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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Shouldn't Minnesota put the priority on scheduling other Minnesota schools? As much as I enjoy the rivalry I'd rather play other Minnesota schools (mostly UMD) every year and get a road game out east (BC/BU) every year.

    I think any games between UMN and UND for the next couple years will be happening either in national tourny's or in Minneapolis.

    I like how Mn fans make light of this rivalry, you guys are the only people that do this!

    The players say otherwise when interviewed, the announcers say otherwise during games, and all of this watching the series in Mn!

    Now you guys say like you have anything to say about it(this is funny) "we might play UND but it will be in Mn"

    I mean come on, who do you think you are? Seriously!!

    Any true hockey fan would be demanding this rivalry to continue!!

    • Upvote 2
  2. Yes!!! There is a very good reason for that, and it is a little something called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I have the right to say whatever I want to whoever I want, and if they attack me physically I can press charges. It's called assault. I'm supporting something that is protected by law, while you appear to be advocating something that is against the law.

    This comment right here is the true definition of a PUSSY!

    "I can say what I want, it's my right!" "But if you touch me afterwards I will sue you"

    If people face NO consequence for their actions or verbal assault, than when will they ever stop?

    Or better yet, when will they ever learn?

    Get real!!!

    • Upvote 1
  3. You must be looking at USCHO... their columns are somewhat misleadingly labeled. Their number of pairwise comparisons won is 29, but winning more is better, so winning 29 is good for being #2 in PWR (PairWise Ranking).

    As to the topic of the thread... I agree. It's been a long time since I've heard anyone talking about where a college hockey team was in the polls, or hoping to rise in the polls. Experts seem to think KRACH is a better non-biased ranking, and PWR is all that matters for the tourney.

    Yes it is uscho, and ah, I understand now!


    By the way, what website do you guys use for this info?

  4. What ranking are you looking at? Duluth is 2nd in both RPI and PWR.

    First off I never said I totally understand this ranking stuff!

    But I go to pair wise rankings and the RPI column says #2 and the PWR says #29, and the team ranking says #2, right before the name Duluth.

    That's all I stated......

  5. The all importance of having your conference do well in non-conference games. That is why the WCHA teams, other than Duluth, are struggling so badly in the PWR. The WCHA didn't have impressive showings against the CCHA or HE. This is why Minnesota is so far down the PWR. Minnesota didn't help their own cause going only 4-4-1 in non-conference. Including a loss to Vermont which really hurts them.

    Just keep in mind that the PWR are extremely close right now from 3 to about 18. It's possible that if Mass-Lowell is swept this weekend they can fall to 16 in the PWR.

    Looks like the two top WCHA teams are struggling with PWR, not the WCHA!

  6. Hockey is not like basketball where starters are the best players and play 35+ minutes of a 40 minute game. Its not the same thing. Hockey is about match ups with the opposing teams' lineup. It's funny to me to hear hockey parents bragging and seeing them puff out their chests because their kid was a "starter" at last night's high school game.

    Its an honor thing, thats it. Everybody knows the starters in hockey don't play much more that the rest, but it is an honor to be announced at the start of the game as the "starter"!

  7. Read what I wrote again. Every sports market has "homers" covering their teams. And we can agree to disagree on Reusse. Everyone I know can't stand him.

    I'm sure that hatred is real big now that this truth was spoken about the "almighty hang a banner in December goofs world"

    This is funny!

  8. Are you really sure you want to use Patrick Reusse as a source?

    In all seriousness, the media in every market is biased towards the teams they cover. I've had this discussion with Bruce Ciskie (UMD play-by-play guy and Packer, Brewers, and Badger football fan) a number of times. He openly admits to being a homer at times, and I think Mazz and Shaver would say the same. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe LaPanta is a UND fan.

    There were many people who watch, follow, and cover the Gophers who were upset with Mark Alt's hit. It was a dirty hit. Just because it wasn't mentioned with the other hits FSN cited as examples in their broadcast, I don't think that means anyone condones the hit.

    And I'm sorry, but there isn't anything that makes UND fans more knowledgable than Gopher fans. There are die hard and fringe fans in both fan bases. Statements to the contrary just make you sound silly.

    One thing I have Not done in my life is go on ANY goofer only website and spew my anti goof talk!

    So to answer you back!

    Statements to the contrary just make YOU sound silly. :whistling:

  9. The homers in the MSP media market are epic!! which leads to the delusion that is the MSP sports fan in particular Gopher hockey. It is so bad that other media outlets are starting to call them out on it..


    Today the Gophers control the WCHA media message... it is going to be funny when they start to whining about the Big 10. The Gophers had better get used to not controlling its destiny in terms of college hockey. Instead of Lucia driving the bus, he is going to be taking orders from "Red" and that is going to drive them nuts.

    This is so spot on, i cant believe it!

    Now do one on the goofer fan base which is the same as the announcers!!! I love it, so true!

    They will want the trubune writers head for this one LMAO

    The comment about goofs taking orders from Red is awesome also! Future looks fun......

  10. Oh well, npw I KNOW the Husky fans don't understand the game, since they DID chant SIEVE. :D

    I dont know how guys can complain about this, it happens at the Ralph every game! Our students make me feel uncomfortable when we are losing and than score they chant "sieve"

  11. If I remember correctly, when it was announced several months ago that he had this injury it was stated that he could have the surgery then and his season would be over or he could wait and see if he could play with the injury.

    I read this same thing, and it also was stated that this is a birth defect not a result of an injury! Playing with it will not cause damage but is very painful! That is why the attempt of letting it rest to try salvage some play time.

  12. I dont know why no other comments are on here about this, but all Ihave to say is, HELL YEA!

    Everything about this change was so uncomfortable last weekend you could sense it!

    It was like a pitcher in baseball getting to the playoffs and than being told he now needs to change his throwing motion because even tho he has used it for years, it now seems illegal!

    Now out of sync!

  13. It sure stinks of jealousy to me, but when you've played for 50 years longer than most programs, I'd sure hope you'd have the most wins. Perhaps you should hang a few more banners for that...I'm a little surprised they don't have a banner for each win.

    The funniest thing i have ever read right here, i love it!

    Why do we have to argue with rodents on our site? I dont get it!

    Fightingsioux23, your first post to this matter is so true and spot on!

  14. I was just reading comments on the Star Tribune about the Blood incident. All I can say is WOW, those people think that UMTC players have halos and never do anything wrong, at least Sioux fans can admit something is wrong and should not have happened. One of them said that the slash never happened and went on to say Blood went after Rau because Rau is better then all Sioux players. Just the total disregard for any facts of the situation. It just blows my mind that fans are that stupid.

    Now they need to get at least 3 points this week. I think they can beat them but they need to stay out of the box and play smart hard nosed hockey. Go Sioux!

    I never read the comments anymore on there!

    I have never seen a group of followers complain about things that they are SO well known for?

    Its laughable! One quote was "that Kristo and Blood thing makes the Hirsch thing seem like nothing" I couldnt believe i just read that! Total mental melt down is nothing compared to two guys losing their cool?

  15. I got it and returned it months ago. I think it was before any announcement of the NCHC, I do think they were getting feelers out on the location for the new conference final five. I chose the rotation I think, I like going out of town for this tourny. But I would not go to it if it was WCHA and not the NCHC. So answering that one question on this topic was unfair because I had no idea the Sioux were leaving the WCHA.

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