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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Interesting analysis of Sweden’s treatment of the Covid pandemic. And a discussion of why Japan & Korea have done so well. (Hint: stock up on your Vitamin D) by Biochemical Engineer Ivor Cummins.
  2. Plus, he did it by barely leaving his basement for the duration of the campaign. And when he did, he seldom traveled more than 200 miles from home. Truly miraculous!
  3. Seriously?! You are using Schiff-for-Brains as a credible source!?! Flynn should have been pardoned 4 years ago. I wonder if you have an org@§m every time you find one of these left wing articles to copy to smear President Trump and anyone who supports him.
  4. ‘Peaceful’ protests - OKAY Defending your home - NOT OKAY
  5. Justice Barrett will be a Constitutional adjucator, not a Republican foil.
  6. Heaven help us if/when this happens... oh that’s right... Harris & Co will outlaw Heaven
  7. Sounds an awful lot like Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff and the rest of the Democrats (including Obama’s Action for America) the past 4 years
  8. And there is no shortage of Republicans who are happy to see Trump out of office as well, regardless of winning or losing house races (but retaining Senate majority)
  9. Which was stronger? the anti-Trump vote or the anti-“squad” vote?
  10. Just got the following in an email have not confirmed it, but seems legit: Here are the last 10 years of total deaths in the US from all causes: 2010 • Deaths: 2,468,435 • Population: 309,346,863 .00798% of deaths to population 2011 • Deaths: 2,515,458 • Population: 311,718,857 .00807 2012 • Deaths: 2,543,279 • Population: 314,102,623 .00809 2013 • Deaths: 2,596,993 • Population: 316,427,395 .00821 2014 • Deaths: 2,626,418 • Population: 318,907,401 .00824 2015 • Deaths: 2,712,630 • Population: 321,418,820 .00844 2016 • Deaths: 2,744,248 • Population: 323,071,342 .00849 2017 • Deaths: 2,813,503 • Population: 325,147,121 .00865 2018 • Deaths: 2,839,205 • Population: 327,167,439 .00868 2019 • Deaths: 2,855,000 • Population: 329,110,439 .00867 2020 Something ain't right here?? • As of September 24th there are 2,033,736 total deaths in the US. That is a daily average of 7,588 deaths. 7,588 X 365 days= 2,769,620 being the total deaths we could expect in 2020 based on the numbers through 09/24/2020. So the question is this: How can we have less deaths in the US if there is a pandemic going on? For the last 100 years there has never been a decrease in total deaths per year in the US. If this were a normal year, with no pandemic, we should have around 2,875,000 deaths. But this isn’t a normal year so we should end up with around 3,200,000 deaths when you add in the Covid-19 deaths. Someone isn’t telling us the truth...(media and or government OR BOTH)!!!
  11. Fred Flintstone’s pet dinosaur and Dean Martin’s son who teamed up with Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz’s son and a third guy to record an album (old enough to remember vinyl records) In a band called Dino, Desi & Billy.
  12. I have always wondered why they Russians wanted Trump elected when the Clintons were already bought an paid for through Bill’s $500K speech and donations to the Clinton Foundation preceding and following Uranium One. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/429292-the-case-for-russia-collusion-against-the-democrats Campbell also warned that a major in-kind donor to the Clinton Global Initiative was simultaneously working for Rosatom while the decision for U.S. approval was pending before Hillary Clinton’s department. Ultimately, her department and the Obama administration approved the transaction. The evidence shows the Clintons financially benefited from Russia — personally and inside their charity — at the same time they were involved in U.S. government actions that rewarded Moscow and increased U.S. security risks. The intersections between the Clintons, the Democrats and Russia carried into 2016, when a major political opposition research project designed to portray GOP rival Donald Trump as compromised by Moscow was launched by Clinton’s presidential campaign and brought to the FBI.
  13. Are there enough moderate Republicans and Democrats to band together into a caucus that actually puts the welfare of America and its people first? Would it be enough to form a powerful centrist third party? Of course that will never happen, all the money goes to the extreme conservative and liberal factions.
  14. Article on greatgameindia.com implicates a Pelosi nephew and Clinton Foundation in Dominion voting machine connections. https://greatgameindia.com/dominion-voting-systems-rigged-us-elections/ GreatGameIndia is registered as a quarterly magazine with the Registrar of Newspapers for India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India
  15. A friend in Michigan went to vote on Nov 3 and was refused. She was told she had already voted by mail. She had not received a mail ballot nor voted by mail.
  16. Interesting. Have not seen the rest of this speech. What side of fraud is he referring to? These interviews were recorded before the results of the 2020 election were being reported... A longer and more in depth interview:
  17. Have to disagree. As a Trump voter/anti-Harris voter, it’s all over but the shouting. Too much fraud to be able to prove enough to change the outcome.
  18. Out of curiosity, how many on here predicted that Covid would become a non-issue after the election? asking for a friend...
  19. <in my best Monty Python voice> And now for something completely different
  20. Former Democratic Governor of Illinois Blagojevich on the process as he has seen it done. Stop the count when your candidate is behind and find votes during the delay. And yes, I know NewsMax is a very conservative network
  21. And the Republicans won’t launch a 3 year investigation in trying to find something... anything... to file impeachment charges instead of doing what they have been sent to Washington to do. On second thought, maybe that was a good thing... kept them distracted
  22. I really think Morgan Freeman has it right
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