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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Not sure if this is what you wanted....? Check out @bodonnell21's Tweet: https://twitter.com/bodonnell21/status/633007035529887748?s=09
  2. That part is the kicker, the people from California had standing, not the local Sioux people, you know the people that were suppose to allow or not allow this? We do not have to go over this again. I would have loved to been there in the courtroom.....with you. Especially when the judge asked "aren't they Sioux enough" when they didn't get a chance to make a stand! As far as showing merit, I guess some people take their elders ceremony's more to heart than others...
  3. Loadholt out for the season, Clemmings I believe came in and looked good. Never been a big fan of Loadholt...
  4. Hendricks (54) is having a huge half! Fumbles on the 3rd+ string rb's is brutal..
  5. Let's go Vikes, D looks good, Teddy looked good. There is a buzz in the air!!
  6. Man....I feel gfhockey pity for you, I don't know what it is You hang in there champ...
  7. Yes we do disagree on a lot of things, but respect is a great thing! Thanks, but don't waste your time explaining it to the tool bag.
  8. You poor thing, at least you have your grammer...lol. What a tool bag
  9. People dont agree with you so spew your hate and criticism! Typical...
  10. Just how did they lose? They didn't even get a turn! You should read their book to actually know the truth. Knowing why they chose that title (aren't they Sioux enough) explains a lot. The title is a direct quote from the judge, because the Sioux people didn't even get a say in all of it. Some other people from California spoke for them, and didn't speak what they (the local Sioux people) felt about it. Powerful people made sure this happened. I can borrow you my copy if you want?
  11. Wow, the guppies are biting big time...
  12. That was on purpose Sic, but I figured it was hook line and sinker for Hayduke, not you Either way it worked....
  13. Are you two the same person? Did you forget what name you started under....lol.
  14. Just so everyone knows my stance on this, if ND was on the ballot and RR won the vote, I would be happy for the UND and my favorite hockey team! Realistically though, if ND is on the ballot it will win in a landslide, IMO....Go Sioux!
  15. Now thats a majority! Funny how so many think this is a huge response, well..….except some on SS.com. Nice work students, take a bow! The true stake holders have spoken!
  16. I agree...plus sent two days ago, seems like an impressive turnout to me But....don't take this moment from jdub, he is tickled.
  17. I think Oxbow should be worried! The Pack are gonna have a fight on their hands! Go Vikes!!! In Teddy we trust! Is there a way to tag people like Oxbow on these now so they know it was addressed to them?
  18. Seriously? You want to go over this for tenth gazillion ith time? Note my non-UND education problem there? I don't want to Sic, I respect yours and their views on it, and understand why you think that way, but I don't agree with it. I have shared why I don't believe it! But I also don't write it on here over and over and over and over! That's all I was saying, love to see different views show up and read them, but to see the same no guarantee to happen doom and gloom copied and pasted every other post is a little too much...peace.
  19. Dont know why but this interview makes me jacked up! The news lately has been exciting! Got home from the cabin tonight and my tickets were there!! Come on season, let's go! Go Sioux!!
  20. lol, thats funny. I cant wait to get the same vote opportunity as you on the nickname, and rub it in your face!
  21. Tru-dat! The Tavern also for bone in wings, BWW boneless is all breading now they use to be so good! Green mill has the best boneless IMO, Asian Zing...
  22. Wow, its been two, three days since you two wrote this nauseating......! I was worried some of us, "not as smart as you people" may have forgot about the doom and gloom chance in hell.....thank you!
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