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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Fumble on a run. Fumbled snap. So at least two. Not sure if they ruled otherwise on others.
  2. Going to tell us about the fumbles? Just because the offense recovers them does not make it acceptable.
  3. Mind filling everyone in how many fumbles he has? Debating if I should call him Everett Wentz or Carson Golson?
  4. Looks like exactly how I described him. Mediocre today.
  5. I think he meant what do you have that you are willing to part with...
  6. Have you considered that NDSU is significantly sexier right now than UND? If UND made it(and a substantial pilgrimage was taking place), it would be a big deal and I'm sure the coverage would be plenty satisfactory.
  7. I'm guessing if UND made it and had a major pilgrimage, that you'd see the same sort of deal going on.
  8. I believe he said they would need a different stadium(remodeled one near campus) in place for the move. I don't think it'll happen. He seems pretty confident in it, most other folks are very skeptical. And if UND was FBS, and asked NDSU to play a neutral site game while NDSU was FCS, I think it'd be silly to turn down. That'd be a way bigger coup than getting them to go to Fargo twice while both schools are fcs. Again, I don't see any of this happening. But I'm a 22 year old with zero control over any of that.
  9. They'd have their foundations buy enough tickets to get to the minimum is what he is saying. It's the Eastern Michigan model. The rule let's tickets sold count. I'm not involved in the NCAA so I don't know if it is something they would ever let happen. I think it's a dumb idea to go FBS with the intention of using sponsors or foundations to get to the minimum but if that's an avenue that is available and some schools choose to pursue it, that's their prerogative.
  10. At least they could go hunting right after the game without changing
  11. So what's your excuse then for being closer to the bottom of the hill than the top?
  12. We'll see about SEC. I still think it's the toughest conference to win. I'm just happy my guys got that monkey off of their back by beating LSU.
  13. Don't think Georgia Tech could be successful in the SEC, but they don't play there, and so it is not overly important. Kudos to Coach Johnson for showing folks that athleticism is only but a part of the equation.
  14. Michigan St and Miss St. Not creative... But they were both pretty good. If Georgia hadn't crapped against Florida, I'd sub them in for Miss St
  15. Next step... 8 teams. 5 power champs. 2 at large. 1 G5 team. A silly dream. But it'd be a nice next step. I still think 12 or 16 would be the best.
  16. My man Spurrier loves playing them early in the season. Says it's almost a given some of their starters are missing the game via suspension.
  17. Big Ben won't lose to a division rival when the chips are down. This year, Steelers have performed against the good teams. I expect that to continue.
  18. Happy day for Irish faithful. I was worried they would get trounced. Kelly apparently still hasn't lost the team. Look out.... Only going to get better
  19. I saw the tweet said something about a Jacksonville Jaguar coach... I'd presume it to be Bradley as well, but was it for sure him? That I do not know. Hope it isn't a huge deal or anything. Boosters should stay out... Tough for schools to regulate though.
  20. Did Bradley do it or did a different coach? Honestly I don't know. Would the NCAA just tell him not to do it again or?
  21. It was a disappointing situation and its embarrassing as a fan of Notre Dame and I imagine that it's equally or more embarrassing for the University and those involved with the football program. Unfortunately, that crap happens everywhere. I can say I know guys and girls that has happened to, probably has happened to some on this forum. Honestly, I think the University handled that one badly. I think, by looking at how they handled the guys investigated for academic misconduct, they'd likely handle it differently if it happens again.
  22. Every school has bad eggs. And every school makes mistakes. Some schools are better than the vast majority and Notre Dame is among those. We'll see if they are willing to change that in order to be a better football program
  23. Easy to use hindsight. Fact of the matter is, Notre Dame is better than everyone else who has any sort of dreams about winning a national title... Right with Stanford. Not without faults.... Service academies have big academic misconducts from time to time. You'll never see something like what UNC did at Notre Dame. You will never have a USC type thing happen there. Just cause the school you support has a proud proud history of being douchey towards Notre Dame doesn't mean you need to be the next Yost.
  24. We've had two years of Everett. He is regressing. Only way to see if Zaire is capable at all is to give him a shot. Really amazing/sad how Everett went from All America candidate to whatever words you want to describe his play by the end of the year. If the Irish don't win ten games next year, Kelly might be gone. Something tells me the next few years decide everything for ND. Tough to win with student athletes when other schools let guys who can't spell University of Alabama... Much less Tuscaloosa play for them.
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