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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. Get out of the extremes. Washing hands should happen even in the absence of Covid-19.
  2. Good point. And agreed. It's just a little frustrating that a vaccine that is 90% effective on young people and still makes some of them sick is seen as the fix for a virus that doesn't significantly impact 95% of young people anyway.
  3. Weren't all of the people in T's circle already exposed to the virus this fall?
  4. Nobody on the left pushed back on Hillary's statement. The transition, at this point, is primarily a method of getting Biden's election team on government payroll 2 months before inauguration. Pretty much everybody on his team is an insider with decades of experience in DC, so they're already up to speed on what's going on. With that said, Trump should still start the transition process.
  5. Couple things about the vaccines that I'd like to hear more about. I've read the "side effects" of the vaccines may include pretty much all the symptoms of regular Covid-19, sometimes with severe fatigue, body aches, sore throat, etc (and sometimes no symptoms, of course). I've also read these vaccines are 90-95% effective on the test population, a population which doesn't appear to include the age group most likely to die from Covid-19. https://www.mcknights.com/news/clinical-news/seniors-are-absent-but-necessary-in-covid-19-vaccine-trials-experts-say/
  6. I said before the biggest change/mutation in the pandemic/virus will occur in January. With immunity changes and vaccines available, the ground work is being laid.
  7. Why does he need to concede? From earlier this year https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/hillary-clinton-says-biden-should-not-concede-2020-election-under-n1238156
  8. Not sure about the vaccines, but for those that have had the big C, that's one of the reporting changes that has occurred recently. Used to be 3-6 months, but now they're saying possibly years of immunity. I've read that even some who have never had covid-19, but have had other coronaviruses may be immune (or at least defended by B cells and T cells) for years.
  9. That alone shouldn't have much impact on hospitalizations
  10. Weird that Manitoba has far fewer "cases" than ND but pretty much the same number hospitalized. Anyone focusing on active cases to compare different states or countries isn't comparing apples to apples. With that said, the residents of midwest states and provinces need to take some personal responsibility to delay the virus a bit and spread out hospitalizations.
  11. I'd wager the majority weren't voting for Biden, but against Trump.
  12. https://www.inforum.com/opinion/columns/6763734-Port-Theres-personal-responsibility-and-then-theres-obstinance
  13. I realize you're trying to argue, but I don't think we've disagreed on most issues relating to the virus response.
  14. Sure. Everybody who hasn't tested negative within the last 30 minutes needs to wear a mask when in public and social distancing can't be ensured.
  15. IMO, the CDC is a government agency that, like any political organization, will say things that aren't necessarily true in order to reach a desired outcome. For example, in March they said not to wear masks. Now we know they said that, not because masks don't help, but because they were attempting to conserve mask supplies for medical personnel.
  16. A person who isn't actively shedding the virus doesn't need to wear a mask. Now tell me, definitively, who is shedding the virus and who isn't. It's very clear, based on spread, that people shedding the virus are still interacting with others.
  17. Are you agreeing with the CDC on everything now, or are you still picking and choosing? Certain studies support that masks protect the wearer, others (such as the Danish study recently referenced) don't. So the science is unsettled at this point, although there is some support there, no doubt.
  18. What science did I deny? The science is clear that masks worn by infected persons reduce (not eliminate) spread. The science at this point doesn't fully support that masks protect the wearer. It's very strange to me that masks are the hill some have chosen to die on.
  19. But because the virus is transmissible even in the absence of symptoms, we don't know who is infected and who isn't. If masking gets people out of their homes and allows businesses to remain open, it's an incredibly small price to pay.
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