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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Ok, for the 3,145 time, I have tried to put a photo in a topic, at my profile, etc...................... where is the function for this?

    I go to my media, it is empty, with NO button to upload photos!

    I got great Fighting Sioux presents for Christmas and wanted to put them on here to show them mounted in my garage, "man cave".

    Why is this so difficult, or is it just me?

    Don't tell me to do it the same way I did my profile picture, because I couldn't get that either and had to have an administrator get it from me on Photobucket, I want to know how to do this!

  2. You need to learn some of the history of the double-headed eagle. Your perspective is a couple thousand years too short.


    Here is what I was referring to.

    I also know that the Nazi symbol, swaztica (spelling?) was a holy symbol before they used it, and the upside down star in a circle which supposedly is the sign of the devil is also a holy symbol, before Motley Crue used it, lol.

    I don't need a history lesson, just thought these symbols would cause a bad reaction, that's it.

    You know it will be a cold day in hell when I figure out how to put pictures on this website. I do this on several other blog sites, but not this one I guess????

    So no photo, sorry. It was a picture from Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark..

  3. [quote name='MafiaMan' timestamp='1

    323824477' post='531044']

    One pet peeve of mine (and it is noticeable during the Final Five games at the X) is that you can tell the Sioux fans from everyone else because the local fans here understand the need to wait for the whistle before scampering to their seat or up the steps. The last time I was in Grand Forks, I had to get up every six seconds to let 3-8 people by me so they could go grab a beer. I'm all in favor of standing and cheering and being a hockey fan, but doesn't anyone actually WATCH the game without leaving their seat for a beer/potty break every 30 seconds? I'd much rather watch a game knowing I don't have to divert people traffic all around me while the puck is in play.

  4. Sitting in my seat at the Ralph, enjoying the play of the boys. Some (lets be nice here) guy behind me, every weekend, yells

    at the Sioux players when they get the puck behind Dell's net waiting for a move from the opponent! While there they hold the puck and wait to set up the play and I hear "Come on, lets go, geez!" Like the players are going to look up at him and say, "oops sorry I forgot to move" Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me?

    Like any drunk in the stands can tell any of the players the better way to play the game.

    I know just ignore it, but that's me, GO SIOUX!!!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Dude, who cares? What difference does this all make?

    Also some of the council members campaigned on the

    promise of the nickname, and when it all came down to it

    they were silent, just like politicians. Anyways just wanted to share

    my story and find out if anyone else had heard this. I also agreed

    with your statement, just not your numbers, because all of this is a pc scam!

  6. Purely wishful thinking. Does not matter what SL does without SR coming along, which will never happen because the supporters there, aka Archie Fool Bear, do not have the respect of the tribe. How can I say they do not have the respect? Look at their last election. A small group, and it is a very small group, considering that less than 1% voted in favor of it. That is one percent of all Sioux and only 10% of SL members. Does not seem to be a lot of support as it is made out to be.

    I think it is wishful also, but your numbers are wrong.

    The petition signed in favor of having the vote was 2/3's, but didn't

    get to vote. The other tribe already voted and it passed with the majority, so I don't know where you get your numbers.

  7. Had a guy pull up behind me when I parked my truck in Wadena, MN today.

    He asked where I got my big Fighting Sioux sticker in my back window. It is unique and you can see through it on my back window. I told him the printing/graphics shop behind Darceys on north Washington in GF, ND.

    What was interesting was what he said about the name being dropped and a waiting period of a new name being made was by design. He claimed his brother works for the UND and said they are saving the school by dropping the name now, but promises the name will given back to UND in ceremony from the tribes again after their suing of the NCAA is victorious and it will be he claimed! Has anyone else heard this awesome news?

  8. I tried to discuss other scores. Specifically, I was hoping for some DU vs CC discussion as they are very good teams.

    As a Gopher supporter I like DU and CC better in the long run.

    How can you say your on here to talk hockey when you describe yourself "as a mole to uncover truths about the Sioux hockey team"

    Why don't you go away?

  9. What does it matter? We can't say anything -- positive or negative -- without you immediately going over to GPL to repeat it.

    It's quite childish, but hey, I realize you don't have anything better to do.

    Adding to your response brianvf about GPL troll.

    What is funny about the loser is that on their GPL all they talk about is the Sioux!

    I can't believe how head over heels they are about anything Sioux, its quite funny!

    A split between our two biggest rivals couldn't be a better thing for the soon to be ALMIGHTY SIOUX!

    Things are looking up, can't wait for the real Sioux season to start.................

    They will keep improving and than December comes around and BOOOM!

    What will be scary is when someone figures who he is and he runs into the wrong person, which he thinks is funny!

    Not that I support anything physical, (i love the verbal, respectful abuse, giving and receiving) but some over the top fans will take it further!

    GO SIOUX!!

  10. Why is everyone panicking? Do you remember the last time the Sioux got swept from the goofs? 1996-1997!

    Look in the ceiling at the Ralph to see how that year went!

    Its the first week of Nov, they have played three conference teams, two on the road, what do you expect?

    Let these teams get going and play the teams who the Sioux have played already than lets evaluate!

    December is always beautiful for the boys!

    Yes they lost, but if your not excited about Dell looking like Dell, and Grimaldi looking to be the sh*t!

    I hate the lose more because of who it was, not the lose itself! Things will be fine, GO SIOUX!!!!

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