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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. Rip away, but I don't think we have the 'backers to run 3-4. How many times did they miss a chance to make contact at the LOS, and how many missed first tackles were there? I know Zenner is great and all, but it was so consistent that they first tackle was going to be missed. Am I wrong in thinking that it looked like the gameplan was to eat up bodies at gaps and have a free linebacker to meet Zenner in the hole? That doesn't work if you don't have the horses to do it. Garrison Goodman was all right though.

    Also, did anyone else notice the lack of Hardin targeting in the 2nd and 3rd quarter? It coincided with the offensive stalls. Regardless of whose tossing it, Hardin is so good, I think you need to implement a "Randy ratio" type gameplan for him. Just too darn good not to force the issue there, IMO.

    I didn't think either quarterback was all that marketable of difference. Both gave their guys good chances. I think the comeback had as much to do with an all of a sudden lack of drops and the defense deciding to not get completely manhandled in the 4th.

  2. What is so bad about plus four and getting the first hit jitters out of the way? That is not a downer. It is a good thing.

    A botched snap? Its not a tragic series of events but I don't think its planned out that way. I stand by my debbie statement

  3. Shot-gun, four wide (three to the wide side right) and a back to the right of Bartels.

    Bobbled snap.

    Picked up by Bartels, scramble over left guard, fall forward.

    Second and six.

    debbie downer

  4. I certainly agree. NDSU is a "football university" whereas UND is a "hockey university"; there's really no way around that. Now, with that said, I am a bigger football fan than hockey fan and I most certainly would love to see UND just win a single FCS national championship in the next decade. Unfortunately, I will have to see it to believe it. UND has been nothing but mediocrity ever since they moved up to DI; NDSU showed signs of dominance early on in their transition. In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure what the exact reason for that is. Perhaps NDSU's Bohl is that great of a coach, or maybe the emphasis on football down there makes the difference, I don't know. But one thing is certain, NDSU has their sh*t together and UND is working on doing that. I'm a realist and for that reason I'll be the first one, even as a die-hard UND fan/alumni, to admit that.

    Now, getting to this season, given the 2013 schedule with those 7 home games, it should be playoffs or bust for the UND football team. I don't care if we have a redshirt freshman QB, we have quite possibly the best receiving corps in all of FCS football and 7 home games!! All we need to do it go 2-2 against SDSU, Montana, Montana State, and Eastern Washington - if we do that, we're in the driver seat. If we go 1-3, I'll be one of the first people on here to voice my displeasure. A short while back, possibly last spring, Faison even voiced his opinion in that we, as fans and supporters, should be seeing results this season given the schedule the athletic department came up with for the football team. If we go 2-2 against SDSU, Montana, Montana State, and EWU, we would be 4-2 with presumed wins against Valpo and Idaho St.; furthermore, we would be allowed to lose only one or two more games to still have a shot at the playoffs.

    Bottom line: I expect 7-4 or 8-3 this season along with playoffs. If those two wins during the "grind stretch" are against MSU and EWU, we have a chance to win the Big Sky due to the fact Montana is a non-conference game. Now, as you can see, there are so many scenarios here but they all end up the same: get into the playoffs! I'm tired of mediocrity and Mussman and crew should be looking to change that. I'll refrain from mentioning the word "remove" or "fire" or "relived of duties" until after we've played Eastern Washington - I, as well as everyone else, will have a very good idea where this season is going at that time.

    GO UND

    Hopeful 2013 FCS Playoff Participant


  5. i'm just happy that an actual game thread is in the top threads instead of other b/s. if it goes the way it should, the score at the end of the first half may be more telling than the score at the end of the game. i'm 24+ to 3 or 0.

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  6. You know why Faison and Kelly were at FB practice? Mussman's on a short leash with 7 home games & there will be no excuses. They want what's happening south 70 miles.

    You overestimate the hardcore stonecold nature nature of both of them in this scenario, IMO.

  7. 57 in 6 hours isn't bad especially when you consider it was confined to the grand forks area. I thought it was a cool idea, but I doubt will all that darn road construction they coulda made it to Williston in 30 minutes.

  8. Fixed the last part of your post...

    Fans, the big screen is flashing 'CLAP YOUR HANDS' so please clap your hands. Fans, we're down a goal with 1:00 to play, so it's time to stand up and shout like the big screen is telling you. Fans, please jump up and go crazy over a crappy t-shirt that's three sizes too small for you to be launched into your vicinity so you can maybe catch it.

    Lemmings...things were sooooo non-corporate at the old REA. I miss that. These days, it's 'Kiss-Cam sponsored by Match.com' and 'Here comes your Subway Power Play brought to you by Wal-Mart sponsored by Red Lobster.'

    I know I'm an old fuddie-duddie. Flame away.

    Make sure only to stand when they tell... not too much spirit now..

  9. I'd personally like it if the pep band played more during the breaks. I know they need a break once in a while because with period breaks and everything they're basically playing for three consecutive hours. It would eliminate some of those crappy songs that they fill the time between faceoffs.

    Yeah, but there's times where "Enter Sandman" or the guitar intro to "machine head" before a PK / PP faceoff makes the hair on the back of neck stand up

  10. I'm not talking about the warm-up music, I'm talking about Sweet Caroline, and then crowd sings along and does the "bah bah bah" thingy.


    I know what you mean... enough of the cutesy fun stuff. More piss and vinegar... songs with some nuts

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