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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. Do you know who the union business agents worked for? Stevie Bluestein was a business agent for the Culinary Union and part of Tony Spilotro's crew out of Chicago (Joe Pesci's character in the movie Casino). The union was lead by Ed Hanley who was put in charge by Joey Auippa who was the boss of the Chicago Outfit. Ed also was Frank Calabrese's brother-in-law. Google Family Secrets Chicago for a run down on Frank. All the hotels at the time were under culinary contracts except for Ralph and the never bothered him. Though the union picketed the old Frontier for about 6 years 24/7 and left the IP alone? Hmmmmmm...... Ralph made his real money starting in the late 70's when he opened the pit.
  2. He had wonderful friends in Chicago.
  3. No it was always to honor the Native Americans dontchaknow?
  4. I always have to get out the dictionary to understand parts of your posts.
  5. Shocked I tell you, totally shocked.
  6. Your mourning period ends at midnight tonight then it is time to suck it up and move on. This is not the end, it is a new day.
  7. Why not use an American owned rr?
  8. I could go along with that. Just like when anyother school change their names only current students voted.
  9. Now for the next arguement. Who should get to vote? I say only current students, alumni, and faculty. Arguements as for others?
  10. If I remember right though sodbusters was a derogatory slur at the farmers.
  11. Wasn't there a country that was going to be rebuilt with oil money? We saw how that has worked out.
  12. What is he not paying attention to? The same thing everyone here chose not to pay attention to until recently? How they forget their own arguements from just a short time ago.
  13. They are only a very small group of Native Americans whereas the larger percentage find it racist.
  14. And the kid is always subject to the questioning is he/she playing because of talent or who sired them. Pretty much a no win situation all around.
  15. And do you still beat your wife and kids? Nice try at twisting your way out of your hypocricy.
  16. I said you guys were treating them as the enemy not I.
  17. And for how many years were you this person?
  18. Copy the whole quote instead of changing the qoute. If you could read carefully I said TO deny that Grand Forks is not racist is hilarious. If you read more than a sports section you would be able to understand what I said.
  19. I am not the bitter one here. You guys are a wonderful forum of laughter to watch you spinning around and trying to be so self-rightous once you finally figured out that you were only the little pissing puppy and not really part of the pack of the big dogs. How does that saying go? Something about being able to change the things you can and having the WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE?
  20. I never thought of them as enemies, mis-guided, but not enemies. It is you who labeled and treated those who did not agree with you as the enemy.
  21. What do we need you on our side for? Why would we need to build a consensus after the fight is over? You give us nothing at all. Your damn right I will support your new enemies that just a short time ago were your friends. As if they know it is a losing battle but they keep trying at least. You were on the path with them for years so quite trying to make them the bad guys and you the good guy. You are no different than they are. The only difference is they have the balls to admit what they are and that is why I respect them.
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