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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. You seem to be much more emotionally invested in it. When did Matt Harvey piss in your cheerios? Before or after he had Tommy John?
  2. I'm a Twins guy but I have a soft spot for the Mets. Usually root for the NL. II don't believe in the DH. Doesn't feel right to have a player not have to bat and have a guy not have to field.
  3. How bad did they lose to BC? Bashing NDSU will not bother me one bit. That's back when I was on the wagon and they were not very good back then. In non-und news, Notre Dame beat UCONN Friday night. Plays them again today.
  4. I can be in many places at once. Develop a sense of humor. It was funny that the guy mentioned small schools beating bc, bc, um-tc, and welcoming them to the club when UND has lost to those three in recent meetings
  5. last time UND played the Gophers, I recall them losing right? Ditto on Michigan, BC and BU. . I can see why you'd cheer for those schools to beat those teams, it's because UND is unable to.
  6. on a more serious note, I don't like open enrollment. Grand Forks allows it, yes?
  7. i would tthink Big Red will do what it wants.
  8. Pitting B1G schools against each other I think will be good for them in time. Who knows though.
  9. Don gets to play against the cream of the Division 1 crop.
  10. just pick a name. Having two separate names seems like an awesome way to kkeep things unnecessarily complicated.
  11. ... Yeah nothing awkward about a bunch of people wearing NoDak apparel to a Roughrider game.
  12. the good ppeople of Grand Forks don't talk about the football team this time of year.
  13. Holy cow you are something else.
  14. today I learned that around 20 years is now nearly 50 years. Having a football game Thanksgiving weekend when the dorms are closed, on short notice, a week after the team embarrassed themselves, is asking for poor attendance. 12k seems about right. Teams are either very honest or under report playoff numbers as opposed to regular season when they are likely to inflate numbers.
  15. I've never seen her but I recall my sister making a comment about his wife being a dime.
  16. in 4th grade i beat it in about 20 minutes. Bought 16 oxen I believe, spent the rest on food. Set the pace to grueling or whatever the fastest speed was. One minute I'm in Independence, Missouri. The next I'm in Oregon.
  17. hope they pulled through. Though I've played Oregon trail enough to know illnesses can bbe difficult to overcome.
  18. where were they during the rest of the year?
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