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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. Nice post dagies. In a different thread I predicted we would sweep CC now we just half to make it up against Denver,MInn or SCSU. Hopefully the Sioux will keep up the strong play and secure home ice at least for the WCHA first round.

  2. How about Toews-Duncan-Porter haven't tried it yet this year. Oshie-Miller-Kozek, Kaip-Watkins-Fabian and the Frosh line of Zajac-Forney-VanVelde with Mertens to replace anyone who doesn't play well on Friday

  3. According to Brads blog the Sioux have scoring avg. not seen since Rube Bjorkman reign not good.If the Sioux start denting the twine a little more all of our defense mistakes won't be quite as glaring as there our now.The transition game is almost non-existent and almost no offensive pressure,except for cycling along the walls until the puck gets turned over and goes the other way. Time to try something different on the offensive side and fore-check. :ohmy:

  4. You apparently haven't read all 3 pages of this thread.... I believe a couple of people already mentioned he would lose a year of eligibility??

    And he doesn't know if he's coming back or not anyways... We'll just have to wait and see!


    I have read all three pages but maybe you could re-read them for me.No where does it say what happens if he comes back here next year only what happens if he takes a year off or doesn't get credits in Jr. college or plays a full year in the BCHL next year,maybe you should read the whole thing before jumping my s@#$ about reading the whole thread :blush::lol:

  5. Woah. I'm being as optimistic as possible about the Sioux and their chances for the 2nd half, but that is a tall order from any team.

    The way I see it of what is the most possible outcomes:

    Split or 1 point against CC (all the World Jr players are still gone).

    Split or 3 points against UAA.

    Sweep MSUM.

    Sweep UMD.

    Get swept by UMN.

    Split with SCSU.

    Split with DU.

    I think that type of scenario would put the team at around 8-6 for the 2nd half, which doesn't sound great, but is much better than their first half and at the same time should be enough to give them home ice. Hopefully they can get some wins in the Dartmouth Tourney and against BSU to strengthen their out of conference record as well, which would greatly help any chance they may have of making the NCAA's.

    The first half we had a lot of lot of close games that we didn't play very well or just didn't score, the tide will turn and I think we will go 10-4 in the WCHA and 14-4 overall. If Hakstol gives Greico some more starts it will help,maybe even try Walski. In the three seasons Lammy has played here he just doesn't get goal support for one reason or another. Kinda reminds me of Schweitzer vs Goehring in 97-98 season. Lets start the second half off with two wins,3rd or 4th liners step up with the World Jrs. players missing.
  6. The Sioux are currently in 8th place in the WCHA with a recored of 5-8-1(7-10-1 overall). They are 7 points from 2nd, 4 from 3rd, 3 from 4th and only 1 point from home ice. The Sioux need to sweep CC,AA,Mankato,UMD, split with UM,SCSU and DU. The Goalies need one less goal against and the Offense needs one more goal for,not real big goals but should be attainable. Hopefully Dane Jackson gets the penality kill figured out and we can become more physical without fear of taking a penality we can't kill.

    Toews and Oshie go on second half tears and Lee and Chorny come back from the World Jrs. ready to play like we all know they can. The Third and Fourth line start chpping in goals and we make it To the WCHA final five and then the NCAA's. (All I want for X-mas is a good 2nd half) :lol:

  7. I'm pretty sure all the current problems stem from Hakstol's facial expression behind the bench. I wish people would quit making other excuses.

    What he needs is a snarl, or a scowl. Snarl or scowl, either one would work. Maybe he could jump up on the dasher and hop around while snarling, or scowling.

    Snarl,sneer or scowl I don't care. Smile when you win I don't care just show some emotion. I don't know what goes on behind the scene but face value it seems to me that nobody gets to riled up win or lose.

  8. Emotion from the bench,not on Hakstols watch. Rewatching Sats. game at the end when Hakstol had Shepard at the bench it looked like Dane Jackson was trying to get into it with Shepard and Hakstol turned around and gave him the zip it look :lol:

  9. Maybe I shouldn't have posted "best". I think Hakstol is one hell of a recruiter and can sure find talent but I think he has problems firing up his team and getting them to play 60 minutes. Maybe that calm, nothing rattles me exterior doesn't fire up the team. Hakstol should let Eades do the pre-game speaches, we all know there is a litte fire inside him. When Hakstol played here he hit every thing that moved and he wasn't the biggest guy out there,we need some of that attitude now.


    I am positive we can play better

    I am positive we don't have the best coaching

    I am positive Oshie and Toews will score more in the second half

    I am positive we need to rotate goalies

    I am positive that I will get ripped for this reply

  11. Another weekend at home and swept again :silly: I know I will be bashed for this but oh well. Hakstol and his staff are not getting it done,no offense,poor defense-penality killing and absolutly no fire from this team what so ever. The post game interview on the radio Hakstol said he didn't know(yes that is what he said) what was wrong, the team is looking for a few breaks. Shouldn't the team be making their own breaks sometimes? This team puts almost zero pressure on the other teams defense and has to spend lots of energy defending their own end. It's easy to blame the Goalie on the losses but the defense just doesn't clear out rebounds or bodys in front of their own net,makes it tough to play goalie on this team right now. This team has way too much talent to be in 8th place in the WCHA with two games in hand.Hakstol hasn't had the best record at home since he was GIVEN the job After Blais left. In two and 1/2 seasons can anyone honestly say Hakstol has out coached anyone,hmmmm.For all of you who think I am busted up from jumping off the bandwagon it wasn't that far after the wheels came off this weekend :silly:

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