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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. I'm sure Craig Bohl knows if he needs a suspension or not. They don't need to give him a suspension because of other player's transgressions. Go ahead and say he has a record. He has a minor. Get over it. Unreal how big of deal people make about a minor. Most minors have the same effect on someone as being on the honor roll sophomore year in high school. I bet he knows the gravity of what he did, but it was a bar fight. Should he probably cool it alcohol? For sure, but don't crucify him for it.

    Linking him to the reason this thread started is ridiculously unfair, also. Resisting arrest after a drunk fight compared to an act corrosive to the principals of great country don't deserve to be in the same thread.

    • Upvote 2
  2. In my opinion we have the most important first five games that we have had in many years. Now is the time to re-establish North Dakota Football at this level. We need to be competative and to put a team on the field that plays Fighting Sioux Football. We can get the buzz and excitement back or we can lose many fans for a long while. Muss has been at the helm for long enough to not have any excuses. I am optimistic about this season - we have a talent influx that should make a difference. My biggest worry is mediocrity - just good enough to keep the status quo but not a breakout season. We can show that we are a force or we can have a lost decade or more of Sioux football. Time to make our mark. Time for a signature win. Anyone else tired of the smugness of the fans down south? Well, let's do something to get our team going.

    awesome post, I'm ready to run out of a tunnel

  3. The Barry Family donated $10 million. For every $3 someone donates, they will match $1. That is where the $40 million comes from. I believe this was part of the $100M goal of the CoBPA that was part of the Spirit campaign.

    That's pretty ridiculously awesome of them

    • Upvote 1
  4. According to the architect from the Vikings stadium sere through is the new retractable. Just saying. That saves a truck load of money.

    Legitimately though, if we play around with the pipe dream of new stadium. That would be cool. I remember hearing lighting being a complaint about the Alerus. The only let down is no blackout for pregame video, but maybe with the translucent instead of transparent they could light it up cool, like how the Bejing one lights up


  5. So, if he happens to have a job where he can work at home and his work gets done in the morning.....he shouldn't be able to post in the afternoon? I have a second cousin who has an office in his backyard, so that he can go to all of his kids activities and be home when they need him to be. Where did we determine that Goon has a government job? What if his government job is to search the internet and message boards...he shouldn't be on a message board or the internet then?

    I hear for the republic if there's a government paid position to post on siouxsports.com. If there's a position for GPL or bisonville I may have to move.

  6. I was in track with the new turf and practiced on it a lot. I would bet the bobcat they use to polish ice on the sidewalks would spray the rubber pellets everywhere. I can see how it wouldn't be best to use.

  7. Where is the Big Sky conference meet held? Will the IPF be a facility that will be capable of hosting an event like that?

    it will certainly be able to hold indoor conference. North Dakota will never host an outdoor conference because of weather.
  8. I always thought Mark McMillan played the best with Knight and Kristo. I think its because he's fast enough to play with Danny, and not small enough to get rubbed out like Rocco kinda did against Bemidiji. As for goalies, idk, do you just go with whoever has the best week of practice? Not the time of the year you wanna say that, but what else do you do? Legitimate question, as I am not an elite hockey mind.

  9. Again, I'll be the first to admit my bias. I pretty much couldn't go to grad school because I was so sick of it. I was also a little more scorned to the system when it was suggested by a few professors that it would be very difficult for me to get a good job w/o a graduate degree. I just am worried that there are a lot of systems set up to self perpetuate rather than serve. I don't want anyone to lose their job, but I think there's an expand and justify mentality which detracts from the original intent of a college experience. I mean how hasn't the personal finance idea not been thought of or implemented like 10 years ago?

    All that being said, make no mistake, I am very proud of my UND degree. I think I make that evident by being a donor less than a year out of school. I just want to make sure the ol' alma mater has the right priorities set, so future students have at least the same, if not better opportunities than I was afforded.

    • Upvote 2
  10. I think there is something that needs to be done to change the culture in the university system. I graduated last year with a chemistry bachelor's, so my memory is fresh. The amount of remedial education is astounding. My first year was easier than my high school senior year. The new essential studies curriculum wasn't all that helpful for me. The only thing from my "global culture" credit course, western civilization, that I can imagine using is being the douche who says "that's not accurate" during the movie 300. It is in my belief that a lot of this essential study stuff is to keep butts in classes of certain departments. The remedial classes keep people around for 4 1/2, 5 years. I graduated in 4, and most of my friends are still in school. The 50ish percent dropout rate is atrocious. In my opinion, the fraction of students who take longer than 4 years to graduate is atrocious. I'm probably too cynical, and may need time away to think differently, but I feel a lot of these essential studies and other requirements are hurdles to keep you around rather than prepare you. If they really cared about broadening someone's knowledge base, personal finance classes would be required within the first 2 years so people know how much interest is piling up on those loans that you don't have to pay until you graduate. I have a hard time believing the current system will do that. I may be wrong. It is hard for me to believe though that not some of the opposition to Shivrani is him upsetting the status quo. Maybe he's a jerk to work with too, but I don't think anyone has worked with him long enough to legitimately call for his head based solely on that. Just my opinion.

  11. If any email effort is being coordinated to DirectTV/dish. It maybe worth someone's time to go on the boards of other schools which have a lot to do with MSN, such as the SDSU's of the world. It would probably help to have more fanbases pressing the issue than just one. I never go on the other schools' boards though or know if they exist. Just a thought...

  12. I see that people are getting on the no-namer bandwagon. I mentioned that probably a year ago, in the new nickname thread, and I was crucified saying it was against the ncca agreement. I didn't argue it at the time because bickering on details on here is pointless, but I've noticed no such backlash here. Did something change, or is that not as an accepted interpretation as a year previous? I don't know how the ncca could possibly have a problem with a university wanting to stand on its name alone, but some thought so.

    • Upvote 1
  13. I think most of the legislator’s realize that there is presently a huge demand for rural doctors in North Dakota and the demand is going to be much worse 5 – 10 – 15 & 20 years from now. I believe all they want is some control on the cost of the project.

    If I was going to build a house and someone was going to give me the money for my new home, that person would probably want some idea on what he/she is paying for. If I told that person that my new home is going to be in the $500K range so why don’t you just give me the $500K and I can get going on the project. That person might then say…..what if the bids come in a lot less than what you think and you end up getting everything you want for only $410K, then I’ve given you too much, what’s going to happen? I might then say……well, if something like that happens, I’ll put on a $90K “guest room” just in case a chancellor from Bismarck wants to come a visit me. That will only occur once or twice a year for a couple of hours but it will be nice to have if he does show up. So just give me the $500K and we’ll be good to go.

    I suspect that if Ralph Engelstad had told the university that he was going to write them out a check for $104 million, and that they would have to manage the project, we'd be looking at a much different Ralph Engelstad Arena. It would probably be about half as nice and would have still cost $104 million.

    Right on the mark. The state's plan is for the med school to double its class size to get more ND doctors

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