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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. I am sure you made many wise decisions when you were 20.
  2. Or how Mr. Engelstad liked to have birthday parties for Hitler. For those who say he was cleared of befriending the neo-Nazis that was only in relation to the skinhead neo-Nazis that were counter protesting the Jewish Defense league who were picketing in front of the Imperial Pit.
  3. One suit against the NCAA comes to mind. ScottM please look up how many cases the ND AG has filed and how many he has lost.
  4. And both continued to play. Furthermore, if the Herald had not reported anything about them would the results have been the same?
  5. let me see but is this not a UND sports forum? Then why are we talking about the Bison for? I brought up hockey players for the simple reason if it had been a hockey player from UND you would be singing a different tune, like pissing in an elevator.
  6. Do you really believe that Hak would not do the same thing?
  7. Maybe the UND hockey players do not need the money as bad since over the years a lot of them had mom and dad's credit cards. I could just imagine how people here would be reacting if it had been UND hockey players and not Bison football players. Would have been a little hard for them to have done this last winter since I don't think they are allowed to have jobs during the season.
  8. I don't think they had any idea what would happen if they did what they did. They thought it was a way to make a quick buck and went for it. I agree with Taylor on this. As if most UND hockey players would know not to fake signatures. Besides Hak would still play them and don't for a minute think he wouldn't.
  9. And what do these iniatives have in common? How did they focus only on these guys? Look at which ones did make the ballot. "Jaeger says the petitions for three other initiatives are going on the ballot. They propose a felony penalty for animal cruelty, a ban on indoor workplace smoking and expanded rights for farmers and ranchers in running their operations." Funny thing is in AZ the same types of iniatives are not getting on the ballot and the same types as listed above are.
  10. An outlet mall I think would do great in GF. It would capture the traffic going to Fargo and Minneapolis. Since Walmart is going to build on Gateway that would be a good location also for an outlet mall.
  11. Pay attention then if I am going to fast for you I could slow down.
  12. You are also forgetting that North Dakota was not affected to the extent, if it all, from the 2008 economic crash and housing collapse. Hence, why the economy is roseier in North Dakota than elsewhere. Furthermore, you did not even understand my comment about how the weak American dollar benefits the state with oil drilling.
  13. Please leave your young son at home. The noise is way above what his ears can take. Ask your pediatrician if it would be a good idea or not.
  14. I am not talking about that. Go back to what this thread was about, economic activity in GF, not the rest of the country. What is the driving issue that makes it so good for Canadians to shop here? The weak American dollar. I remember going to Canada and getting $1.57 Canadian per American dollar. Their dollar grew stronger as ours grew weaker. Why? Because the Canadian government did not let the banks go wild like they did in the US creating a market collapse.
  15. You are forgetting the oil aspect.
  16. Amazing how the weak American dollar benefits North Dakota and Grand Forks.
  17. I have personally seen the opposite of what you saw. When was the last time you were in a college classroom?
  18. Problem is when they get to college they do not know how to work in groups. I saw this alot.
  19. Canadians. Since the dollar has been at pretty much par for the last couple of years they have been flocking down. Now they can bring back like $800 duty free. Heck Menards and Lowes are sending trucks to Canada even with purchases.
  20. Funny but I have never heard anyone say anything but jokes about the ranking. This comes from all ends of the socio-economic spectrum.
  21. Fact and not meant as negative since North Dakota seems to like its high ranking on binge drinking.
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