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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Really, what was MN supposed to do? Drop out of the Big Ten for "the good of college hockey"? Come on, let's be realistic about it. I'm not going to get in a pissing match, but why was it only up to MN to do "what is good for college hockey"? What about UND, DU, CC, MIami, SCSU, UMD, UNO and WMU? All of those schools had the ability to help a lot of other schools. It's disingenuous to act as though their hands were tied and this was something that they had to do. It's something they wanted to do. And that's fine. It's their right to do that and if they are better off for it, it's all good. But, please, let's stop acting as though college hockey programs are above the money-grab that all college athletics have become. There is no such thing as acting for "the good of college hockey". MN and WI aren't immune from that and neither is UND or anyone else in the NCHC.

    I know that you guys automatically think cynically about MN, and that's fine. But they have been making the best of a bad situation. Yes, the Big Ten started everything, but, realistically, they weren't going to be able to stop it without screwing over every other athletic program that they have. The only option that was available was to go with the flow, join the Big Ten and preserve as many of the relationships as possible. Yes, that might mean that they default to the other MN schools, but they're doing exactly what they've always said they would do. They are being stewards of the game in the state of Minnesota. Maybe it's a PR ploy and maybe they truly believe that's their role. I don't know and, frankly, it doesn't matter. They are doing what's best for hockey in the state of Minnesota.

    All that being said, what's done is done. I think MSU will actually come out of this in a pretty good position. It's not where I would like us to be, but we'll be fine.

    Let's be realistic! When they left the WCHA, it changed the voting process in WCHA. The no money schools would have the more power, where do you think that would get UND, DU, etc.....? What choice did they realistically have?

  2. Honestly, from a Mankato perspective, MN is treating us a hell of a lot better than anyone else that's leaving the conference. They have agreed to both the "Minnesota Cup" and, for the first 2 years, a home-and-home series with Kato. I have also been told that it's probably going to morph into a 4-year agreement in which it's a home-and-home for 3 years and the 4th year MN has a home series, but they will have to pay a hefty price for that 4th year. I think that's going to be the way it works from this point forward. MN is going to have to play more return trips simply due to the fact that they aren't going to get enough schools to come in and play them without a return trip. They've got to fill up their schedule since the league is smaller and they are going to need to play more return trips. There is no upside for most schools to go to Mariucci without getting either return trip OR a very large check paid to them.

    I hate to break it to you guys, but if there is anyone that MSU fans are really disgusted with it's the schools in the NCHC. Minnesota has been classy through this entire transition and Lucia has done and said all the right things. I, personally, gained a whole new respect for Minnesota and the way they are going about their business. I historically haven't defended the Gophers in hockey, but after this, I can't say anything bad about the way they are going about their business.

    This is funny, disappointed with NCHC, but happy with what Mn is doing with all this? Did I read you correct? Who do you think started all of this!?

  3. The question remains whether they will play those games in the other teams arenas or insist on playing only at home. The only thing that the other Minnesota teams will miss about plaing UM is the revenue from the ticket sales.

    Nothing like a team that believes they are "entitled"!

    Can't wait for this new league to start, than showing how elite it is, and maybe some entitled team may want to play teams from that elite league called the NCHC! ;)

  4. I would really question Minnesota's numbers. They claim 9,000 plus attendance all the time even though you can see huge amounts of empty seats. Are they counting people there or tickets sold?

    Every place counts it the same way, season ticket holders are counted as sold, whether they show up or not!

  5. I would really question Minnesota's numbers. They claim 9,000 plus attendance all the time even though you can see huge amounts of empty seats. Are they counting people there or tickets sold?

    Every place counts it the same way, season ticket holders are counted as sold, whether they show up or not!

  6. The NCAA is nothing more than a bully. Don't be afraid of the bully, punch him in the mouth. He isn't half as tough as you think he is. I can't believe how spineless some people are on this topic. I'm grateful that those of you who feel that way are in the minority overall (not on this forum).

    This shocks me, after you jumped my post about Blood and Rau in the line saying Rau smarted off and that's why Blood hit him! You said that doesn't warrant his actions! But you say this above? I don't get it, please explain.....

  7. Plus the Gophers play home games on an olympic size sheet. Last time I checked the X was NHL sized. Which one of the two teams plays home games on an NHL sized rink? Advantage UND at the X.

    You can't be serious? Are you Chopper?

    If your conditioned to skate on big ice, than you play on small ice, wouldn't that make you better? Do you think they built the mariucci Olympic size ice to make a disadvantage for themselves? WOW!

  8. Good stuff Dave,

    Going to be a great game to watch! I really didn't think the Sioux would win last Friday night, and feel the same for today! I hope the results are the same! It is so awesome to be a Fighting Sioux fan, it is amazing how proud a fan like me can feel to wear a teams jersey like our Fighting Sioux jersey! Win or lose, outstanding season boys and thank you!

    GO SIOUX!!!!!

  9. This whole Mario thing started when the poster said he sucks. No he isn't great and no he isn't a big time scorer and no he isn't the most gifted player but what he lacks in those departments he makes up with hard work and grit. No he does not suck.

    Well said!

  10. I would watch the arrogance, I remember when gopher fans were giving North Dakota fans what for after the Blake Wheeler goal that gave them the Final Five and seems to me they had their come uppance a week later when the Sioux ended their season in the regionals. I would doubly watch it since the Sioux may indeed have to play the gophers again at the "X" in a similar type situation, only they would basically have home ice.

    There is no arrogance, it is a response to his arrogance! I listened to their crap all day around town and said nothing! I never brag about what's to come, like goof fans did all day Friday! But I will comment afterwards!

    Never been prouder to wear that beautiful Sioux jersey in my life!!!!!!!


    Win or lose this is a hero team!

  11. Where is that dip"@&$ buckysieve, what happened to the already crowned goofs?

    You can have all the no meaning games you want! But a Sioux victory when it counts, awesome!!!


    Three Pete!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Glad to see someone finally figured out what I'd said. ;)

    The problem is that if the Sioux do lose, the real fans will still be there on Saturday night with the colors on beaming with pride! Not everybody will leave if the Sioux will lose! So I'm saving my green jersey for Saturday night wether we win or lose!


  13. This is the game, the atmosphere, the pressure, the adrenalin rush we ALL have been waiting for!

    Tonight 7:00 pm at the X!

    Two teams that show true hatred towards each other, but if you are a true hockey battling fan, you know the love for this matchup!



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