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Big Green

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Posts posted by Big Green

  1. I tend to follow the ball and don't always see what goes on down field.  My question is are the TE's staying in to block because the O-Line is having problems pass blocking, are the TE's not getting open, or are they open and the QB does see them?  Seems to simple to say need to use the TE's more.  

    To me it all comes down to the WR's getting healthy so we have more than one option for the QB to throw to, seems he only trusts Noah.  Defense can focus on the ran.  If stopped for short gains on 1st and 2nd down are are in trouble needing to pass on 3rd down.


  2. 3 hours ago, MoSiouxFan said:

    From the Game Notes, Fiedler still listed as a starter, but Toivonen and Adeoti still out.  Maag listed as a backup, so he's probably a game-time decision; we need him bigtime.

    IMO This is the difference between winning and losing.

  3. On 11/11/2018 at 8:29 AM, John W. said:

    As a veteran, on this Veteran's Day, I was at the UND FB game yesterday....was pleased to hear no 'Home of the Sioux' at end of anthem....as a veteran I am offended by the obliteration of the word 'brave' at the end of the anthem....I get that it's fun for 'college kids full of alcohol' to say that phrase....but adults...come on...snow some respect to veterans....

    Only place you hear it in force is at hockey games....I wonder who the FS crowd is made at...NCAA, Native Americans?????  NCAA allowed 3 universities to retain their nick name....Florida State, Utah, and Illinois...….how come ?   Must be Native American tribes fault then!!!!


    couldn't agree more.


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  4. 11 hours ago, Tangolou said:

    Here is a question for the couch coaches around here. After we scored on the blocked punt, I believe it was around 3 minutes left, we chose to onside kick. Do you think that decision was made because we are so poor at covering kicks? As in, what's the difference if we kick deep and they run it out to the 40 or we on side kick and if we miss they are at mid field. Or do you think it had more to do with the fact we had no timeouts left?

    I was surprised they onside kicked with that much time left.

    They only had 1 guy back so no one to block. (should be able to cover in that case.)  I thought we would kick deep in that case.  I'm sure they would fair catch and take ball at 25.  IMO much better chance to force 3 and out and take ball close to mid field with 40 sec left.  I think they forced a 3 and out after on side kick.



  5. 12 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    Great Montana blew their lead and is now down 28-21 in 4th.  That would have helped if Montana won. 

    Imo if Montana would win they would move back in front of us.

    Beside Mt is my 2nd most hated team.  There fans are arrogant SOBs.  Love when they lose

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  6. With the new kick off rule that the receiving team can fair catch a ball within the 25 and take the ball at the 25 you should always kick off into the end zone if you can.


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  7. 22 hours ago, gundy1124 said:

    Football student section has about 200 hardcore fans that appreciate a football game on the 50 yard line. 

    At the hockey game last night, student section was totally lame.  I will sum up their lameness.

    1. They correct the announcer when he says Hawks, most yell Sioux.  (Millennials do have a hard time with reality) (Best to get the hot chocolate and coloring books out in the grieving rooms, time to move on)

    2. Students tell the other players they suck sh-t when announced, which could be the dumbest thing you have ever heard.  One of those players, Shane McMahon for Mankato, a Fargo Force player 2 years ago, spent some time at my house.  I witnessed him several times eating real food and drinking drinks.  No sh-t was sucked, and I did have dog sh-t in the yard.  I saw Shane after the game, he took a photo with my kids.  I tried smelling his breath for evidence of sh-t sucking, none detected.

    3. They tell the opposing goalie he is a sieve for letting in a goal.  (How original)

    4. They wipe their hands back and forth, lean right and left during "In Heaven Their is No Beer" (Wow!!)  I like the song, but the sway along gets a 2 out of 10.

    5.  Overall intensity.....not good.  3 out of 10.

    6.  Student soberness, not good, way too sober!!  Thanks administration!!

    7.  After opposing team kills a penalty off.  "Mankato now at full Strength"  "that's debatable ".

    8.  As we are about to kill off a penalty the band beats the drum, basically letting the other team know we will be coming out of the box soon.  


