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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. and which they have done. Especially since Kennedy has taken over.
  2. I think what helped Foles was going back to a semi "blur" offense and running RPOs like he did when Chip was the Eagles coach. He is not Wentz by any stretch but they put him in a successful situation and it has paid off. They stopped the round peg in a square hole situation. Oh, and that absolute theft of the Dolphins Running Back look even bigger right now.
  3. He is going to ask for a LOT of $$$$. Would the Vikings be willing to give it to him? I give them better odds of signing Teddy
  4. For next year: Figure out who your QB is, add to the O-Line, add a safety and another corner and a big bodied WR. Packers will be dangerous next year and will want revenge, Lions will be a borderline playoff team as usual with Patricia being the wild card and the Bears will be the Bears... Year 5 for Zim: Odd years have not been good so far, they need to buck this trend.
  5. I'm not going to lament about yesterday, its time to turn the page. Bad ending, but overachieved. Got the Wolves, UND Basketball/Hockey, and Jets to focus on.
  6. Stop me if you have heard this one before: the Flyers are surging after Christmas.
  7. Best thing the Jets ever did was to get rid of him.
  8. the man who should have been fouled out of this game just hit the buzzer beater.... Tainted win for UNC
  9. Marlon fouled out So did Geno.... but he should only be on his 4th
  10. Seales is going to the line to shoot up 1 with 1:32 to go
  11. Geno made the front end but missed the 2nd, then Avants got the rebound and put it in to tie it and great D stopped the final shot Surprise, surprise.. we got OT
  12. UNC made 2 FT UND has 1 and 1 attempt coming up
  13. UNC 81 UND 80 13.4 2nd UNC ball still a chance, but frustrating
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