the coaching staff is a bunch of DII assistants.

    There it is

  2. If my memory is still ok I believe about 10 years ago today was the last UND-NDSU game at the Alerus where Digger had the big stop on 4th down to win the game. That whole season was crazy. Huge game to "save" that season against St Cloud after being down big at half. How far is the program from producing moments like that again?

    It's still probably at the point where we would go to the wire with St. Cloud

  3. I'm just past upset. Call me whatever but apathy is setting in. Im one of the biggest und fans I know but I

    Its just getting hard to care. I don't know how we keep selling hope with muss.

    • Upvote 1
  4. So far UND has used Mollberg (and Bartels) for nothing more than a QB who is going to throw 40+ times a game. That is not Mollberg's skill set. He is a dual option QB who can throw and run. They have shown read option this year, but it is not a true read option. It is a designed hand-off. When UND lines up in the I formation it is quite obvious that they are either going to hand off to Miller on a power. Just one time I would like to see Mollberg pull it and run a designed bootleg. He has the speed and size to get outside and do some damage. If they can throw in 4-5 designed runs for Mollberg each game it will make a difference in how the defense plays UND. Right now the D line is going hells bells to get at the QB with no respect for his ability to run the ball. The D backs never ever have to even consider coming up to make a tackle when they see our QBs drop back or roll out.

    One time on Saturday Mollberg rolled out and rather than passing he tucked it and ran. I think he got 10 yards. UND needs to do much much more of that on 1st and 2nd down. It will help keep the D honest and will make use of one of the skills that Mollberg offers that he was recruited for. He was brought in as a dual threat, not a Braden Hansen, stand in the pocket and throw every down guy. If he keeps throwing 40+ times a game he will continue to make mistakes, even two years from now.

    Also... was anybody besides myself having kittens when we had the ball on goalline on 3rd and 4th down. On 3rd down we threw, but Hardin, Jackson, Golliday and Townsend were all on the sidelines. On 4th down we ran it with these same four standing on the sidelines.... Actually they weren't all standing... Hardin was so upset he was running up and down the sideline freaking out... literally...

    was it one of the 3rd and goal or 3rd and short, they run a fade to Hardin? They brought him in as the only receiver, lined him up wide, and everyone I was with knew what was coming. Such a low percentage play, even with a good receiver, on 3rd, forces us to a field goal instead of a touchdown.

    In that situation why dont' we play action Joe? Unless the bookends of the line can't hold (maybe the case), it seems like that would be a bread and butter set up for us in short yardage. Joe is not only athletic, he's really good size, can't be the easiest quarterback to bring down. Maybe it's too simple or predictable, but not anymore than the token toss to Hardin we tried. Also, I'd like to see someone cover Hardin or Gollday across the formation on a back of the endzone crossing route.

  5. People taking half an hour to sing the Star Spangled Banner bug me.

    Why did they start using location initials instead of school on the circular screen at the REA ie: NDK 2 Ver 2, Mia, Bmj, STC,

    I miss the old Bonanza Steak house.

    We need to learn to spell again. Here as in where, hear as in ear. they're = they are, their means belongs to, ops, guess that is grammar,not spelling but then I never got to college either.

    Why get upset with global warming, I plan to buy beach front property in Greenland now, kids will make a bundle in a few more decades. They'll need it as the government spends their Social Security/retirement/pensions.

    I get irate with people who talk during the anthem

  6. As a HS coach, denying a kid an opportunity because you felt slighted by a college coach is pretty irresponsible. They should definitely have some input as they are more familiar than most families about the process (like you said) but they should present all opportunities.

    I agree it's irresponsible, but why give them that choice by slighting HS coaches at all. I know for a fact Bohl goes around north central ND and talks to every high school coach there every year regardless of if they have potential prospects. Just shoot the breeze, ask about other team's kids, and cultivate that relationship. I also know of coaches who've said they wouldn't know Mussman's voice if it wasn't for press conferences and interviews.

    Maybe that means Bohl is relentless is that's pretty crazy to expect, but what about a phone call or something. It's really no wonder why we don't have as many ND fans.

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