  8. Just now, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Name one college where the policy is that alcohol is allowed int he student section?  Why would UND or the Alerus promote a policy that would make it easier for underage drinking to occur?  Like you said, there are plenty of ways to easily get around it. I guess you will have to "sacrifice" a little bit and have to "suffer" not being able to sit in the student section as you ILLEGALLY  drink a beer!! :wink:

    I don't know any others Universities policy or care.

    Just ban alcohol everywhere than.


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  9. Just now, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Nothing is keeping students that are 21+ from drinking anywhere else besides 3 sections.  You do realize why it would be a problem to allow it in the student section right?

    I know we are so afraid of underage drinking.  If you want to sit with the other student you need to sit in that section.  Yes, you can find a sit in the other sections, and risk being kicked out.   Do they allow drinking in the student tall gate lot?  I'm assuming so and I'm guessing there is a lot of underage drinking going on.  What stopping two non-students, one over 21 and the other under 21 siting in a non-student sit and the of age person buying for the one under age?

    • Upvote 3
  10. Just now, SkoHawks said:

    Make the drinking age inside the Alerus 18...... kidding.... attendance for Weber game will be interesting, need a good showing from the students to have a good number especially with a few season ticket holders gone to Vegas.  

    A good start would be to allow students 21 and older to bring a beer into the student section.  Pisses me off that we treat adult students like kids.



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  11. Polls should not come up until about this time each year.  Would be much easier to rank all the teams fairly if you didn't have previous rankings to deal with.  votes don't seem to want to move teams up or down too much with a win or loss.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Siouxtankhamun said:

    I came across the following tweet addressing Jess Myer's preview of our hockey team for The Athletic.


    I didn't pick up on it when I initially casually read through the preview.  However, as I reread it following the above tweet, "Hawks" is mentioned repeatedly, though Myers also uses "North Dakota".  Is this a subtle troll or is this an overly sensitive tweet from someone who needs to accept the nickname and move on?


    We are the Fighting Hawks no matter how much Fans like or don't like it.  Can't change the Facts.


  13. 26 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    One thing to note for those bizun fans saying we could've had a home and home if we didn't demand a game every year, as soon as we agreed to that home and home the goalposts were moved.  I have no reason to believe the same wouldn't have happened had we agreed to a home and home a couple years earlier.

    exactly.  Taylor lied so much I don't think he even knew what the truth was.


  14. 18 hours ago, bison73 said:

    Or you could have kept playing us and this never would have been an issue. Remember we didnt call the series off.

    No chance once NDSU finished their transition they continue the series.  

  15. On 9/29/2018 at 7:49 AM, bang said:


    Does anyone else feel we should be playing for this again? Atleast once we’re in the same conference again. To me I don’t care that that there is a Indian head on one side. It’s spirit and tradition to me is a lot stronger than any nickname. Maybe I’m in the minority on this one. 

    Agree, starting in 2020 once in the same conference this should be played for every year.  Anything new will suck.  The Indian head has historical significance.  NCAA got there wish we are not longer the Sioux.   UND can keep other things that have Historical Significance. no reason not to continue playing for nickel trophy.


  16. What they don't need:

    1.  What is with the pump up music when the offense is on the field.  Do they not understand to be quite when offence is on the field.  Too many people still making noise when the offense is on the field.  Doesn't help when The Alerus center staff don't get this.

    2.  The roped off Concession area is dump.  There should be 1 line at each till.  When line extends beyond the roped area it is too difficult to locate the end of line and people in the line are in the way.


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  17. How many people are only coming for the tailgating only?  I'm not a tailgater and I showed up about 20 minutes before kick off.  Couldn't believe the great parking spot I got as there were a lot of great spot available from the people that were leaving after they finished tailgating.  There were also a large number of Student leaving because their party was done.  We need to get the tailgaters into the game.  

  18. My only hope is that the players and coaching staff is preparing with the plan to go there and bring home the W.   Too many times the team is defeated before they get off the bus.  I'm sure Washington will be over looking us to some extent.

    As a fan I want to see them play hard tell the end and put a scare in them.  I want the their fans to be disappointed at the end of the game.

    They will not play a better team or in a louder stadium than this weekend., both in regular season and hopefully playoffs.  Need to use to our advantage starting next week.


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